As the new year approaches, I have started thinking about some goals for 2016.  I don't do resolutions because they really never last but I do like to set goals.  I think it's important to write your goals down so you can go back and look back on them at the end of the year and see how you did at meeting them. I'll probably do post updates throughout the year on how I'm doing at meeting these goals.  
Here are what my goals are for 2016:

1.  Read my Bible & pray more
 *This is something I always want to do daily, but with four kids I always feel like someone is demanding my attention.  It's hard to find a quiet moment.  I'm trying to stop feeling like I have to be totally alone to pray or read my Bible.  Yes, I do think it's important to have some time in quiet praying but in the season of life I am's rare.  And if I sit around waiting to pray or read my Bible until I have no kids near me or am in complete silence, I will never really read my Bible or pray.  I'd like to either try to wake up in the morning a little earlier than I am now or probably the best idea would be to read my Bible and pray as soon as I get all of the kids to bed.  I've always been the type of person who liked to do this in the morning but with having a newborn, it might be easiest to do it in the evening. 

2.  Work out 3-5 times a week
*I haven't worked out in so long.  I was so committed after I had Liam but then seriously dropped the ball on it once I got pregnant with him.  So it's been several years since I worked out and I have missed it so much.  I started doing P90x3 again this week and I am so happy with it.  I've been working out during nap time/quiet time and so far it's worked out very well.  I'd prefer to get up at 6am to work out but I'm not sure if  Jude would go to sleep in his crib at that time.  I'm trying to convince myself to give it a try because I'd really much rather have my workout done first thing in the morning.  But as long as I'm getting it done at some point during the day then I'm happy.  I have so much more energy when I work out and I really want to work on feeling more confident in my own skin.  I think working out is so important for both of those reasons. 

3.  Eat healthier
*Our family already eats really healthy but since a few months into my pregnancy with Jude, and then with the holidays, I slacked off in some areas and I really have been feeling the affects of it.  I've had more headaches and less energy. I've been doing really great this week and I feel better already.  The biggest area I struggle in is desserts.  There are so many amazing Trim Healthy Mama desserts that I love.  I just need to get back into the routine of making them on the weekends so that I have them to eat for the rest of the week. 

4.  Drink more water
*I love water.  Besides my 1-2 cups of coffee each day, water is pretty much the only thing I drink.  But lately I haven't been drinking enough water, especially since I'm nursing.  I'd really like to be drinking 96-128oz of water each day.  Right now I'm drinking about 64oz each day. 

5.  Budget my groceries better
 * We're trying to save money & pay off debt right now and one of the ways I can really help with that is by sticking to a tight grocery budget.  My goal is to spend $125 or less each week on groceries.  This does not include household items.  This is for food items only. 

6.  More dates with my husband
*My husband and I have only been on about 4 dates (just him and me) since having Liam.  We've been on a few other dates bringing our nursing baby along but those were very few as well.  We're tight on money right now, but I'd still like for us to go on more dates.  I'd like to find some ideas of things to do that cost little or no money at all.  Maybe a walk at the park, sharing an ice cream, out to coffee.  If you have any ideas for this, please do share. :) 

7.  Spend more time with the kids
*I're thinking "you're a stay at home home-schooling mom.  How much more time do you need to spend with your kids?"  Yes, I'm home all day every day with my kids but life is busy and there are days where I feel like even though I have been with my kids...I haven't really been with my kids.  I strive to spend time alone with each kid every day even if it's only for 5-10 minutes.  I've found that just this small amount of one on one time makes such a huge difference in the child's behavior.  They are usually much happier and sweeter and I feel so much better as well.  Since having Jude it's been hard for me to find time alone with each of the other kids but I'd really like to work on that more. 

8.  Be more organized
*I'm a neat freak and I love organization.  A clean house makes me very happy.  But my house is no where near as clean or as organized as I would like it to be.  I'd like to work on de-cluttering the house a little more and really only having items that I love and that are useful.  I'd also love to get things a little bit more linens falling on top of me when I open the hall closet.  Please tell me that some of you can relate to that! 

9.  Read more books
*I believe reading is so important but I rarely read any books (I read books to the kids all the time but not books just for myself).  I read a lot of blogs, which is great but there is something different about curling up on the couch with a good book.  I'd like to read a few marriage books this year, money management books, parenting books, and the new Trim Healthy Mama "the plan" book.  

10. Live intentionally, gain confidence & stop comparing
*I have a tendency to see what other women are doing, how they dress, how the decorate, how they raise their kids, how they home-school, etc. etc. and feel like "I'm not dressing the right way, I'm not eating healthy enough, I'm not skinny enough, I'm not strong enough, I'm not decorating my house just right, I'm not organized enough, I'm not raising my kids right etc."  These voices in my head tear me down and make me insecure.  I struggle with insecurity more than you would think probably.  I have all my life.  This year I want to stop comparing, stop stressing so much, stop over thinking situations, stop wondering if I'm doing everything just right. There is no one mold fits each family.  There is not one right way to dress or one right way to decorate your house.  There is no "perfect body."  There is not one way to raise your kids.  But by living each day intentionally, I can be a better wife, mother, friend, and follower of Jesus.  I can do what I believe is important, what is right, even though it may be difficult.  I have my own values and I have to live my life so that it reflects those values.  This year I am going to gain confidence in myself, stop always comparing, and live every day with purpose and intention.

Those are 10 of my goals for 2016.  I'd love to hear what some of your goals are.  Please leave a comment below or chat with me on Facebook & Instagram.  

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1 comment

  1. Oh I love your goals! I struggle with comparison,too. And I need to drink more water. Some days bedtime rolls around and I'm like, "Um, I barely drank 8 oz of water today..." I just forget. I need a better plan for water for sure!
    Love you. So so much.
    Your big sis
