I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Christmas is this week!  When I was a kid it felt like the month of December went by SO slow.  Now as an adult it seems to just creep up so fast.  I wanted to do so many fun things with the kids this month but didn't end up getting to do most of things I wanted to do and some of the things I did attempt to do turned out do be kind of disastrous...epic pinterest fails! :)  Some things I'd still like to do before Christmas is 1. drive around and look at Christmas lights. 2. make Christmas cookies. 3. drink hot chocolate outside snuggled in blankets. 4. watch more Christmas movies. 5. make homemade Christmas gifts from the kids to their grandparents.  Somehow I am going to find time to do all of these things before Thursday!  We're celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve since Nathan has to work Christmas day again this year.

So let's talk about those pinterest fails shall we!  A friend of mine posted pictures of these adorable pretzel Christmas tree cupcakes she made and I just loved them.  She sent me the link to the recipe on Pinterest and I thought "this looks easy enough!"  So I bought everything I needed to make them and then tried to make them with the kids one day a few weeks ago.  Lets just say that half the green almond bark that was supposed to make the Christmas tree on the pretzel ended up being poured onto the table by Liam and the other half ended up as one big glob on the pretzel and looked absolutely nothing like a Christmas tree.  My boys were so bummed that these didn't turn out.  We ended up just frosting the cupcakes and putting some sprinkles on them instead.  Oh well.  

Then a few nights later, I decided to have a family movie night and watch The Grinch cartoon with the kids.  I got them all excited about it and said we'd have a yummy treat while we watched it.  I bought all the stuff to make some white chocolate m&m popcorn and then we went home to have dinner, make the dessert, and watch our movie.  I over-heated the white chocolate chips and they turned into one big clump of chocolate that I could do nothing with.  I was so upset that I had messed up another simple recipe.  I did shed a few tears but pulled it together and made another treat of Chex Mix, m&ms, and marshmallows.  The kids were just as happy about that and we had a good time snacking away on that and watching our movie. 

So enough about my epic pinterest fails.  Last week we put together a Gingerbread House with the kids.  They thought it was awesome and had so much fun doing it. 

Thursday we went and had a little Christmas Party with my best friend and her girls.  We made ornaments, had lunch, made some cookies, and listened to Christmas music.  The kids all had a really great time together and loved making the bird seed ornaments. 

After we got home from Kim's house, my Dad came over with the kids' presents because he isn't going to be in town for Christmas.  The kids couldn't wait to open their presents.  My Dad got Ruy an Indian bow and arrow set, an arrow head necklace, and a wood knife.  Ruy saw them at the gift shop at Jamestown last week when we were there and really wanted them so my Dad took a special trip down there just to get Ruy and Liam's gifts! 

He got Liam three stuffed animal snakes that Liam had really wanted. Liam has been crawling around on the floor making the snakes slither and making snake noises. 

Then he got Alanna the prettiest little dress up dress and the most amazing, sweet, little piggy rocker!  I've wanted that rocker for her for so long and he said he would get it for her this year.  I was so excited for her to have it and knew she would love it.  When she opened the box she said "Oh my piggy! Ride it!" The dress is so sparkly and frilly.  Alanna absolutely loves it and didn't want to take it off when she went to bed.  It all made me so excited for when Nathan and I get to give them their gifts from us!

 And of course we enjoyed the beautiful warm weather we had the past two weeks.  I'm all about not freezing so anything below 60 degrees is just too cold.  We took a walk several days last week.  The kids and I love taking walks.  It's such a great way to spend time together and get in some exercise.  Liam usually rides his bike but one day last week he wanted to join Alanna in the wagon.

 Ruy chased us on his bike.

We found some "bun galls" aka Gum Balls.  Liam has called them "bun galls" since he was two.  I secretly never want him to outgrow calling them that.  It's so cute! 

And Jude slept the whole time in the Ergo (his favorite place).

Well that about wraps up what's been going on here the past week or so.  I can't wait for Christmas Eve to get here!  Since we've already wrapped all the kids' presents (and have them safely up onto of our ikea unit in the living room),  they have gotten up every morning looked up at them and asked if it's time to open them yet?  Four more days...just four more days!!!

Happy Christmas Week Everyone!

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