Friday evening (the day after Thanksgiving) we headed out to a Christmas Tree Farm about 25 minutes from our house to get a tree.  But when we got there we realized they are only open on Saturdays and Sundays.  The kids were super bummed out but we told them we'd go back on Sunday.  

Sunday morning Nathan's parents came up and met us at our church for the service and then came over to our house to have Thanksgiving with us since they couldn't be with us on actual Thanksgiving Day.  After church and some lunch, we got everyone ready and headed back out to the tree the rain. 

We got everyone in and buckled and then I started second guessing my decision to go get a tree in the rain but Nathan said we should go ahead and go.  It was just barely drizzling so I figured we could just be quick about picking a tree out.  The kids really wanted to go and didn't want to have to wait until another day.  

It was still drizzling when we got to farm and it was a little chilly.  But no one seemed to really be bothered by it.  Jude was snuggled warm and comfy in the Ergo and the kids were too excited to care what the weather was like.  They ran around pointing out their favorite trees.  

Alanna kept running up to little Charlie Brown style trees saying she wanted that one and then she found a stump, sat on it, and said she wanted that one :)  

We debated over a few trees and then after about 20 minutes decided on a tree.  

The kids loved watching Nathan cut it down and then helped him carry it up to the van.  

As we piled back into the van Liam said "it's so wonderful that we got a tree!"  And Alanna said "oh mish mish tree!  Daddy brote (broke) it!" 

I love how excited kids are at Christmas time and I especially love that Alanna calls Christmas trees..".Mish Mish trees"

The kids wanted to decorate the tree right when we got home but my husband was on "hell week" at the station and pretty tired.  So our tree is still not decorated but we're planning on decorating tomorrow evening.  Liam can't wait to put the star on.  Ruy can't wait to get out all of his ornaments.  And Alanna really doesn't understand why a "mish mish" tree is in our house or why Daddy "brote" it but I'm sure tomorrow she will have a blast putting ornaments on the tree...or more likely taking the ornaments off the tree as fast as we can put them on.  :) 

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