Alanna Four Months

Four Months
March 14, 2014
? pounds ? ounces ? inches *(I had every intention of taking her in and getting her weighed and measured within a few days of turning 4 months.  However, a storm came, then my sister came into town, then we got sick with the flu and I just haven't been able to get it done.  I'm hoping to take her in this coming week.)

You are now sleeping between three and eight hours straight each night.  The past two weeks you have slept eight hours almost every night.  The first night you slept that long, I woke up just minutes before you did.  I jumped out of bed to make sure you were ok.  You could probably sense me near you because you woke up right after that.  I moved your crib into your room on March 12.  I was very nervous about doing this.  Ruy slept in a crib next to my bed until he was 2.5 years old, and Liam slept in bed next to me until he was 14 months old.  You sleep so much better at night than they did though, so I felt that it would be good for Daddy and me to have our room back.  I still plan on putting you in bed with me to nurse once you wake up though.  I love that time with you.  Before I know it, you will not want to nurse at night and I will miss these moments.  

You love kisses.  When you feel my lips, you open your sweet little mouth.  You leave drool all over me but I don't mind.  Daddy loves your sweet kisses too!  Ruy and Liam do not appreciate the drool.  Liam always says "ew yuck!  Lanna drooling on me!" 

You found your fingers.  You like to suck on them.  Sometimes you suck on them and put yourself back to sleep.  The other night, you were making such loud smacking sounds it won't me up.  

You have the cutest double chin when you smile really big.  You have a little dimple in your chin.  I love the little dimples on your elbows and your hands.  I love to kiss them.  I love your soft baby skin.  It is so smooth and perfect.  You love when Daddy or I kiss your belly.  It makes you laugh.  You have a small bald spot on the back of your head.  It is adorable.  

You try to talk more and more all the time.  You coo and laugh.  You also make an adorable high squeaky sound when you are really excited.  

  You get so happy to see Daddy when he gets home from work.  As soon as you hear his voice, you start looking for him.  You will turn your head to watch him as he is walking around the house. 

You are so alert.  You love to look around and see what is going on.  Your brothers distract you a lot while you are nursing.  Sometimes it is hard to get you to nurse because you want to see what they are doing so bad. You are very sensitive to loud noises.  You do not like screaming, especially when you are trying to nurse or sleep.

Your favorite things are your pacifier, your bunny, and your little brown blanket.  You fall asleep holding onto your blanket for every nap and at night.  You do not fall asleep as well without it.  

You still love taking baths.  You love feeling the water.  If you are upset, you will stop crying once you get into the bath tub. 

You like to roll over from your tummy to your back.  You are trying to roll from your back to your tummy but you can't get it just yet.  I have a strong feeling you will crawl and walk earlier than your brothers did.

You are the sweetest little girl ever!  You bring so much joy into all of our lives!
Happy Four Months Baby Girl!

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