I normally always try to post my menu plan on Saturdays but I've decided to make some changes and am going to be posting my menus on Mondays along with a little update on our weekend.  I'll be posting on Mondays but my menu will show days from Saturday to Friday.  I grocery shop on Saturday mornings and plan my menu for Saturday-Friday. I'm trying to form a schedule for my blog posts and felt Mondays were the best day for menu posts.  So be sure to check back each Monday for a new menu.  

I'm also going to try to get back into posting pictures of what I buy each week along with how much I spent.  So many of you have told me how helpful that was for you.  Please let me know if you ever have any questions about what I buy or the prices.  

This weekend wasn't too busy.  Thursday (Christmas Eve) we celebrated our Christmas since my husband worked Christmas Day.  You can read about our Christmas {here}.  Then Friday (Christmas Day) we just hung out at our house all day.  Ruy was spending Christmas at his Dad's and Nathan was working. It was about 65-70 degrees outside so we took a nice walk.  Alanna walked her new baby in her little stroller and thought that was just about the greatest thing.  Liam wore his Buzz Lightyear wings and pretended he was flying the whole time.  He told me "Mommy, I'm flying like a mosquito!"  He says the silliest things! The kids spent most of the rest of Christmas playing at Alanna's new table. 

 Saturday morning I went grocery shopping and then we went to the mall to buy a new family ornament since we forgot to do it before Christmas (better late than never) and then spent the rest of the day at home.  

Sunday I got to go see one of my best friends ever, Ashley.  We've been friends for almost 20 years.  Alanna was named after her.  Alanna's middle name is Colette and so is Ashley's.  When we were little we always said we would use each others middle name for our first daughter.  I have always loved the name Colette and was so happy when I found out I was having a girl and could finally use that name :)  Ashley is such a wonderful person and after over three years of not seeing each other, we were both really excited about finally getting to.  She lives so far from me and her work keeps her pretty busy so she's not able to come home and visit much.  Her parents live about an hour from me.  We drove down and spent the whole day and had such a great time.  She'd never met Alanna or Jude.  It was a really great visit and we were both so sad to say good-bye so soon.  We're hoping she'll get to come visit for a longer period of time this Summer.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well! 

I shopped at just Kroger this weekend.  Here is what I bought:

 Eggs 18 ct $3.69 (x2)
Chicken Breasts $10.73
Bryers Low Carb Icecream $3.99
Whole Milk $2.71
Plain Yogurt $1.99
Frozen peas & carrots $1.00
Dove Soap $8.79
Truvia $5.47
Whole Wheat Flour $2.39
Sesame Oil $8.99
K-Cups Decaf $4.99
Blue Chips $2.50 (x 2)
Crackers $3.19
k-Cups Regular $5.99
Granola Bars $2.99
DF Pasta $2.69
Oatmeal $3.79
Wraps $2.50 (x 2)
Almond Milk $2.79
Peanuts $3.49
Pizza Sauce $.99
Shredded Cheddar Cheese $1.67 (x 6 bags)
 1 onion $1.40
green onions $.49
Lettuce $1.98
cucumbers (2) $1.98
Bananas $3.57
*The apples were supposed to be $.99/pound but on my receipt it says that they only charged me $.33!!!! I hadn't looked at my receipts breakdown from Saturday until just now and I'm wondering if I'm reading it wrong or did they really ring up my apples for just 33 cents!?!?  I'm going to have to take my receipt to customer service next week when I go back to Kroger and ask them.

The total with tax came to $114.46 after coupons and savings.
My goal is to stay under $125 so it was a good week.

And here is my menu:

*If I don't say that the kids ate something different from me, than that means we all ate the same thing. 

Saturday: Grocery Shopping
B- Me: Strawberry Cheesecake Shake from the THM cookbook page 412 (S) Kids: Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes and some of my shake
L- Me: Leftover Egg Sausage Casserole from Christmas Eve (S) Kids: Ham, String Cheese, Crackers, Apple Slices. 
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) (Kids had cucumbers & ranch)

Sunday: Visiting a friend
B- Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes (Cheat)  I completely forgot to prepare breakfast Saturday night and then I woke up late Sunday morning.  We were going to visit my friend and I had hardly any time to make something.  These pancakes were frozen in the freezer so I just ate what the kids ate. 
L- Pizza Hut Pizza (Cheat)
D- Me: No dinner for me because I was so full from all the nasty cheats I ate this day. was not good.  I'm ready for the holidays to be over and to get myself back on track!  Kids: yogurt with berries.  They weren't very hungry after the pizza and other food they ate at my friends house so they had a light dinner. 

B- Banana Cake from the THM cookbook page 298 (E) 
L-Me: Mozzarella & tomato wrap, cinnamon apples Kids: PB & Jelly, cinnamon apples
D: Homemade Mac & Cheese with leftover ham chopped up in it, green beans (S)

B- Scrambled eggs, fruit (S)
D- Crock Pot Black Bean Soup with blue chips (E without the chips) or (Crossover from the chips...I couldn't find baked blue chips)  

Wednesday: Family Day with Nathan's Mom & Aunt/Cousins
B-Giant Blueberry Pancake from the THM cookbook page 261 (E)
L- Eat Out
D- Chicken Tacos (E or S depending on the toppings)

B- Baked Peanut Butter Oatmeal (Crossover from mixing PB with Oatmeal)
L- Me: Chef Salad (S) Kids: Ham Sandwiches, fruit

B- Ham & Cheese Egg Casserole (I'm going to use this recipe but sub out the sausage for ham because Liam and Alanna don't like sausage.)
 L- Me: Salad & yogurt with fruit (E) Kids: Ham, cheese, fruit, crackers
D- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) (Kids get cucumbers)

Well that's it.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  You can click any images in this post to "Pin it". Remember to leave a comment below if you have any questions or you can chat with me on Facebook & Instagram.

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