The First Day of Spring

Today was the first day of Spring! I was so happy today when I woke up and realized we were going to have a warm, sunny day!  I knew today was going to be a major cleaning day, so I was looking forward to being able to open up the windows and doors while I cleaned.  The 24 hour flu bug that is going around, just came through our house this week.  So our house really needed to be cleaned and disinfected. 

We headed out for a little family walk/bike ride (Ruy & Liam ride bikes while we walk) after Liam and Alanna's nap.  I had Nathan snap a few pictures of me and my sweet girl before taking our walk.  I tend to forget to get in pictures with the kids and that's something I'm trying to work on this year.

There is something about the warmth of the sun that just fills my soul with such happiness.  I have been aching for Spring to get here.  I'm hoping we are pretty much past the cold, rainy, snowy days!

Welcome Spring 2014!  

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