Jude turned two months old on December 11.  He's changed so much in just a month.  He seems tall to me.  He was almost an inch taller than both the other boys at birth and over an inch taller than Alanna was at birth.  He outgrew his newborn clothes super fast and has already outgrown some of his 0-3 month clothes.  He's wearing 0-3 & 3-6 month clothes right now.  I took him to the doctor the first week of December because he was sick and he was 11 lbs 3 oz.  He'd gained a pound since he was weighed at one month old.  I haven't taken him in for his six week check-up yet so I'm not sure exactly how much he weighs right now. 

 He's definitely getting plenty to eat though and growing just fine.  He loves to nurse.  He's nursing every 2-3 hours for about 15-25 minutes.  He's on a pretty good schedule now.  He gets up at 7:30 when the kids and I get up.  Then he's tired again by 9/9:30.  He naps in his crib from 9:30-12:30, then is up till about 1:30 and is tired again already.  So he naps from 2-4:30, then is up till about 6.  He takes a short nap around 6 to 6:30 and then is up until he goes down for bed between 7:30-8:30.  That's his normal schedule.  Some days it's totally off and he decides he needs to be held when he's awake and when he's asleep.  Some days he won't go to bed at night until 9 or 10.  Some nights he sleeps great next to me...some nights he sleeps not so great.  But that's how it is with a little baby.  He slept 5 hours straight from 8pm-1am on Nov. 21 and I almost had a heart attack.  I kept checking on him to make sure he was ok.   He hasn't really slept that long since then though. 

 He rolled from his belly to his back on Nov. 16.  I couldn't believe he was a moth old and could roll already but it's true.  He's been sleeping on his belly since then which is why he's able to sleep in his crib.  Before he slept on his belly he hated his crib.  His little hands would flare up and scare him.  He's been much happier since he's been sleeping on his belly.  

He smiled for the first time on Dec. 2.  He smiled at Ruy and his little dog on his bouncy seat.  Then he smiled at me for the first time the next day.  It's just about the greatest thing when your baby smiles at you for the first time.  He's making little cooing sounds every once in a while as well.   The kids are pretty much crazy about their little brother.  Ruy likes to hold him.  He hates hearing him cry so if I have to put Jude down for some reason and he's crying, Ruy will rush in and ask if he can hold him.  Ruy is a wonderful big brother.  Liam always says "his little hands and feet are so cute!"  and Alanna likes to "pote" (poke) him with her finger and say "pote pote."  She likes to kiss him as well.  Actually they all do.  Sometimes they get a little carried away with the kisses :)  

 He likes when Nathan carries him so he can look out at everything.  He doesn't like it when I hold him like that though.  Nathan will play music for him and walk around with him in the evenings when I'm busy and Jude enjoys that. 

He's such a good baby.  So sweet and snuggly.  His little personality is starting to show and we just love him to pieces.  

Happy Two Months Jude!

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