As the new year approaches, I have started thinking about some goals for 2016.  I don't do resolutions because they really never last but I do like to set goals.  I think it's important to write your goals down so you can go back and look back on them at the end of the year and see how you did at meeting them. I'll probably do post updates throughout the year on how I'm doing at meeting these goals.  
Here are what my goals are for 2016:

1.  Read my Bible & pray more
 *This is something I always want to do daily, but with four kids I always feel like someone is demanding my attention.  It's hard to find a quiet moment.  I'm trying to stop feeling like I have to be totally alone to pray or read my Bible.  Yes, I do think it's important to have some time in quiet praying but in the season of life I am's rare.  And if I sit around waiting to pray or read my Bible until I have no kids near me or am in complete silence, I will never really read my Bible or pray.  I'd like to either try to wake up in the morning a little earlier than I am now or probably the best idea would be to read my Bible and pray as soon as I get all of the kids to bed.  I've always been the type of person who liked to do this in the morning but with having a newborn, it might be easiest to do it in the evening. 

2.  Work out 3-5 times a week
*I haven't worked out in so long.  I was so committed after I had Liam but then seriously dropped the ball on it once I got pregnant with him.  So it's been several years since I worked out and I have missed it so much.  I started doing P90x3 again this week and I am so happy with it.  I've been working out during nap time/quiet time and so far it's worked out very well.  I'd prefer to get up at 6am to work out but I'm not sure if  Jude would go to sleep in his crib at that time.  I'm trying to convince myself to give it a try because I'd really much rather have my workout done first thing in the morning.  But as long as I'm getting it done at some point during the day then I'm happy.  I have so much more energy when I work out and I really want to work on feeling more confident in my own skin.  I think working out is so important for both of those reasons. 

3.  Eat healthier
*Our family already eats really healthy but since a few months into my pregnancy with Jude, and then with the holidays, I slacked off in some areas and I really have been feeling the affects of it.  I've had more headaches and less energy. I've been doing really great this week and I feel better already.  The biggest area I struggle in is desserts.  There are so many amazing Trim Healthy Mama desserts that I love.  I just need to get back into the routine of making them on the weekends so that I have them to eat for the rest of the week. 

4.  Drink more water
*I love water.  Besides my 1-2 cups of coffee each day, water is pretty much the only thing I drink.  But lately I haven't been drinking enough water, especially since I'm nursing.  I'd really like to be drinking 96-128oz of water each day.  Right now I'm drinking about 64oz each day. 

5.  Budget my groceries better
 * We're trying to save money & pay off debt right now and one of the ways I can really help with that is by sticking to a tight grocery budget.  My goal is to spend $125 or less each week on groceries.  This does not include household items.  This is for food items only. 

6.  More dates with my husband
*My husband and I have only been on about 4 dates (just him and me) since having Liam.  We've been on a few other dates bringing our nursing baby along but those were very few as well.  We're tight on money right now, but I'd still like for us to go on more dates.  I'd like to find some ideas of things to do that cost little or no money at all.  Maybe a walk at the park, sharing an ice cream, out to coffee.  If you have any ideas for this, please do share. :) 

7.  Spend more time with the kids
*I're thinking "you're a stay at home home-schooling mom.  How much more time do you need to spend with your kids?"  Yes, I'm home all day every day with my kids but life is busy and there are days where I feel like even though I have been with my kids...I haven't really been with my kids.  I strive to spend time alone with each kid every day even if it's only for 5-10 minutes.  I've found that just this small amount of one on one time makes such a huge difference in the child's behavior.  They are usually much happier and sweeter and I feel so much better as well.  Since having Jude it's been hard for me to find time alone with each of the other kids but I'd really like to work on that more. 

8.  Be more organized
*I'm a neat freak and I love organization.  A clean house makes me very happy.  But my house is no where near as clean or as organized as I would like it to be.  I'd like to work on de-cluttering the house a little more and really only having items that I love and that are useful.  I'd also love to get things a little bit more linens falling on top of me when I open the hall closet.  Please tell me that some of you can relate to that! 

9.  Read more books
*I believe reading is so important but I rarely read any books (I read books to the kids all the time but not books just for myself).  I read a lot of blogs, which is great but there is something different about curling up on the couch with a good book.  I'd like to read a few marriage books this year, money management books, parenting books, and the new Trim Healthy Mama "the plan" book.  

10. Live intentionally, gain confidence & stop comparing
*I have a tendency to see what other women are doing, how they dress, how the decorate, how they raise their kids, how they home-school, etc. etc. and feel like "I'm not dressing the right way, I'm not eating healthy enough, I'm not skinny enough, I'm not strong enough, I'm not decorating my house just right, I'm not organized enough, I'm not raising my kids right etc."  These voices in my head tear me down and make me insecure.  I struggle with insecurity more than you would think probably.  I have all my life.  This year I want to stop comparing, stop stressing so much, stop over thinking situations, stop wondering if I'm doing everything just right. There is no one mold fits each family.  There is not one right way to dress or one right way to decorate your house.  There is no "perfect body."  There is not one way to raise your kids.  But by living each day intentionally, I can be a better wife, mother, friend, and follower of Jesus.  I can do what I believe is important, what is right, even though it may be difficult.  I have my own values and I have to live my life so that it reflects those values.  This year I am going to gain confidence in myself, stop always comparing, and live every day with purpose and intention.

Those are 10 of my goals for 2016.  I'd love to hear what some of your goals are.  Please leave a comment below or chat with me on Facebook & Instagram.  

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I normally always try to post my menu plan on Saturdays but I've decided to make some changes and am going to be posting my menus on Mondays along with a little update on our weekend.  I'll be posting on Mondays but my menu will show days from Saturday to Friday.  I grocery shop on Saturday mornings and plan my menu for Saturday-Friday. I'm trying to form a schedule for my blog posts and felt Mondays were the best day for menu posts.  So be sure to check back each Monday for a new menu.  

I'm also going to try to get back into posting pictures of what I buy each week along with how much I spent.  So many of you have told me how helpful that was for you.  Please let me know if you ever have any questions about what I buy or the prices.  

This weekend wasn't too busy.  Thursday (Christmas Eve) we celebrated our Christmas since my husband worked Christmas Day.  You can read about our Christmas {here}.  Then Friday (Christmas Day) we just hung out at our house all day.  Ruy was spending Christmas at his Dad's and Nathan was working. It was about 65-70 degrees outside so we took a nice walk.  Alanna walked her new baby in her little stroller and thought that was just about the greatest thing.  Liam wore his Buzz Lightyear wings and pretended he was flying the whole time.  He told me "Mommy, I'm flying like a mosquito!"  He says the silliest things! The kids spent most of the rest of Christmas playing at Alanna's new table. 

 Saturday morning I went grocery shopping and then we went to the mall to buy a new family ornament since we forgot to do it before Christmas (better late than never) and then spent the rest of the day at home.  

Sunday I got to go see one of my best friends ever, Ashley.  We've been friends for almost 20 years.  Alanna was named after her.  Alanna's middle name is Colette and so is Ashley's.  When we were little we always said we would use each others middle name for our first daughter.  I have always loved the name Colette and was so happy when I found out I was having a girl and could finally use that name :)  Ashley is such a wonderful person and after over three years of not seeing each other, we were both really excited about finally getting to.  She lives so far from me and her work keeps her pretty busy so she's not able to come home and visit much.  Her parents live about an hour from me.  We drove down and spent the whole day and had such a great time.  She'd never met Alanna or Jude.  It was a really great visit and we were both so sad to say good-bye so soon.  We're hoping she'll get to come visit for a longer period of time this Summer.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well! 

I shopped at just Kroger this weekend.  Here is what I bought:

 Eggs 18 ct $3.69 (x2)
Chicken Breasts $10.73
Bryers Low Carb Icecream $3.99
Whole Milk $2.71
Plain Yogurt $1.99
Frozen peas & carrots $1.00
Dove Soap $8.79
Truvia $5.47
Whole Wheat Flour $2.39
Sesame Oil $8.99
K-Cups Decaf $4.99
Blue Chips $2.50 (x 2)
Crackers $3.19
k-Cups Regular $5.99
Granola Bars $2.99
DF Pasta $2.69
Oatmeal $3.79
Wraps $2.50 (x 2)
Almond Milk $2.79
Peanuts $3.49
Pizza Sauce $.99
Shredded Cheddar Cheese $1.67 (x 6 bags)
 1 onion $1.40
green onions $.49
Lettuce $1.98
cucumbers (2) $1.98
Bananas $3.57
*The apples were supposed to be $.99/pound but on my receipt it says that they only charged me $.33!!!! I hadn't looked at my receipts breakdown from Saturday until just now and I'm wondering if I'm reading it wrong or did they really ring up my apples for just 33 cents!?!?  I'm going to have to take my receipt to customer service next week when I go back to Kroger and ask them.

The total with tax came to $114.46 after coupons and savings.
My goal is to stay under $125 so it was a good week.

And here is my menu:

*If I don't say that the kids ate something different from me, than that means we all ate the same thing. 

Saturday: Grocery Shopping
B- Me: Strawberry Cheesecake Shake from the THM cookbook page 412 (S) Kids: Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes and some of my shake
L- Me: Leftover Egg Sausage Casserole from Christmas Eve (S) Kids: Ham, String Cheese, Crackers, Apple Slices. 
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) (Kids had cucumbers & ranch)

Sunday: Visiting a friend
B- Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes (Cheat)  I completely forgot to prepare breakfast Saturday night and then I woke up late Sunday morning.  We were going to visit my friend and I had hardly any time to make something.  These pancakes were frozen in the freezer so I just ate what the kids ate. 
L- Pizza Hut Pizza (Cheat)
D- Me: No dinner for me because I was so full from all the nasty cheats I ate this day. was not good.  I'm ready for the holidays to be over and to get myself back on track!  Kids: yogurt with berries.  They weren't very hungry after the pizza and other food they ate at my friends house so they had a light dinner. 

B- Banana Cake from the THM cookbook page 298 (E) 
L-Me: Mozzarella & tomato wrap, cinnamon apples Kids: PB & Jelly, cinnamon apples
D: Homemade Mac & Cheese with leftover ham chopped up in it, green beans (S)

B- Scrambled eggs, fruit (S)
D- Crock Pot Black Bean Soup with blue chips (E without the chips) or (Crossover from the chips...I couldn't find baked blue chips)  

Wednesday: Family Day with Nathan's Mom & Aunt/Cousins
B-Giant Blueberry Pancake from the THM cookbook page 261 (E)
L- Eat Out
D- Chicken Tacos (E or S depending on the toppings)

B- Baked Peanut Butter Oatmeal (Crossover from mixing PB with Oatmeal)
L- Me: Chef Salad (S) Kids: Ham Sandwiches, fruit

B- Ham & Cheese Egg Casserole (I'm going to use this recipe but sub out the sausage for ham because Liam and Alanna don't like sausage.)
 L- Me: Salad & yogurt with fruit (E) Kids: Ham, cheese, fruit, crackers
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) (Kids get cucumbers)

Well that's it.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  You can click any images in this post to "Pin it". Remember to leave a comment below if you have any questions or you can chat with me on Facebook & Instagram.


We celebrated another wonderful Christmas this year.  {Yesterday...Christmas Eve was our Christmas} I was so excited about everything that the kids were getting that I was so anxious for them to open everything.  We had to wait for Nathan to get home from the fire station.  He got home over an hour later than normal because he was on scene at a bad car accident for several hours that morning.  The kids waited anxiously on the front porch for him to get home.  Once he was home, showered, and had some breakfast, and I got one picture of all four of the kids then they opened their gifts. My dog even managed to squeeze himself into the picture.  This picture just makes my heart feel so full!


 I had the hardest time taking pictures of anything being opened because I was 1. trying to enjoy watching them open everything and 2. trying to keep Alanna from running and grabbing the boys' gifts and opening them.  She was really excited and didn't understand that not every present was hers.  I was having the kids take turns opening gifts but she was very ready to see what was in her next present.  It was slightly chaotic but not too bad :) 

They each loved everything they got.  Jude got the wolf stuffed animal that I really wanted for him.  Nathan's brother and wife got it for him and I'm so happy with it.  It's so soft and just about the cutest stuffed animal I've ever seen.  Jude is already able to hold onto its hands really well which I love. 

Ruy got almost every thing he asked for and was so happy.   He got an arctic lego set,  a building lego set (from my mom) a Jonathan Park audio set, a new Bible and camouflage Bible cover, play mobil, two G.I. Joes (one was from my mom), a storm trooper ornament, a new book (from my sister Selina) and a nerf gun. He is amazing at putting lego sets together and has been since he first started playing with legos when he was four.  He built this huge helicopter in practically no time at all.  Nathan's brother and wife also got this gift for Ruy and it was his favorite gift.

Liam wanted nothing but Toy Story toys...especially Buzz Lightyear.  He was so happy with everything he got he really didn't know what to do with himself.  He got Buzz, Woody, Jesse, Bullseye & Mr. Potato (from my Mom), a Toy Story book, Buzz Lightyear wings for his Buzz costume, a nerf crossbow, a Buzz ornament, his first lego set (from Nathan's brother & wife), and a new book (from my sister Selina).  He ran around in his Buzz costume for some time and just kept telling me how happy he was with all of his toys. 

Alanna was so excited to finally get to open her presents.  After weeks of asking to open them she was thrilled it was finally the day!  She got a lot of really nice things and loved everything so much.  My sister Selina got her a board book and I got her a Madame Alexander doll, a bottle and bib for her doll, a little purse with a phone, mirror, lipstick, keys, and fake debit card, a Bambi deer stuffed animal, a puzzle, and two tulle skirts.  She loved the skirts so much, she put both of them right on top of her dress.  She's been carrying her baby around most of the time the past two days and loves her new puzzle.  The colors are so pretty and easy for her to put in the right place. 

 Nathan's brother Mike and his wife Andrea got her the table I really wanted for her from Ikea.  They had it shipped to me since they live in another state and then I stained it.  I also put the whole thing together myself.  I was pretty proud of myself for staining it and putting it together.  Normally I let Nathan handle all that stuff but he's been so busy he didn't have time, so I took it upon myself to get it all done.  She absolutely loved the table!  She sat down on the chair and then looked at me and said "Can I have soup right there?!" 

  My mom made her the other present that I really wanted her to have.  I wanted her to have a teepee so bad but they are about $150 to buy.  I found a tutorial that looked pretty easy to follow and the supplies only cost about $25.  I'm not very crafty but my mom is and she needed something not very expensive to buy this year.  I figured this would be perfect.  She said she could do it no problem and oh my goodness!  I love how it turned out!  I especially love the little white pom poms!.  I'm kind of obsessed with pom poms right now. Alanna loved it too! She was so excited when we opened her bedroom door and she saw it for the first time.  She got in it and said "I love my house, I love my house, I love my house!"  She had to put all of her favorite animals in it and her pillow and asked if she could take her nap in it.  

After presents we ate a delicious meal.  My mom and my sister Catherine spent the afternoon with us and my mom made the most delicious Cheesecake.  It was a Trim Healthy Mama Cheesecake too which was awesome :)  I wish I had remembered to get a picture of it.   

I feel very blessed and am so thankful for all the beautiful things my kids were able to get this year.  I'm so thankful to my husband for working so hard to get our kids such nice things and to all of my family who bought the kids such beautiful gifts.  

....and since having four kids, I've gotten even worse about remembering to get a family picture on important days.  I will do better next year!  

I hope you all had the most wonderful Christmas as well!  Leave a comment below and tell me about your day or chat with me on Facebook & Instagram!


Ok this post is about more than just "the night before Christmas" but I have a few things I wanted to share from the past few days.  Jude has been so fussy at night the past three or four nights I've had no time to get any blogging done.  He's been nursing from about 8-11pm every night the past few nights and a lot of that time he's seemed frustrated.  I'm not really sure what's going on.  Maybe he's growing.  Maybe he's just really hungry at that time.  Or maybe he's just decided that being attached to me all night is the greatest thing in the world.  I'm thinking it's a little bit of all of them :)  Whatever the reason though, I've had little to no time to get any time alone to blog this week.  So since he's sleeping right now I'm rushing to get in a post on what we've been doing the past few days. 

I spent some one-on-one time with Liam outside the other day.  Alanna and Jude were napping and Ruy was not at home. He needed some attention and loved having it just us playing together.  He's apparently forgotten what is was like before I was pregnant with Jude or constantly carrying Jude in the Ergo because as I was chasing him around the yard he stopped me and said "Mommy!!! You can run!"  I had to laugh about it.  I said "Yes, I can run now that I'm not pregnant or carrying Jude."  We played tag, basketball, and then looked for Woodpeckers through binoculars.  

Jude has been smiling and "talking" so much these past few days.  It is so ridiculously cute.  He smiles at all of us now and gets so excited when we talk to him.  He's got another cold right now (3rd one in two months!)  and I really hate seeing him sick.  Thankfully this cold is not as bad as the other two have been. 

We woke up to rain both yesterday and this morning.  Alanna has loved standing by the back door and watching the rain come down.  After two days of rain our creek is almost overflowing!  

Yesterday morning Alanna was having some "blanket time" so I could get the kitchen cleaned.  The boys saw what she was doing and thought it looked quite fun apparently and decided to join her.  I love that they love her so much.  Ruy just figured out how to whistle and you can see in the picture that he is whistling.  He pretty much whistles 24/7 now.  He's also really into wolves and kind of talked my little sister into giving him her wolf shirt.  He wears it almost every day at home.  

Then we spent a good amount of time making cookies.  It was so stressful fun! :)  I mean how hard can it be to make Christmas cookies while holding your baby in a carrier, keeping your 4 year old from dumping the entire container of sprinkles on the cookies, keeping your 2 year old from eating all the cookie dough as you try to keep the said 4 year old from dumping sprinkles everywhere, and helping your 8 year old not to panic about the fact that the cookie dough is sticking to the rolling pin as he tries to roll out the dough.  I'll admit, it was a little challenging but it was fun and the kids enjoyed it so much.  Jude only had a small amount of flour on his head but the Ergo was covered in were Alanna and Liam.  The cookies turned out pretty good though because it's been less than 48 hours and they are all gone.  Shhh...don't tell my husband!  He's been at the fire station since yesterday morning and won't be home until tomorrow morning.  I had no intention of us eating all of the cookies before he got home but apparently we all missed him so much we were stress eating and ate all of the cookies.  


 My youngest sister Catherine, came over and spent the day with us yesterday.  She helped me stain a table that Nathan's brother and wife got for Alanna for Christmas.  I'm so happy with how it all turned out.  I can't wait for her to see it tomorrow.  She's going to love it.  She will probably call it her "baby table."  Anything that is small she calls it a "baby."  

I woke up this morning to these sweet little faces.  Can't get enough of that little Jude smile and my girl's crazy bed head! 

I spent a lot of time today preparing food for our Christmas tomorrow.  We're celebrating Christmas tomorrow on Christmas Eve since Nathan has to work Christmas Day.  I made Cinnamon rolls and Egg Sausage Casserole for breakfast tomorrow.  My cinnamon rolls rose so high that they started popping out of the pan.  Next time I will use two pans to bake them in.  They taste really good though.  Most definitely not low fat or healthy but the kids love them and they are a fun cheat to have every once in a while.  

While Alanna helped me make the Egg Sausage Casserole 

...the boys were coloring pictures. 

 Liam was trying to draw pictures of me and Buzz lightyear.  Yesterday when they were bored I had them draw pictures of Mr. Grinch.  I love how they turned out.  And today Alanna was coloring and said "Look Mommy!  A reindeer!"  I think I will save it forever.  She loves "pidgys" (piggys) and deer right now.  

*Far left picture is Liam's Grinch.  The middle picture is Ruy's Grinch & Max!  And Alanna's reindeer is on the right. 

 And then Jude sat in the Bumbo seat for the first time tonight.  He was very happy in it.  Just look at that sweet face!

While I was reading books to Liam and Alanna this evening, Ruy was wrapping his present to Liam.  When he brought it out to the living room Alanna got all upset and started crying that she wanted to open all of her presents.  She was totally unsatisfied with me telling her she had to wait until tomorrow.  She's been asking every day for two weeks to open her presents.  She went to bed with tears in her eyes but thankfully after some snuggles from mommy and her three favorite songs, she went to bed feeling much happier.  Liam went to bed telling me he hoped that when he tears open the paper that there is a big Buzzlight year and a big Woody toy in his presents.  And Ruy went to bed jumping all around with excitement!  

I'm so excited to celebrate Christmas tomorrow! I can't wait for Nathan to get home after being gone two straight days.  And I can't wait to see the joy in their eyes as they open their gifts.  Christmas is such a beautiful, special time.  

I'd love to hear about what you all have been up to this week! Leave a comment or you can chat with me on Facebook & Instagram