Monthly Post {Ruy & Liam} February 2014

Ruy - February 2014

- You held Alanna while standing up for the first time.

- One day while we were driving to a store, you saw Jared's.  You said "Look Mom! That's the only place that sells jewelry made of chocolate! I saw the commercial on TV!" 

- We took a family morning to the Children's Museum, and then you went to the batting cages with Daddy for the first time. I can not believe I forgot to send a camera with Nathan that day!

-We had a fun Valentine's Day party with Chloe, Lily, and Ruby.  You and Chloe had lots of fun making chocolate covered strawberries!  You painted a beautiful picture of a tree made from your hand print!  You accidentally poked your eye with a wire while trying to do a craft.  I thought you tore something in it but thankfully you did not and you were ok! 

- You lost your second tooth!  
You were so sad when you got up the morning after you lost the tooth.  You didn't find any money under your pillow!  I told you it had to be there.  I went into your room to help you look for it and found Liam holding $2 on his bed.  The money must have fallen down onto his bed while you were looking for it.  Liam looked pretty confused as to what he was holding and why it was on his bed.  We got a good laugh from it and you were very happy to have your $2.  

- We built a snowman together.  We named him Pete.  We used M&Ms for his eyes and nose. They made the snow turn blue,orange and brown.  He didn't last long though.  You destroyed him.  You said you were wresting him..Poor Pete! 

 - You decided Army men were awesome and wanted everything army.  Daddy went out and bought you some army clothes and now we can't get you to take them off!  You want to sleep in them every night and then wear them every day.  :) You do not understand why I have to wash them.


Liam - February 2014 

- You got your hair cut and for the first time, didn't cry through the whole thing!  You sat still and only whined for a little bit because you got stressed about having hair on your hands.  You REALLY wanted a sucker!  I was so proud of you. 

- You had fun at our Valentine's Day Party as well.  You loved the chocolate covered strawberries but mostly just the chocolate.  I kept finding you licking the chocolate off the strawberries and then re-dipping it back into the chocolate. 

- You got really sick again this month.  I know...we are both over it.  You got another double ear infection, and some sort of throwing up virus that lasted about 48 hours.  

- I started potty training you.  You wanted nothing to do with it at first but have progressively gotten better and better at it.  I still have to remind you to go potty most of the time but you are dry after your nap and at night time (10-12 hours of sleep) which is amazing!  

- I kissed you good night the other night on the cheek instead of your lips.  You grabbed me and said "No Mommy, on my mouth!"  And made me kiss you again on your lips.  Your little hands on my face, pulling me down to kiss your sweet little lips was so precious.  

- I was taking off your socks and said "I got your sockys!"  You thought it was funny and have now been calling me "socky" ever since. 

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