Our Weekend

Friday morning Nathan got called into over-time at the fire station and the kids and I went to visit Nathan's mom.  We had planned a day at a little beach near her house, but the weather had other plans in store for us.  I checked the weather and thought it said only a 10% chance of rain, so I figured the beach would be fine.  Well...I was VERY wrong.  We drove almost 2 hours to get to the beach.  We got there, sat down to eat our packed lunch and it started raining.  By the time I got our lunch all packed back up...it was pouring!!!  Poor Liam.  He was SO excited to use his new red shovel at the beach and just could not understand why we were leaving.  He said he would play in the rain.  He was crying and fighting me over leaving.  I was pretty upset.  We had just drove two hours and they were so excited and now we were all soaking wet and sad.  

Nathan's mom and I decided to take the kids to an indoor pool on a nearby military base.  Nathan's dad is retired Airforce so Kelly (Nathan's mom) is able to get us all on base.  The base wasn't far away but we got stuck in traffic and by the time we got into the base, we had been driving for three hours (minus the ten minutes we had at the beach).  I was worried the kids would be all bummed that our beach trip got canceled but Liam forgot about being so sad when he saw the pool and the little "water mushroom thingy" they had.  Ruy loves the pool, probably more than the beach so he was perfectly happy.  

The water was cold so I had a hard time staying in it for very long but I lasted about an hour.  Alanna's lips started to turn purple and she was tired and ready for a snack.  So I took advantage of that and went and got us both changed and dry.  She snacked on raisins and watched the boys swim for about an hour and then we headed out to play at a park that was on the base.  

We went to Chick-fil-a for dinner.  The GPS took me some crazy long way and I felt very much like nothing had gone as planned the whole day. After dinner we  headed home.  

We got home at 8 and I put the kids straight to bed.  Everyone was pretty worn out.  The kids had a great day though.  I was a little "off" that evening...just feeling like we had spent most of our day driving in the van and not having the "awesome beach day" like I had planned.  I ended up crying to Nathan about it on the phone and I couldn't really tell him why I was so upset other than everything went differently than I had wanted it to.  He reassured me that it was fine and that I shouldn't be so upset about it because every one ended up having a great time despite the rain.  I'm not sure why I got so upset.  Maybe it was pregnancy hormones...I'll just blame it on that :)  

Saturday Nathan had to work at the fire station again so he wasn't able to come home that morning.  The kids and I had a baby shower to go to for one of my good friends from our church.  My friend who hosted has a wonderful play room and all of my kids thought it was just the greatest!  I enjoyed coffee and way too many carbs :)  And mostly I enjoyed the wonderful time chatting with my friends.  None of the kids were ready to leave and Liam asked several times the rest of the day when he could "go back to that shower again?!!!"  

Saturday after dinner we were all really missing Nathan so I loaded the kids up in the van and we surprised Nathan with a visit to the fire station.  It's been a very.long.time since we went to the station so the kids were supper excited.  Nathan was very surprised and very happy to see us.  The kids loved playing on the fire trucks and seeing Nathan dress up in his gear.  We only stayed for about 30 minutes but it was so nice to get to see him even if only for that short amount of time.  

 Sunday was a really fun day.  The weather was perfect...only a high of 80 degrees.  I love weather between 60 and 80 degrees.

 Our church had a cook out with lots of great food and most importantly...bounce houses and a bouncy slide.  My boys never ever wanted to leave.  Alanna was scared of it all but had fun wondering around with me playing with the other little kids.  

The rest of our day consisted of watching Curious George 3, a scavenger hunt (which the boys loved doing so much)....

dress up, Go Fish, a walk,

 and snuggles on the couch.  It was a good day and a great way to end the weekend.


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