Getting Thrown Up On At Chick-Fil-A

When Jude is born, I want him to sleep in the same crib that Alanna slept in.  She was still using that crib up until last night when I decided to go ahead and move her into the playpen and put the crib in my room.  I want to give her plenty of time to adjust to a new bed before Jude arrives.  I thought it might take her a little bit to fall asleep (maybe twenty minutes or so) and I thought she might wake up once in the middle of the night but nothing more than that.  I was wrong...she fussed, whined, cried, and screamed from 8PM until 3AM this morning.  I tried everything I could to get her to sleep.  I tried rocking her, patting her, putting her in my bed...nothing worked.  She finally crashed out at 3am but then woke back up at 6:50am.   I figured she was just really unhappy about me taking her "bed" away or that she was trying to prepare me for having a newborn again!  Because 4 hours of sleep is no fun for anyone!  She wouldn't eat breakfast which I thought was strange since she usually eats a lot at every meal but I didn't think too deeply into it and let her get down and go play. 

Then after breakfast was cleaned up,  I decided that I would go out to the mall and try to find some maternity pajama pants.  I've never bought maternity pajama pants with any of my previous pregnancies and I've regretted it each time.  I've just dealt with them being too tight and extremely uncomfortable each time.  This time I promised myself I would not put myself through that again.  The past two weeks I've noticed how hard it is to get comfortable with I sit down in my regular pajama pants so I figured it was time to go searching for some maternity ones.  Ruy left for a week today to spend with his Dad, so it was just Liam, Alanna, and me going out shopping.  I had a few other stores I wanted to go to before I went to the mall so by the time we finished up at those stores and I got done at the maternity store at the mall it was around 11:45am.  I did actually find an amazing pair of pants (I think these are the ones I bought) though so I'm really excited about that! They are made from modal and until today I had never heard of it but it's my new favorite.  Really if you're pregnant you should try to find something made from this material.  It's so soft and comfy.

I had one more stop to make at the children's consignment store.  I've been trying to find a few new things for Liam for when we start school back up.  I'm working on making him "busy boxes" to keep him occupied during the times where I need to focus on a subject with Ruy.  (More on the "busy boxes" later)  I had no intention of staying there very long but by the time we left we had been there an hour.  We were all starving.  Alanna I could tell was getting very tired.  I wish I had known she was sick.  I hate it when I take them out and have no idea they are feeling bad. 

I stopped at Chick-fil-a, which I had hoped would be a quick stop but I forgot that this particular Chick-fil-a (not the normal one I go to, it's 25 minutes from my house) is always very.very.very. busy at lunch time.  The line to just get into the parking lot was wrapped around outside of the parking lot because drive-thru was backing everything up.  So I (and several others) went into the exit part of the parking lot so we wouldn't have to wait in the line. I felt bad for doing it but I told the manager when he brought us our food and he laughed and said that he actually tells people to do that because their lunch time is just so crazy busy.  I felt much better after confessing my "sin" to him and getting his permission to do so! :)  

I got all the kids food sorted out to them, and had just taken a bite when Alanna started crying and reaching for me.  She had no interest in eating and I knew how tired she was, so I picked her up and she just sat on me with her legs wrapped around my belly and her head laying on my chest.  One minute later, she sat up....and threw up ALL over the front of my dress.  I tried catching what I could in my hands but we all know how well that works out.  I felt like it was the never ending throw up.  She has never thrown up before other than her newborn spit up so this was all very new for her and I could tell it stressed her out a lot.  Of course Liam, who was sitting next to me, and who has a somewhat strong gag reflex...starts gagging and almost threw up because he was so grossed out by seeing her throw up and hearing her throw up.  I very quickly and as nicely as I could said "Liam please look away from Alanna throwing up and eat your food so we can go home!"  

I sat there for a few seconds wondering what on earth to do.  Here I was with a little screaming girl covered in throw up, I was covered in throw up, and I was still holding a handful of throw up.  Plus the restaurant was packed and we were sitting right by the cash registers where everyone could hear and see Alanna screaming.  I dumped the throw up in my hands onto the tray, and wiped what I could off of my dress with some napkins.  I asked one of the CFA employees if they would bring me some paper towels and then after she did asked if she minded getting me a new sandwich to go since mine was no good and if I gave her my debit card, if she would ring up a milkshake for me???  Yes, I went there.  I must have looked pretty awful or just pathetic because she brought me the sandwich and a LARGE milkshake and didn't charge me for either.  She said "it's on us today!"  And this is why I love CFA so much.  I changed Alanna's clothes right there by the table but in the corner where no one could really see her.  Then I threw all the trash away, packed up the rest of Liam's food into the diaper bag (without actually touching any of the food cause I still hadn't been able to wash my hands)  stuffed my sandwich in the diaper bag, put Alanna on my hip on the side that wasn't drenched in throw up, grabbed my milkshake, and tried to hurry Liam along as we rushed out of CFA.  Liam was holding his lemonade and drinking it as he was walking so you can only imagine how sssssllllloooowww he was walking.  I felt like it took a thousand years to get to the van and by the time we reached the van I was almost dropping Alanna because I was carrying her with my left arm and I'm not used to that.  

I got everything loaded and by the time we pulled out of the parking lot Alanna was sound asleep.  My poor little sweet baby girl.  It is so hard watching one of your kids be sick but especially when they are still so little and can't talk enough to tell you what's wrong and what hurts.  Liam finished his lunch in the van and I drank my entire large size milkshake within 15 minutes.  Don't judge was a pretty stressful situation.  I actually feel like I handled it very well though.  I really didn't freak out or panic.  I didn't get mad at Liam about anything and I didn't cry about being soaked through with throw up.  Maybe it was the milkshake that helped keep me calm :)  I guess the "one million" calories I drank from it were worth it. 

She slept until about five minutes before we got home and I was so afraid she would not go back to sleep once we got home.  But after I turned on Curious George for Liam, got her some medicine, and changed my clothes, she snuggled right up on me with her two favorite blankies and then held my hand and fell right to sleep.  I was so thankful.  She had a fever and really needed to sleep.  She slept for three hours.  She had a fever the rest of the night but ate two muffins and some applesauce for dinner which was good because she hadn't ate much the whole day.  I spent the rest of the evening just playing with the kids and keeping Alanna happy.  

Being outside usually ensures that cranky kids are happy.  She loves being outside so we spent some time playing with her new stacking cups and drinking "wawe" (a.k.a water), until the mosquitoes were literally eating us alive and we had to come inside.  And I'm sorry but this is the only photo I have to post today.  It was such a crazy busy day that taking pictures wasn't really at the top of my list of things to do.

They took an extra long bath tonight and then we read books (Llama Llama...their favorite).  Then I sang songs with Liam and got him in bed and then snuggled Alanna up in her blanket and rocked her to sleep.  She doesn't really ever fall asleep when I rock her so she is still really not feeling well.  She still had a fever even with being on ibuprofen.  I'm praying she sleeps better tonight and feels better in the morning.  

I can only imagine how much more crazy a day like this will be when I have a newborn added to the mix :) 

Our Weekend

Friday morning Nathan got called into over-time at the fire station and the kids and I went to visit Nathan's mom.  We had planned a day at a little beach near her house, but the weather had other plans in store for us.  I checked the weather and thought it said only a 10% chance of rain, so I figured the beach would be fine.  Well...I was VERY wrong.  We drove almost 2 hours to get to the beach.  We got there, sat down to eat our packed lunch and it started raining.  By the time I got our lunch all packed back was pouring!!!  Poor Liam.  He was SO excited to use his new red shovel at the beach and just could not understand why we were leaving.  He said he would play in the rain.  He was crying and fighting me over leaving.  I was pretty upset.  We had just drove two hours and they were so excited and now we were all soaking wet and sad.  

Nathan's mom and I decided to take the kids to an indoor pool on a nearby military base.  Nathan's dad is retired Airforce so Kelly (Nathan's mom) is able to get us all on base.  The base wasn't far away but we got stuck in traffic and by the time we got into the base, we had been driving for three hours (minus the ten minutes we had at the beach).  I was worried the kids would be all bummed that our beach trip got canceled but Liam forgot about being so sad when he saw the pool and the little "water mushroom thingy" they had.  Ruy loves the pool, probably more than the beach so he was perfectly happy.  

The water was cold so I had a hard time staying in it for very long but I lasted about an hour.  Alanna's lips started to turn purple and she was tired and ready for a snack.  So I took advantage of that and went and got us both changed and dry.  She snacked on raisins and watched the boys swim for about an hour and then we headed out to play at a park that was on the base.  

We went to Chick-fil-a for dinner.  The GPS took me some crazy long way and I felt very much like nothing had gone as planned the whole day. After dinner we  headed home.  

We got home at 8 and I put the kids straight to bed.  Everyone was pretty worn out.  The kids had a great day though.  I was a little "off" that evening...just feeling like we had spent most of our day driving in the van and not having the "awesome beach day" like I had planned.  I ended up crying to Nathan about it on the phone and I couldn't really tell him why I was so upset other than everything went differently than I had wanted it to.  He reassured me that it was fine and that I shouldn't be so upset about it because every one ended up having a great time despite the rain.  I'm not sure why I got so upset.  Maybe it was pregnancy hormones...I'll just blame it on that :)  

Saturday Nathan had to work at the fire station again so he wasn't able to come home that morning.  The kids and I had a baby shower to go to for one of my good friends from our church.  My friend who hosted has a wonderful play room and all of my kids thought it was just the greatest!  I enjoyed coffee and way too many carbs :)  And mostly I enjoyed the wonderful time chatting with my friends.  None of the kids were ready to leave and Liam asked several times the rest of the day when he could "go back to that shower again?!!!"  

Saturday after dinner we were all really missing Nathan so I loaded the kids up in the van and we surprised Nathan with a visit to the fire station.  It's been a very.long.time since we went to the station so the kids were supper excited.  Nathan was very surprised and very happy to see us.  The kids loved playing on the fire trucks and seeing Nathan dress up in his gear.  We only stayed for about 30 minutes but it was so nice to get to see him even if only for that short amount of time.  

 Sunday was a really fun day.  The weather was perfect...only a high of 80 degrees.  I love weather between 60 and 80 degrees.

 Our church had a cook out with lots of great food and most importantly...bounce houses and a bouncy slide.  My boys never ever wanted to leave.  Alanna was scared of it all but had fun wondering around with me playing with the other little kids.  

The rest of our day consisted of watching Curious George 3, a scavenger hunt (which the boys loved doing so much)....

dress up, Go Fish, a walk,

 and snuggles on the couch.  It was a good day and a great way to end the weekend.


This Weeks Menu Plan, Grocery Trip & Spending & My New Weekly Grocery Budget

I used to be SO good at sticking with a grocery budget.  I took cash and only spent what I had.  It was rare for me to go over.  Then I got pregnant with Alanna and it all seemed to go out the window.  Our monthly spending is pretty much the same each month but sometimes it's a lot more than I want to spend.  I know it is always best to have a budget for grocery shopping so I'm jumping back on that band wagon and starting this week have set a new weekly grocery spending budget.  

We eat very healthy and have recently started eating even healthier and are trying to cut out most if not all processed foods.  If it comes from a can, bottle, bag etc., I'd like it to only have around 5 ingredients, unless the other ingredients are healthy and natural ingredients.  (Ice-cream is one of those things we will probably continue to buy :) This type of food does cost more than junk food but it's more filling, healthier, and helps to keep you from getting over weight and sick.  So we feel that the benefits from eating healthy are worth the extra cost in money. 

All that said, I've set my weekly grocery spending budget to $125.  This does not include household products and dog food.  I'm budgeting another $100/month for those things.   To help keep myself accountable for this and to have an easy way to go back and track my progress, I'm going to be doing weekly posts with my menu plan on my grocery shopping trip with items I purchased and how much I spent.  

Here is this weeks Grocery Shopping Trip:


Cookie Dough Bryers Ice-Cream
Vanilla Low Carb Bryers Ice Cream
Kroger Skim Milk
Kroger Whole Milk
Kroger 18 ct. Eggs (2) 
Peaches (5 pounds) @ $.99/pound
Kroger Frozen Broccoli (2 bags)
Kroger Brown Lunch Bags
Kroger Whole Wheat Flour (2 bags)
Kroger Brown Rice
Kroger Popcorn
Kroger Black Beans (dry) 
Kroger Peas (2 cans)
Roma Tomatoes (3.16 lbs @ $.89/pound
Green Peppers (2)
3 Pack Peppers (Orange, Yellow, Red)

Total + Tax = $49.08

Sam's Club:
*Somehow between the store and the house, I lost my receipt but this is what I remember buying.  I think I left out two items but this is most of it.  The dog food was $23 so only $73 of this total goes toward my Grocery Budget. 

Chai Seeds
Strawberries (2 containers)
2 bunches of bananas
1 Can Tomato Sauce
1 Bag Mozzarella Cheese (5 lbs)
1 Block Sharp Cheddar Cheese (2 lbs)
55 Pound Bag Dog Food
Chopped Romaine Lettuce
Heavy Whipping Cream
 Sea Salt


$73.23 from Sam's 
+ $49.08 from Kroger

Total = $122.31 

I feel pretty good about how I did this week.  Hoping to be able to stick with this budget.  

I have $77 left for the next 3 weeks on household items & dog food. 

On July 23 my monthly household & dog food budget will start over at $100.

 ...and here is my menu for this week. 

Menu Plan for June 25, 2015- July 3, 2015

Friday:  Beach Day with Nathan's Mom
B- Ham & cheese omelets, fruit (S) Everyone
L- Me: Turkey, Laughing Cow Cheese, Tomato, Lettuce & Mustard Sandwich on Homemade Sprouted WholeWheat Bread, fruit  (E) ; Kids: PB & All - Natural Jelly Sandwich on Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread, fruit
D- Eat at In-Laws House

Saturday:  Baby Shower @ 10AM-12PM
B- Scrambled eggs & fruit (S) (toast for the kids)  
L- Food at the baby shower
D- Chicken Tacos onhomemade tortillas (this is my first time making homemade tortillas so wish me luck!)

Sunday:  Church Cookout
L- Cookout (I'm bringing something just haven't figured out what yet)
D- We usually just eat light on Sunday nights.  Maybe some leftovers, smoothies & toast...something easy & simple.

B- Me: Muffin In A Mug with cream cheese/yogurt topping (S) ; Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Muffins (I made these for the first time last week and they were amazing.  My kids loved them.  Definitely a new favorite!
L- Grilled Cheese on Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread  & Tomato Soup (Crossover from the Cheddar Cheese and heavy cream)
D- Dirt-E-Rice (E) Everyone

B-  Scrambled eggs, fruit (S) Everyone
L- Sweet Potatoes, smoothies (E) Everyone
D- Alfredo with Dreamfields Pasta, peas (S) Everyone

B- Me:  THM pancakes (E) ; Kids:  Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes
L- Turkey Sandwiches on Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread,  homemade Greek Yogurt w/ fruit (E); Kids: PB & Jelly on Whole Wheat Bread, homemade Greek Yogurt w/ fruit.
D- Turkey Burgers & Crock Pot Baked Beans, Sweet Potatoes (E)
*I'll be eating a lot of (S) snacks this day I'm sure. 

B- Overnight Oatmeal (E) Everyone
L- Smoothies, homemade chicken nuggets
D- Black Bean Soup (E) Everyone

B-Scrambled eggs w/ cheese, fruit (S)
L- Homemade refried beans & cheese quesadillas, fruit (Crossover from the cheddar cheese with the beans)
D- Homemade Pizza, salad (kids gets cucumbers) (E)

Peanuts, Raisons, Yogurt, Fruit, Smoothies, Apples & PB, Popcorn, Cucumbers & Ranch, Cheese, Almonds, Muffins.
*Our snacks are pretty similar each week.  But I am going to try to make a few new "snack" recipe this week. I'll let you know if they turn out. 

Our Story {Part 5} MOVING


If you missed parts 1-4 you can find them here

I remember when my parents told me that we were moving and just sitting there thinking that I must be in some horrible nightmare and surely I would wake up soon.  But it wasn't a was real.  My world was crashing down around me and I could do nothing about it.  My Dad's job was three hours away from our house and he was staying in a little apartment during the week and was only home on the weekends.  It was so exhausting for him and my mom, that they felt it was best for our family to move closer to his job. 

 I was a missionary kid growing up and had spent years and years thinking that I would one day be moving away to Argentina and not coming back until I was 18.  I hated the thought of leaving all of my friends for that long.  But, after one year of language school in Mexico, my parents made the very difficult decision to come off the mission field due to some things that were happening in our family.  They believed it was the best thing for us not to be missionaries any longer.  So, when we came home when I was 11, I thought that we would be in my home town forever.  Now, once again, I felt like my whole world was being thrown upside down and it was pretty much unbearable. 

I went to school and told Nathan.  We both just sat there and looked at each other in silence.  Neither of us really knew what to say.  I just felt like my heart was being torn out of my body and I knew that nobody would understand the pain I was feeling.  No one believed that two 13 year olds could care so much for each other. 

My parents decided to pull my brother Matt and me out of school a few weeks before we moved.  I remember being so angry with them for doing that.  It didn't make any sense to me why they wouldn't let me spend the last four weeks before we moved at the school I loved so much, but that was what they thought best and that is what happened.  They did let us go to all the basketball games and such that were held at the school before we moved.  I know I talked to Nathan on the phone a few times in those few weeks and saw him a few times at games and an ODACS competition, but most of our conversations are a blur to me.  We spent most of our time at the games just trying to forget that I was leaving in a few weeks.  We tried to laugh and talk like everything was normal.  

*I'll share something very personal...I debated for a long time on whether to share this part or not but it's kind of a big part of our story because it's so meaningful to me.  We had our first kiss before I moved.  And while I won't go into any of the specifics because is very personal, having Nathan be my first kiss was always so incredibly special to me.  I know we were young...way too young to be kissing, and I hope that none of my children are kissing at such a young age.  I hope to teach them to save themselves completely until they are married, but this is how our story went and it's very special to me. 

Two nights before my family moved, there was a basketball game and my Dad had my brother take me so that I could see Nathan one last time and tell him goodbye.  That night went by so fast.  It felt like I blinked and it was all over.  I can not tell you one single thing we talked about, but I can remember feeling like I was dying inside.  At the end of the night, Nathan walked with me and my brother out to our van.  We hugged so tightly and I cried so hard.  I felt like my heart was going to burst right out of my chest.  He opened the door for me and we said our final goodbye.  As we drove away I remember holding my hand up against the window (it was probably very dramatic, but then again 13 year old girls are known to be so! :) 

I didn't say anything the whole way home.  I just cried.  Then two days later the moving truck came, we loaded everything up, and we left...

To be continued...

Sugar Free & Grain Free Peach Cobbler

I love peaches.  I love them plain, in ice-cream, in oatmeal...pretty much peaches are amazing.  And since peaches have been on sale for $.99 a pound at Kroger the past few weeks, we've been eating a lot of them.  Alanna calls them "bapples" because apparently every fruit is an apple or "bapple" as she calls them.  Liam has no problem eating 1 or 2 for a snack within a few minutes.  Ruy has been a little on the picky side about them but finally came around tonight when we ate them with dinner and said they were delicious.  

Tomorrow morning we are heading out early to hang out with some friends at the zoo.  Morning time  is busy enough without us trying to be out the door by 9:15, so I decided to make our breakfast for in the morning tonight.  It makes it SO much easier when I don't have to get up and cook anything and then wash all of the dishes I had to bake in.  We don't eat cereal, pop-tarts, Bisquick, etc. so all of our breakfasts are made from scratch.  It can make mornings more challenging but I just really really really try to always plan ahead and know what will be eating the next morning.  Menu planning is crucial for me.  I always double or triple batches when I make pancakes, waffles, or muffins so that I can easily just grab some out of the freezer and heat them up in the microwave for a quick, easy, healthy breakfast.  

So since we are heading out early, I went on Pinterest looking for a yummy breakfast for us tomorrow.  I had planned on making oatmeal but really wanted to try something new.  And I've been craving Peach Cobbler like crazy.  It's one of my favorites but all the flour and sugar in it bothers me so bad.  I came across this recipe and decided to give it a try.  I read all of the comments and decided to make a few changes based on what others had said, what ingredients I had, and what I thought would work best for our family.  

Here are the changes I made:

The original ingredients & my changes are highlighted.

  • 2 cups peaches; peeled, pitted and sliced (I used 5 cups of peaches which was 8 whole peaches)
  • ¼ cup filtered water (I used 3/4 cup of water)
  • 4 tablespoons butter  or coconut oil (I used butter)
  • ¾ cup almond flour  (I used 3/4 cup of homemade almond flour & 1/4 cup golden flax-seed)
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ cup full-fat coconut milk or heavy cream (I used heavy cream)
  • ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons raw honey  (I used 2 tablespoons of the Trim Healthy Mama Sweet Blend)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • cinnamon and nutmeg, for topping (I used cinnamon and a little apple pie spice)
  • full-fat coconut milk, heavy cream or ice cream for topping

I followed the instructions exactly as she did, except I cooked mine in an 11x14 dish for 45 minutes.  

 Before going into the oven. 

When it came out of the oven, the "crust" was still a little soft but I tried it with a little bit of low carb vanilla ice cream (I eat this vary rarely since I don't like to eat Splenda) and it tastes so delicious!  I'm thinking that the "crust" will harden up while it sits in the frig tonight, but even if it doesn't, it's very good as it is.  I'm so happy to have found a peach cobbler recipe that I can eat and give to my kids to eat, totally guilt free! 

*Update:  We had this for breakfast this morning (6-24-15) after it had sat in the frig all night.  The "crust" did harden up more like I thought it would and all three of my kids loved it!  Liam especially loved it and has literally asked me to make it again  We ate the whole pan for breakfast but since it actually wasn't very expensive to make, I'm sure this will be a common breakfast/dessert in our family during the Summer when peaches are on sale :) 

Father's Day

Nathan got home from his missions trip to Mexico at 3:15AM Sunday morning.  I was having a really hard time sleeping while waiting for him to get home.  It was storming really bad and I knew he would be so tired so I was having a hard time relaxing and sleeping.  I was awake when he got home, and Nathan and I didn't get to bed after he got home until 4AM.  I got up at 7AM and then Alanna and Liam jumped on Nathan at 8:30AM.  They were SO happy to have him home.  We went to church and then met up with Nathan's parents for lunch.  

{Since several people asked:} 
Alanna's dress/ Baby Gap (bought at a consignment store)
Alanna's shoes/ Target...can be bought here
My Dress/ Shift Dress from Target...can be bought here

Nathan's parents are so sweet and so good with the kids.  We love spending time with them and are so thankful they are only 1.5 hours from us.  We can easily meet up half way on a short notice (like Sunday) and spend a few fun hours together.  

I'm so thankful that we had Nathan home for Father's Day this year, as he is usually working at the Fire Station on Father's Day.  It was a very nice day and I felt very blessed.

Broccoli Cheddar Soup & Bread Machine Whole Wheat Bread

I had plans of making a crock pot broccoli cheddar soup for dinner tonight but I got very distracted by all the cleaning I was doing this morning and then went out to run some errands and then completely forgot about putting the food in the crock pot before I left.  At least I didn't forget to start the bread machine this morning for the whole wheat bread I wanted to make for the kids.  Well, 3:30pm came around and I figured I'd better find a recipe for some soup before Alanna woke up and was starving, crying, clingy and making it very hard to get any cooking done.  

I went on Pinterest (my favorite) and found a great basic recipe.  It was almost completely on plan with Trim Healthy Mama which was even better.  I just made a few changes and there it was... a delicious THM Broccoli Cheddar Soup.  If you don't know what Trim Healthy Mama is I strongly encourage you to check out there website here and also this awesome review here.  

So here it is {THM - S} Broccoli Cheddar Soup 

  1. 1 Cup Frozen or Fresh Chopped Onions
  2. 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  3. 1 (12-14oz) Package Frozen Steamable Broccoli
  4. 1 teaspoon Parsley (optional)
  5. 1 teaspoons Garlic Powder
  6. 1/4 teaspoon Ground Pepper
  7. 3 Cups Chicken Broth
  8. 1 Cup Almond Milk (If you don't follow THM, you can use milk)
  9. 1/2 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream (optional but I loved how creamy it made the soup)
  10. 3 Cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
  11. 1 teaspoon Glucomannan (This is for thickening.  If you don't follow THM just use corn starch)
  1. Heat oil in a 3.5 quart pot over medium/high heat. Add onions and saute for 3 minutes. Stir in parsley, garlic powder and pepper. Steam broccoli in microwave according to package instructions. Add broccoli and chicken broth.Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to medium low.
  2. In a large bowl, toss shredded cheese with glucommannan until evenly coated. Set aside.
  3.  Mash, puree or leave broccoli chunky. (I left mine chunky) Stir in milk and cheese. Cook for at least 10 minutes while stirring frequently. (I cooked mine on medium/low for about 30 minutes just to let it warm up and for the seasonings to set in some) Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Serve in a bowl or mug.  
*I served this with homemade whole wheat bread.  This bread is not on plan with THM but I was out of my sprouted whole wheat flour so I ate the bread that I am now making for my kids.  And while not "on plan" it's still very healthy so I didn't feel bad for having one slice.

My kids LOVED this soup.  My daughter (19 months) had two bowls of it.  This is definitely a new family favorite that I'll be making a lot.  

You can find the recipe I used for the Whole Wheat Bread here.   I followed her directions exactly and it tasted so good.  My kids all loved it.  I am not buying store bought bread for my kids any more so this is the recipe I plan on using for their weekly bread.  I will probably have to make 1-2 loaves of this a week for them.  

I make a Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread for my husband and I since it is THM approved.  The flour is way more expensive than regular whole wheat flour and since my kids don't have to have the sprouted whole wheat flour, I'm going to be making the other kind of bread for them, and continue to make this recipe for my husband and me.  You can find the recipe for the Sprouted Whole Wheat Flour here.  This bread is an {E} if you are following THM.  I buy the flour off of Amazon.  They run sales on this flour so I try to buy it when it goes on sale for $10-$14 a bag. 
I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I did!!! 

22 Weeks

June 17, 2015

Weeks pregnant: 22
Weight gained: 26 pounds
 Gender:  It's a BOY!!! We're so excited about adding another sweet snuggly little boy to our family.
Maternity clothes:  I've been finding lots of great dresses at Target this Summer.  They aren't maternity but they are fitting me great and are so comfortable. 
Sleep:  Sleeping pretty good right now.
Best moment in the past two weeks:  Finding out the gender of the baby and a surprise visit from my sister Selina!  I wasn't expecting to see her again until possibly April of next year so when she called to say she was in town for a few days, I was so happy.  We got to spend an entire day together with all our kids.  She has eight kids and our kids are all like best friends :)
Worst moment in the past two weeks:  Missing my husband pretty bad.  He's been in Mexico on a missions trip since last Friday.  And while I'm SO happy he got to go share Jesus with the Mexican people, I am really really missing him right now. 
Miss anything:  Being able to function in the Summer heat.  It's been close to 100 degrees almost every day the past week and I'm not going to lie.... I'm not handling it very well.  I get exhausted and dizzy within a few minutes of being outside.  So unless I'm near some water, I'd rather just be inside in the AC. 
Movement:  Yes, all the time now.  He especially likes to start moving around 10pm every night. 
Cravings:  No cravings right now. 
 Queasy or sick:  I've been getting very dizzy from the heat.  These almost 100 degree days are killing me, especially when I have to take all the kids grocery shopping with me.  I'm pretty much done for the rest of the day after a grocery shopping trip.
Looking forward to:  Nathan coming home on Sunday!!!

Ruy's Last Baseball Game & Team Party

Ruy had his last baseball game of the season last week.  They lost the game, but they played so hard and I was so proud of Ruy.  Besides all the rain we had, it was a really great season.  

Sunday we had church...

.... then went home for a short while for Alanna to get a nap before Ruy's team party.  And to eat a few popsicles. 

Then it was time for the team party!  Ruy's coach had the team party at his house.  Normally, we always go to Cici's but he wanted to have a cookout at his house.  It was the best team party we've ever had.  They had a big back yard with a play house, a trampoline, a huge sandbox, and two water-slides.  All three of my kids had so much fun.  I had planned on leaving around 4:30pm but ended up not leaving till after 5:30pm and was the last one to leave!  I really appreciated the coach and his wife having everyone over though because usually it's kind of stressful trying to keep my little ones occupied for that long of a time at Cici's but at the coach's house...they all three were almost in tears when it was time to go :) 

They were all worn out after such a fun day and all crashed pretty hard.  I was pretty exhausted myself, but in a good way.  It was a great way to end the weekend.  I hope everyone else had a great weekend as well! 

Nathan's Mission Trip To Mexico

My husband some years ago, felt God calling him to short term missions trips.  He's been to Brazil four times, Bosnia, Haiti, China, and now he left last night for Mexico. He'll be gone until Sunday, Father's Day and I will miss him greatly.  But I am so excited for the work he will be a part of in Mexico this week.  

We spent yesterday helping him pack and playing around the house.  

Then we went to Brusters for ice-cream before he headed to meet up with the team to go to the airport. 

This morning Alanna walked around looking everywhere for "Daddy".  She looked in our bed, in our shower, out the front door.  She loves her Daddy and hates it when he is gone. 

Every time Nathan goes on a missions trips, he leaves letters for us.  The boys love it.  They were pretty excited to open his letters to us this morning.  The first letter was hidden on our mantel.  Liam got to open the first envelope today.  

 Nathan also wrote a story for the kids this time.  Each day, he put a little more of the story in each envelope.  Ruy really loved that part.  I think it's so special that he does this for them.  I've saved all the letters he's written on his missions trips and I know years from now, the kids will love looking back at them.  

I took the kids to the Children's Museum today, but we went to the largest one in our area per Ruy's request.  The kids all had a great time. Ruy was off running around having too much fun for me to get any pictures of him.   Liam spent a good majority of the time playing with this wheelbarrow. 

We were out most of the day so the kids and myself were very exhausted by the time we got home.  We have another busy day tomorrow but it's going to be fun.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!!