Closing Lauren Zeigler Photography

Yes, you read the title to this post right.  I am closing Lauren Zeigler Photography.  

A part of me feels so relieved, and the other part feels like I am a failure.  I have struggled with this decision for some time now.  I had thought that after I had Alanna, I would try to build my business up, get more fans, book more sessions...but there was always this feeling in my heart that that was not the right thing to do.

Once I had Alanna, I knew.  I knew there was no way I could continue the business, but I didn't want to admit it to myself or anyone else.  I felt like a failure.  I saw so many other moms running their photography business successfully, and having young children.  What was wrong with me?  Why could I not handle it?  

I have finally realized...I am not those other photographers.  Their life is not my life.  What they do does not determine what is best for me.  I am not a failure just because I feel I can not run a business at this time and give 100% to my family.  I am putting my family first...and that is not failing. 

My husband works over 300 hours a month and is full time in school.  I am home taking care of three children, and home-schooling.  I do not have family members that can watch my children.  Running a business is very time consuming.  And at this time in my life, it is not the best thing for our family. 

 I have every desire to one day start my business back up, but I do not know when that will be.  Maybe one year from now, maybe five, maybe ten.  Until then, I will continue to learn and grow.  
 I will continue to capture my children's lives through photography.
They were my inspiration for starting my business...the whole reason I fell in love with photography.  My family is my world.  And right now, they need me more than my business does.

I am finally at peace.  

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