It's hard to believe the weekend is already over!  We took Friday off from school and went on a field trip to Jamestown since it was 70 degrees outside!  Got to love warm weather in December!  It's supposed to get cold here again on Friday and I'm sad about that.  I'd be happy if it never got below 60 degrees ever.  We had a really great time at Jamestown.  It takes us a little over an hour to get there. I got a little stressed right after we first got there and began to wonder if I had been crazy to go there with all the kids by myself. I was trying to feed the kids lunch at the picnic tables and nurse Jude.  Jude wouldn't nurse at all.  He just kept screaming and screaming.  I finally packed up the food and took all the kids back to the van and tried to nurse Jude there.  He still refused to nurse so I put him in the Ergo and he fell asleep in about 1.5 seconds.  All of that and all he wanted was sleep.  I apologized to the kids for getting so frustrated and once we got past that stressful 20 minute period, the rest of the day was wonderful.  Jude slept the entire time in the Ergo minus a 30 minute period when I nursed him and the other three kids were so good.  It was such a fun and educational field trip/family day.

Liam loved the armor and the ships.  

Alanna loved the chickens and roosters that were running around the settlement.  

And Ruy loved the Indian village.  There was a girl there that talked to him for about 20 minutes about the Indians.  He thought her outfit was incredible and wants one just like it.  

Alanna and Jude were asleep by 7:15 that night so I spent some time with the boys and read Nate Saint to them.  Liam had to wear his Indian mask we made in school last week.  And both the boys colored while I read. We're reading that book in school right now and the boys are really into it.  Liam doesn't understand most of it but he likes all the parts about the planes.  

Saturday morning we went grocery shopping and then Nathan had some time off of work and was able to spend most of the day with us.  We went and had lunch out together and then took the kids to a park to play.  I didn't take one single picture though (if you can believe it!) but it was a really fun afternoon.  

And today we had church and then came home and spent the day at home enjoying the beautiful weather.  The boys helped Nathan stain some of my crates and they thought that was totally awesome. 

Jude also turned two months old on Friday and I seriously can't get over how much he's growing already.  His little smiles are melting all of our hearts! 

Well that about wraps up our weekend.  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well and I hope you have a fabulous week!

Here is our menu plan for this week.

Banana Cake

B-  Banana Cake from the THM cookbook page 298 (I had all natural peanut butter & redi-whip on mine for a Crossover)
L-  Chick-fil-a (Cheat)
D-  Leftover Pizza (E)

L- Chili (E)
D-  Bean & Cheese Quesadillas fried in butter. sour cream & salsa on top. (S) Keep the beans under 1/4 cup to keep it an S.  (Kids had Apples & Peanut Better with theirs')

B- Me & Nathan: Chocolate Banana Muffins from the THM cookbook page 283 (E) Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Muffins
L- Grilled ham & cheese quesadillas, shake (S)
D- Lemon chicken over rice, sweet potatoes, green beans.

B- Yogurt with all natural peanut butter & sugar free chocolate chip, scrambled eggs & cheese (S) 
L-  Me: Turkey & mozzarella cheese sandwich on sprouted whole wheat flour, fruit (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, Fruit
D-  Turkey Burgers, Sweet Potatoes, green beans (E)

Wednesday:  Awanas
B- Giant Blueberry Pancake (E) From the THM Cookbook page 261
L- Broccoli Soup (S)
D- Chicken Tacos (E or S-depending on our toppings)

B- Baked peanut butter oatmeal (Crossover from the peanut butter)
L- Me: Turkey, tomato & mozzarella cheese sandwich, shake (E) Kids: "Snacky-lunch" String cheese, sliced ham, fruit, pretzels.
D-  Alfredo & peas (S)  

B- Ham & cheese Omelets & Peanut Butter Banana Shake(S) *Use real banana for a CO or Banana Extract to keep it an S.
L-  Leftover Broccoli Soup (S)
D-  Homemade pizza, carrots for kids, salad for Nathan & me (E)

Popcorn, Cottage Berry Whip, Shakes, Granola & yogurt, fruit, nuts, string cheese, apples with yogurt & pb (just a tsp to keep it an E),

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