Ok this post is about more than just "the night before Christmas" but I have a few things I wanted to share from the past few days.  Jude has been so fussy at night the past three or four nights I've had no time to get any blogging done.  He's been nursing from about 8-11pm every night the past few nights and a lot of that time he's seemed frustrated.  I'm not really sure what's going on.  Maybe he's growing.  Maybe he's just really hungry at that time.  Or maybe he's just decided that being attached to me all night is the greatest thing in the world.  I'm thinking it's a little bit of all of them :)  Whatever the reason though, I've had little to no time to get any time alone to blog this week.  So since he's sleeping right now I'm rushing to get in a post on what we've been doing the past few days. 

I spent some one-on-one time with Liam outside the other day.  Alanna and Jude were napping and Ruy was not at home. He needed some attention and loved having it just us playing together.  He's apparently forgotten what is was like before I was pregnant with Jude or constantly carrying Jude in the Ergo because as I was chasing him around the yard he stopped me and said "Mommy!!! You can run!"  I had to laugh about it.  I said "Yes, I can run now that I'm not pregnant or carrying Jude."  We played tag, basketball, and then looked for Woodpeckers through binoculars.  

Jude has been smiling and "talking" so much these past few days.  It is so ridiculously cute.  He smiles at all of us now and gets so excited when we talk to him.  He's got another cold right now (3rd one in two months!)  and I really hate seeing him sick.  Thankfully this cold is not as bad as the other two have been. 

We woke up to rain both yesterday and this morning.  Alanna has loved standing by the back door and watching the rain come down.  After two days of rain our creek is almost overflowing!  

Yesterday morning Alanna was having some "blanket time" so I could get the kitchen cleaned.  The boys saw what she was doing and thought it looked quite fun apparently and decided to join her.  I love that they love her so much.  Ruy just figured out how to whistle and you can see in the picture that he is whistling.  He pretty much whistles 24/7 now.  He's also really into wolves and kind of talked my little sister into giving him her wolf shirt.  He wears it almost every day at home.  

Then we spent a good amount of time making cookies.  It was so stressful fun! :)  I mean how hard can it be to make Christmas cookies while holding your baby in a carrier, keeping your 4 year old from dumping the entire container of sprinkles on the cookies, keeping your 2 year old from eating all the cookie dough as you try to keep the said 4 year old from dumping sprinkles everywhere, and helping your 8 year old not to panic about the fact that the cookie dough is sticking to the rolling pin as he tries to roll out the dough.  I'll admit, it was a little challenging but it was fun and the kids enjoyed it so much.  Jude only had a small amount of flour on his head but the Ergo was covered in flour...so were Alanna and Liam.  The cookies turned out pretty good though because it's been less than 48 hours and they are all gone.  Shhh...don't tell my husband!  He's been at the fire station since yesterday morning and won't be home until tomorrow morning.  I had no intention of us eating all of the cookies before he got home but apparently we all missed him so much we were stress eating and ate all of the cookies.  


 My youngest sister Catherine, came over and spent the day with us yesterday.  She helped me stain a table that Nathan's brother and wife got for Alanna for Christmas.  I'm so happy with how it all turned out.  I can't wait for her to see it tomorrow.  She's going to love it.  She will probably call it her "baby table."  Anything that is small she calls it a "baby."  

I woke up this morning to these sweet little faces.  Can't get enough of that little Jude smile and my girl's crazy bed head! 

I spent a lot of time today preparing food for our Christmas tomorrow.  We're celebrating Christmas tomorrow on Christmas Eve since Nathan has to work Christmas Day.  I made Cinnamon rolls and Egg Sausage Casserole for breakfast tomorrow.  My cinnamon rolls rose so high that they started popping out of the pan.  Next time I will use two pans to bake them in.  They taste really good though.  Most definitely not low fat or healthy but the kids love them and they are a fun cheat to have every once in a while.  

While Alanna helped me make the Egg Sausage Casserole 

...the boys were coloring pictures. 

 Liam was trying to draw pictures of me and Buzz lightyear.  Yesterday when they were bored I had them draw pictures of Mr. Grinch.  I love how they turned out.  And today Alanna was coloring and said "Look Mommy!  A reindeer!"  I think I will save it forever.  She loves "pidgys" (piggys) and deer right now.  

*Far left picture is Liam's Grinch.  The middle picture is Ruy's Grinch & Max!  And Alanna's reindeer is on the right. 

 And then Jude sat in the Bumbo seat for the first time tonight.  He was very happy in it.  Just look at that sweet face!

While I was reading books to Liam and Alanna this evening, Ruy was wrapping his present to Liam.  When he brought it out to the living room Alanna got all upset and started crying that she wanted to open all of her presents.  She was totally unsatisfied with me telling her she had to wait until tomorrow.  She's been asking every day for two weeks to open her presents.  She went to bed with tears in her eyes but thankfully after some snuggles from mommy and her three favorite songs, she went to bed feeling much happier.  Liam went to bed telling me he hoped that when he tears open the paper that there is a big Buzzlight year and a big Woody toy in his presents.  And Ruy went to bed jumping all around with excitement!  

I'm so excited to celebrate Christmas tomorrow! I can't wait for Nathan to get home after being gone two straight days.  And I can't wait to see the joy in their eyes as they open their gifts.  Christmas is such a beautiful, special time.  

I'd love to hear about what you all have been up to this week! Leave a comment or you can chat with me on Facebook & Instagram

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