It's the weekend again.  Grocery shopping and menu planning time.  But before I get to that I wanted to share a few highlights from our week.

Jude had a big "first" moment.  He smiled for the first time!  We were all pretty excited about it.  He smiled at Ruy first and then at me the next day.  He loves this little bouncy seat and he'll actually sit in it for a short amount of time without crying.  Normally he likes to be held sleeping in the ergo or sleeping in his crib. He's so stinkin' cute when he smiles.  I just love it! 

First time smiling at Mommy!

Liam needed some one-on-one time with Mommy so I had him help me bake some Trim Healthy Mama Banana Cake.  He loves the Banana Cake.

This week was filled with lots & lots of rain.  We were all pretty tired of being inside.  Friday we finished school early so I took the kids to a nearby park to play for a bit and stretch out their legs.  

We were having a really great time until Alanna slipped and fell in a big mud puddle.  She fell face first into the mud.  I expected her to be completely covered from head to toe when she stood up, but thankfully it wasn't as bad as I had thought.  She was muddy though and wet and needed to go home.  So our park fun ended sooner than we wanted but it was all ok.  

I decided to go grocery shopping Friday night so that I'd have some time to be at home Saturday morning.  Before we headed out, the kids had some popcorn for a snack.  Duke wanted to eat all of it and waited patiently for them to drop some.  Ruy had left for the weekend by this point so he wasn't with us the rest of this weekend.

I ended up regretting going out shopping so late in the evening because I was tired, it was cold, the kids were hungry, we had to eat out and all I wanted to be doing was sitting on the couch snuggled under my blanket. Since Jude needed to nurse during dinner and I was trying to help Alanna eat, I opted out of eating my dinner and ended up just taking it home to eat it later.  But before leaving CFA I was bad and got a Peppermint Milkshake to take home as well.   I know I know....major calories major THM no-no, but sometimes a mom's got to do what a mom's got to do.  I lost 3 pounds this week any way so it was my treat for losing weight! lol.  I enjoyed my shake & sandwich after I got all the kids in bed. 

And then yesterday we went to Michael's to get some craft supplies we needed for school this week.  Jude looked too cute in his new bear hat not to take a picture of him.  Seriously...the cuteness is overwhelming! :) 

Liam and Alanna decided that they wanted to eat their snack on the floor while I cleaned out our hutch.  Liam got so excited and said "Mommy, we're having a picnic!"
 ....finding the joy in the little things :) 

Then while Alanna and Jude slept I stained two of the nineteen crates I have that need to be stained.  It took way longer than I expected it to but it looks so much nicer stained.  I can't wait till I find time to get them all done.  Liam painted while I worked on the crates and then he and I spent some time playing basketball. 

Well those were a few highlights from our week.  I hope you all had a wonderful week and great weekend.  

Here's our menu plan for the week.  I shopped at Aldi this week and spent $102.  I spent $10 on groceries at Target and then $25 on Sweet Blend from the THM website.

B-  Me: Leftover Banana Cake from the THM cookbook page  (E) Kids:  Cereal
L-  Me: Ham & cheese wrap fried in butter, greek yogurt with berries (S) Kids: PB & Jelly, yogurt with berries
D- Homemade pizza, Honey crisp apples  (E)
*I just tried Honey crisp apples for the first time a few weeks ago and I am totally in love with them.  They are so sweet & yummy.  They are really the only apple I like eating plan.

B- Yogurt with fruit, scrambled eggs (S)
L- Spaghetti with sausage & salad (S-from the sausage)
D- Leftovers

B- Me & Nathan: Chocolate Banana Muffins from the THM cookbook page 283 (E) Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Muffins
L-Me: Taco Salad (S) Kids: Grilled bean & cheese quesadillas
D- Ranch Chicken from the THM cookbook pg. 162, green beans or salad (S)
*I'm using chicken breasts with this recipe and not chicken legs.

B- Yogurt with all natural peanut butter & sugar free chocolate chip, scrambled eggs & cheese (S)  
*My kids love this yogurt.   I throw in a few regular chocolate chips in theirs and they feel like they are having ice cream for breakfast :)
L-  Me: Turkey & mozzarella cheese sandwich on sprouted whole wheat flour, fruit (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, Fruit
D-  Leftover Spaghetti & salad (S)

Wednesday:  Awanas
B- Giant Blueberry Pancake (E) From the THM Cookbook page 261
L- Zuppa Toscana Soup from the THM cookbook pg. 86 (S)
*I've never made this before but I will let you know how we like it.
D- Chicken Tacos (E or S-depending on our toppings)

B- Baked peanut butter oatmeal (Crossover from the peanut butter)
*This is probably all of my kids favorite breakfast.  Liam hates oatmeal anyway but this way.  I have to fight him to eat overnight oatmeal, it takes him forever to eat even half the bowl, and it is so frustrating.  But when I make this recipe, he is the first one done and says how yummy it is.   
L- Me: Turkey, tomato & mozzarella cheese sandwich, shake (E) Kids: "Snacky-lunch" String cheese, sliced ham, fruit, pretzels.
D-  Chili & blue chips (E)

B- Ham & cheese Omelets & Peanut Butter Banana Shake(S) *Use real banana for a CO or Banana Extract to keep it an S.
L- Leftover Soup (S)  
D-  Homemade pizza, carrots for kids, salad for Nathan & me (E)

Popcorn, Cottage Berry Whip, Shakes, Granola & yogurt, fruit, nuts, string cheese, apples with yogurt & pb (just a tsp to keep it an E),
*My kids also get animal crackers and pretzels occasionally throughout the week if I need a quick snack.  I try to keep it to when we're out somewhere but sometimes they get them at home too.

Cottage Berry Whip, Shake, Low Carb Ice-Cream, yogurt with PB & sugar-free chocolate chips.
*I'm making Christmas Tree Cupcakes with the kids this week.

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