It's Friday!!!  Yay for the weekend.  We had a Christmas party with our church small group tonight which was a lot of fun.  The local fire department came through the neighborhood with Santa.  The kids all thought that was really neat.  We had a great time just relaxing with our friends and eating way too many cookies!  The kids are all asleep now and I'm thinking I should be making a grocery list but wanted to do a Friday Favorites post before I work on that.  So here are my Favorites for this week.  

Alanna helping me make cookies for the party.

1.  Gray Nail Polish
I've never worn nail polish on my hands before until a few weeks ago.  I always thought it looked terrible on me.  Maybe that comes from not being able to wear nail polish when I lived with my parents, but whatever the reason...I just never did until recently.  Gray is my new obsession so I had been looking for a gray nail polish.  I was in 5 and Below with the kids and saw this nail polish and thought I'd give it a try.  I loved it.  For $2 I think it works pretty well.  It lasts a few days on me and then it needs to be redone but I wash dishes so that's probably why it starts to chip after just a few days.  If you don't have to wash dishes constantly then it will probably last longer for you. 

2.  Broccoli Soup
With the cold weather we've been eating a good amount of soups and chilis.  This soup is one of our favorites.  I use frozen broccoli and chopped frozen onions to keep this recipe super easy and quick to make.  You could use fresh broccoli and onions but remember if you're using fresh broccoli, you will need to let the broccoli boil for about 15 minutes to soften it. I added bacon to our soup the last time I made so yummy!

3.  VBAC Without Fear & Cesarean Without Fear T-Shirts:
I've had 1 cesarean birth and 3 VBACS so when I came across these shirts, I thought they were pretty awesome.  I'd love to have one of each.  

4.  Maileg Stuffed Animals
I have loved these stuffed animals since the first time I saw them about a year ago.  I love little woodsy animals and the Sleepy Wakey Bambi Deer is just so sweet.  I finally decided to buy some for Jude and Alanna for Christmas.  I bought the deer for Alanna and Nathan's brother & wife bought this wolf for Jude.  They are so soft and adorable.  I can't wait for Alanna to see her Bambi deer.  She calls Bambi "Bambam".  I think she's going to love it.  I know Jude won't have a clue what's going on this Christmas, but in a few months he'll be able to start holiding onto the wolf and I'm hoping it will be his favorite toy :)  

I love being comfy in the winter.  After the kids are in bed, I shower, get into something comfortable and then spend some time either with my husband or working on blog post usually.  I love these socks.  I've seen them in Target the past few weeks and have wanted them pretty bad.  They look so warm and soft.  I might have to buy them this weekend.  

Well that's it for my Friday Favorites.  I hope everyone has a really wonderful weekend! 

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