Nathan's Mission Trip To Mexico

My husband some years ago, felt God calling him to short term missions trips.  He's been to Brazil four times, Bosnia, Haiti, China, and now he left last night for Mexico. He'll be gone until Sunday, Father's Day and I will miss him greatly.  But I am so excited for the work he will be a part of in Mexico this week.  

We spent yesterday helping him pack and playing around the house.  

Then we went to Brusters for ice-cream before he headed to meet up with the team to go to the airport. 

This morning Alanna walked around looking everywhere for "Daddy".  She looked in our bed, in our shower, out the front door.  She loves her Daddy and hates it when he is gone. 

Every time Nathan goes on a missions trips, he leaves letters for us.  The boys love it.  They were pretty excited to open his letters to us this morning.  The first letter was hidden on our mantel.  Liam got to open the first envelope today.  

 Nathan also wrote a story for the kids this time.  Each day, he put a little more of the story in each envelope.  Ruy really loved that part.  I think it's so special that he does this for them.  I've saved all the letters he's written on his missions trips and I know years from now, the kids will love looking back at them.  

I took the kids to the Children's Museum today, but we went to the largest one in our area per Ruy's request.  The kids all had a great time. Ruy was off running around having too much fun for me to get any pictures of him.   Liam spent a good majority of the time playing with this wheelbarrow. 

We were out most of the day so the kids and myself were very exhausted by the time we got home.  We have another busy day tomorrow but it's going to be fun.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!!

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