Getting Thrown Up On At Chick-Fil-A

When Jude is born, I want him to sleep in the same crib that Alanna slept in.  She was still using that crib up until last night when I decided to go ahead and move her into the playpen and put the crib in my room.  I want to give her plenty of time to adjust to a new bed before Jude arrives.  I thought it might take her a little bit to fall asleep (maybe twenty minutes or so) and I thought she might wake up once in the middle of the night but nothing more than that.  I was wrong...she fussed, whined, cried, and screamed from 8PM until 3AM this morning.  I tried everything I could to get her to sleep.  I tried rocking her, patting her, putting her in my bed...nothing worked.  She finally crashed out at 3am but then woke back up at 6:50am.   I figured she was just really unhappy about me taking her "bed" away or that she was trying to prepare me for having a newborn again!  Because 4 hours of sleep is no fun for anyone!  She wouldn't eat breakfast which I thought was strange since she usually eats a lot at every meal but I didn't think too deeply into it and let her get down and go play. 

Then after breakfast was cleaned up,  I decided that I would go out to the mall and try to find some maternity pajama pants.  I've never bought maternity pajama pants with any of my previous pregnancies and I've regretted it each time.  I've just dealt with them being too tight and extremely uncomfortable each time.  This time I promised myself I would not put myself through that again.  The past two weeks I've noticed how hard it is to get comfortable with I sit down in my regular pajama pants so I figured it was time to go searching for some maternity ones.  Ruy left for a week today to spend with his Dad, so it was just Liam, Alanna, and me going out shopping.  I had a few other stores I wanted to go to before I went to the mall so by the time we finished up at those stores and I got done at the maternity store at the mall it was around 11:45am.  I did actually find an amazing pair of pants (I think these are the ones I bought) though so I'm really excited about that! They are made from modal and until today I had never heard of it but it's my new favorite.  Really if you're pregnant you should try to find something made from this material.  It's so soft and comfy.

I had one more stop to make at the children's consignment store.  I've been trying to find a few new things for Liam for when we start school back up.  I'm working on making him "busy boxes" to keep him occupied during the times where I need to focus on a subject with Ruy.  (More on the "busy boxes" later)  I had no intention of staying there very long but by the time we left we had been there an hour.  We were all starving.  Alanna I could tell was getting very tired.  I wish I had known she was sick.  I hate it when I take them out and have no idea they are feeling bad. 

I stopped at Chick-fil-a, which I had hoped would be a quick stop but I forgot that this particular Chick-fil-a (not the normal one I go to, it's 25 minutes from my house) is always very.very.very. busy at lunch time.  The line to just get into the parking lot was wrapped around outside of the parking lot because drive-thru was backing everything up.  So I (and several others) went into the exit part of the parking lot so we wouldn't have to wait in the line. I felt bad for doing it but I told the manager when he brought us our food and he laughed and said that he actually tells people to do that because their lunch time is just so crazy busy.  I felt much better after confessing my "sin" to him and getting his permission to do so! :)  

I got all the kids food sorted out to them, and had just taken a bite when Alanna started crying and reaching for me.  She had no interest in eating and I knew how tired she was, so I picked her up and she just sat on me with her legs wrapped around my belly and her head laying on my chest.  One minute later, she sat up....and threw up ALL over the front of my dress.  I tried catching what I could in my hands but we all know how well that works out.  I felt like it was the never ending throw up.  She has never thrown up before other than her newborn spit up so this was all very new for her and I could tell it stressed her out a lot.  Of course Liam, who was sitting next to me, and who has a somewhat strong gag reflex...starts gagging and almost threw up because he was so grossed out by seeing her throw up and hearing her throw up.  I very quickly and as nicely as I could said "Liam please look away from Alanna throwing up and eat your food so we can go home!"  

I sat there for a few seconds wondering what on earth to do.  Here I was with a little screaming girl covered in throw up, I was covered in throw up, and I was still holding a handful of throw up.  Plus the restaurant was packed and we were sitting right by the cash registers where everyone could hear and see Alanna screaming.  I dumped the throw up in my hands onto the tray, and wiped what I could off of my dress with some napkins.  I asked one of the CFA employees if they would bring me some paper towels and then after she did asked if she minded getting me a new sandwich to go since mine was no good and if I gave her my debit card, if she would ring up a milkshake for me???  Yes, I went there.  I must have looked pretty awful or just pathetic because she brought me the sandwich and a LARGE milkshake and didn't charge me for either.  She said "it's on us today!"  And this is why I love CFA so much.  I changed Alanna's clothes right there by the table but in the corner where no one could really see her.  Then I threw all the trash away, packed up the rest of Liam's food into the diaper bag (without actually touching any of the food cause I still hadn't been able to wash my hands)  stuffed my sandwich in the diaper bag, put Alanna on my hip on the side that wasn't drenched in throw up, grabbed my milkshake, and tried to hurry Liam along as we rushed out of CFA.  Liam was holding his lemonade and drinking it as he was walking so you can only imagine how sssssllllloooowww he was walking.  I felt like it took a thousand years to get to the van and by the time we reached the van I was almost dropping Alanna because I was carrying her with my left arm and I'm not used to that.  

I got everything loaded and by the time we pulled out of the parking lot Alanna was sound asleep.  My poor little sweet baby girl.  It is so hard watching one of your kids be sick but especially when they are still so little and can't talk enough to tell you what's wrong and what hurts.  Liam finished his lunch in the van and I drank my entire large size milkshake within 15 minutes.  Don't judge was a pretty stressful situation.  I actually feel like I handled it very well though.  I really didn't freak out or panic.  I didn't get mad at Liam about anything and I didn't cry about being soaked through with throw up.  Maybe it was the milkshake that helped keep me calm :)  I guess the "one million" calories I drank from it were worth it. 

She slept until about five minutes before we got home and I was so afraid she would not go back to sleep once we got home.  But after I turned on Curious George for Liam, got her some medicine, and changed my clothes, she snuggled right up on me with her two favorite blankies and then held my hand and fell right to sleep.  I was so thankful.  She had a fever and really needed to sleep.  She slept for three hours.  She had a fever the rest of the night but ate two muffins and some applesauce for dinner which was good because she hadn't ate much the whole day.  I spent the rest of the evening just playing with the kids and keeping Alanna happy.  

Being outside usually ensures that cranky kids are happy.  She loves being outside so we spent some time playing with her new stacking cups and drinking "wawe" (a.k.a water), until the mosquitoes were literally eating us alive and we had to come inside.  And I'm sorry but this is the only photo I have to post today.  It was such a crazy busy day that taking pictures wasn't really at the top of my list of things to do.

They took an extra long bath tonight and then we read books (Llama Llama...their favorite).  Then I sang songs with Liam and got him in bed and then snuggled Alanna up in her blanket and rocked her to sleep.  She doesn't really ever fall asleep when I rock her so she is still really not feeling well.  She still had a fever even with being on ibuprofen.  I'm praying she sleeps better tonight and feels better in the morning.  

I can only imagine how much more crazy a day like this will be when I have a newborn added to the mix :) 

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