We are so excited to be adding another sweet little BOY to our family!!!  I thought for sure it was a boy and as soon as they turned the ultra sound on I thought I could tell but had to wait for the technician to go through the whole thing until she told us the gender.  Nathan is already excited about having another little boy to coach in baseball and I can't wait to have another little boy that loves to snuggle.  Liam is super excited and was so happy when we came home and told him.  Alanna of course was clueless as to what was going on and Ruy was slightly disappointed it wasn't another little sister.  But he was happy about it today.  

I will have a blast shopping for baby clothes because I got rid of pretty much all of the boys' clothes that I had.  Most of them were from when Ruy was born so they were getting old and this baby is going to be a fall baby and the boys were born in April and July so none of their baby clothes would have fit anyway.  

It looks as though Alanna is destined to be surrounded by brothers and all that comes along with that....trucks, baseballs, dirt, guns, and I'm sure as she gets older...lots of "protecting"  :)  

I apologize that it took until this morning for me to post the gender but my sister and her kids ended up coming over yesterday afternoon and my kids were in no mood to be taking any pictures while their cousins were here.  But I appreciate all the kind words and thoughts from everyone and am so happy to be finally sharing our happy news!!! 

We are naming our precious baby boy after my grandparents Judith & David.  We are very close with them and wanted to name him in honor of them. 

Jude David Zeigler....
we love you so much and can't wait to meet you!

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