Raspberry GGMS Drink

I love GGMS.  I love how refreshing it is and I love how many different variations you can make with it.  If you don't know what GGMS is... it stands for Good.Girl.Moon.Shine.  That might sound silly to you if you don't follow Trim Healthy Mama but seriously, it's delicious.  You should give it a try.  You might become as addicted to it as I am :)  

I've created two new ones this Spring that have become my favorites.  My two youngest children love these two flavors just as much as I do.  My three year old son especially loves GGMS and begs me to make it for him.  

Here is one of the recipes I created...
Raspberry GGMS
2 Truvia or sweetener to taste
1/8 - 1/4 tsp of Ginger
2 TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar
Ice (I usually add about 10-15 ice cubes)
Water to fill jar
Bring 1/2 cup of water to boil.  Once boiling, pour water into a mason jar (it doesn't have to be a mason jar but I am convinced that everything tastes better in a mason jar :)  Place tea bag in water and let sit for at least 5 minutes.  Add all other ingredients, stir, and enjoy!!! 

*I got this particular mason jar at Good Will for $3.00.  Got to love Good Will! 

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