Family Trip To The Zoo

This past weekend, Nathan was off work and it was not snowing for a change, so we decided to head to the zoo.  My Dad came with us and we had such a wonderful day!  We got family passes this year, so I'm really excited about lots of fun times with the boys.  

It was Liam and Alanna's first time at a zoo.  Alanna of course, was too young to understand, but Liam LOVED it!  He loved the monkeys and the giraffes.  He was really scared of the camels though because of the noise they kept making.  He grabbed me and said "They going to get me Mommy!"  I felt bad for him, but it was actually pretty cute. He liked the flamingos as well.  He has a hard time saying the "fl" sound.  He usually says a "th" sound instead.  So when he saw the flamingos he said "thlingos!!!" 

 Ruy loved the Orangutan.  The Orangutan tried to spit on Ruy and my Dad, which Ruy thought was awesome!  Boys...why do they love anything that is gross? :)  Ruy also loved the giraffes.  Both the boys got to pet one and feed one.  Giraffes are so soft and sweet.  I loved them too! 

We spent about three hours there and by the end of the day, Liam was pretty worn out.  He wasn't too thrilled when I asked for a family picture.  But I'll take what I can get :)  He crashed out pretty hard on the way home.  The boys have talked about all the animals at the zoo for the past few days and can't wait to go back!  

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