We celebrated another wonderful Christmas this year.  {Yesterday...Christmas Eve was our Christmas} I was so excited about everything that the kids were getting that I was so anxious for them to open everything.  We had to wait for Nathan to get home from the fire station.  He got home over an hour later than normal because he was on scene at a bad car accident for several hours that morning.  The kids waited anxiously on the front porch for him to get home.  Once he was home, showered, and had some breakfast, and I got one picture of all four of the kids then they opened their gifts. My dog even managed to squeeze himself into the picture.  This picture just makes my heart feel so full!


 I had the hardest time taking pictures of anything being opened because I was 1. trying to enjoy watching them open everything and 2. trying to keep Alanna from running and grabbing the boys' gifts and opening them.  She was really excited and didn't understand that not every present was hers.  I was having the kids take turns opening gifts but she was very ready to see what was in her next present.  It was slightly chaotic but not too bad :) 

They each loved everything they got.  Jude got the wolf stuffed animal that I really wanted for him.  Nathan's brother and wife got it for him and I'm so happy with it.  It's so soft and just about the cutest stuffed animal I've ever seen.  Jude is already able to hold onto its hands really well which I love. 

Ruy got almost every thing he asked for and was so happy.   He got an arctic lego set,  a building lego set (from my mom) a Jonathan Park audio set, a new Bible and camouflage Bible cover, play mobil, two G.I. Joes (one was from my mom), a storm trooper ornament, a new book (from my sister Selina) and a nerf gun. He is amazing at putting lego sets together and has been since he first started playing with legos when he was four.  He built this huge helicopter in practically no time at all.  Nathan's brother and wife also got this gift for Ruy and it was his favorite gift.

Liam wanted nothing but Toy Story toys...especially Buzz Lightyear.  He was so happy with everything he got he really didn't know what to do with himself.  He got Buzz, Woody, Jesse, Bullseye & Mr. Potato (from my Mom), a Toy Story book, Buzz Lightyear wings for his Buzz costume, a nerf crossbow, a Buzz ornament, his first lego set (from Nathan's brother & wife), and a new book (from my sister Selina).  He ran around in his Buzz costume for some time and just kept telling me how happy he was with all of his toys. 

Alanna was so excited to finally get to open her presents.  After weeks of asking to open them she was thrilled it was finally the day!  She got a lot of really nice things and loved everything so much.  My sister Selina got her a board book and I got her a Madame Alexander doll, a bottle and bib for her doll, a little purse with a phone, mirror, lipstick, keys, and fake debit card, a Bambi deer stuffed animal, a puzzle, and two tulle skirts.  She loved the skirts so much, she put both of them right on top of her dress.  She's been carrying her baby around most of the time the past two days and loves her new puzzle.  The colors are so pretty and easy for her to put in the right place. 

 Nathan's brother Mike and his wife Andrea got her the table I really wanted for her from Ikea.  They had it shipped to me since they live in another state and then I stained it.  I also put the whole thing together myself.  I was pretty proud of myself for staining it and putting it together.  Normally I let Nathan handle all that stuff but he's been so busy he didn't have time, so I took it upon myself to get it all done.  She absolutely loved the table!  She sat down on the chair and then looked at me and said "Can I have soup right there?!" 

  My mom made her the other present that I really wanted her to have.  I wanted her to have a teepee so bad but they are about $150 to buy.  I found a tutorial that looked pretty easy to follow and the supplies only cost about $25.  I'm not very crafty but my mom is and she needed something not very expensive to buy this year.  I figured this would be perfect.  She said she could do it no problem and oh my goodness!  I love how it turned out!  I especially love the little white pom poms!.  I'm kind of obsessed with pom poms right now. Alanna loved it too! She was so excited when we opened her bedroom door and she saw it for the first time.  She got in it and said "I love my house, I love my house, I love my house!"  She had to put all of her favorite animals in it and her pillow and asked if she could take her nap in it.  

After presents we ate a delicious meal.  My mom and my sister Catherine spent the afternoon with us and my mom made the most delicious Cheesecake.  It was a Trim Healthy Mama Cheesecake too which was awesome :)  I wish I had remembered to get a picture of it.   

I feel very blessed and am so thankful for all the beautiful things my kids were able to get this year.  I'm so thankful to my husband for working so hard to get our kids such nice things and to all of my family who bought the kids such beautiful gifts.  

....and since having four kids, I've gotten even worse about remembering to get a family picture on important days.  I will do better next year!  

I hope you all had the most wonderful Christmas as well!  Leave a comment below and tell me about your day or chat with me on Facebook & Instagram!

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