20 weeks

I had every intention of taking a nice outdoor picture today for my 20 week picture, but it was like 60 degrees, pouring down rain, dark and very gloomy.  So I just went with the picture I took of myself before going out to dinner with my sister the other night.  It will have to do for now.  Maybe tomorrow it won't be so "blah" outside. 

June 3, 2015

Weeks pregnant: 20
Weight gained: 22 pounds. I gained 4 pounds while on vacation last week!  I think I ate one too many potato chips with ranch dip! 
Gender:  We find out tomorrow!  Finally!!! AH I'm so excited.  Liam wants a boy and Ruy wants a girl.  Nathan and I are happy either way.  If it's a girl, her and Alanna's birthdays will only be a few weeks apart so I'd be able to hand down all of Alanna's clothes to her and I'm sure they would be best friends :)  If it's a boy, I have to buy all new boy clothes which will be so fun...I'm seeing tiny baby suspenders :) 
Maternity clothes:  Yes some.  Today it was rainy and cold so I broke out my favorite black Motherhood maternity leggings.  They are so comfy. 
Sleep:  Sleeping ok.  Last night was pretty terrible though.  I went to bed at 10:30PM and woke up so many times because I had to go to the bathroom.  I woke up at 11:30PM, 1:33AM, 3:36AM, 4:50AM, and then Alanna woke me up at 6:30AM for the day.  Geez I am exhausted just thinking about all that.
Best moment in the past two weeks:  Vacation!  It was so fun and the weather was amazing.  I loved watching the kids have so much fun at the beach.
Worst moment in the past two weeks:  While we were on vacation, Thursday afternoon, I got a call from my younger brother telling me that my sister Ruth (31) had been in a car accident and was in the emergency room.  He didn't know anything else though.  So I had to call my Dad who was at the hospital with her to find out what was going on.  She had gone off the rode, over corrected, and then hit a tree!!!  I was so upset I was not there to be with her but thankfully she was ok and was able to go home the next day.  She had no major injuries just some glass in her that they had to get out and some bruising.  God was really watching out for her! 
Miss anything:  I miss working out.  I really can't wait to get back into P90x3.
Movement:  YES!!! We FINALLY felt the baby move on Sunday (May 31)  And Nathan was off work and was right there with me so we were able to feel it together at the same time.  That's never happened before.  It was very special.
Cravings:  While on vacation the potato chips and dip called my name one too many times.  I haven't had that in almost a year but I totally caved while on vacation.
 Queasy or sick:  No.  I just feel dizzy and sore sometimes from having such bad varicose veins.  I get light headed and have to sit down some times or move from side to side to try to keep my legs from and feet from hurting.  My feet have been swelling a lot lately.
Looking forward to:  Our first ultra-sound tomorrow.  I can't wait to see our little baby and find out if it's a boy or a girl.  I think it's a boy but I thought that with Alanna and was most certainly wrong.  I think I just always thought I'd have all boys so that's probably why I think it's a boy again. 

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