Sugar Free & Grain Free Peach Cobbler

I love peaches.  I love them plain, in ice-cream, in oatmeal...pretty much peaches are amazing.  And since peaches have been on sale for $.99 a pound at Kroger the past few weeks, we've been eating a lot of them.  Alanna calls them "bapples" because apparently every fruit is an apple or "bapple" as she calls them.  Liam has no problem eating 1 or 2 for a snack within a few minutes.  Ruy has been a little on the picky side about them but finally came around tonight when we ate them with dinner and said they were delicious.  

Tomorrow morning we are heading out early to hang out with some friends at the zoo.  Morning time  is busy enough without us trying to be out the door by 9:15, so I decided to make our breakfast for in the morning tonight.  It makes it SO much easier when I don't have to get up and cook anything and then wash all of the dishes I had to bake in.  We don't eat cereal, pop-tarts, Bisquick, etc. so all of our breakfasts are made from scratch.  It can make mornings more challenging but I just really really really try to always plan ahead and know what will be eating the next morning.  Menu planning is crucial for me.  I always double or triple batches when I make pancakes, waffles, or muffins so that I can easily just grab some out of the freezer and heat them up in the microwave for a quick, easy, healthy breakfast.  

So since we are heading out early, I went on Pinterest looking for a yummy breakfast for us tomorrow.  I had planned on making oatmeal but really wanted to try something new.  And I've been craving Peach Cobbler like crazy.  It's one of my favorites but all the flour and sugar in it bothers me so bad.  I came across this recipe and decided to give it a try.  I read all of the comments and decided to make a few changes based on what others had said, what ingredients I had, and what I thought would work best for our family.  

Here are the changes I made:

The original ingredients & my changes are highlighted.

  • 2 cups peaches; peeled, pitted and sliced (I used 5 cups of peaches which was 8 whole peaches)
  • ¼ cup filtered water (I used 3/4 cup of water)
  • 4 tablespoons butter  or coconut oil (I used butter)
  • ¾ cup almond flour  (I used 3/4 cup of homemade almond flour & 1/4 cup golden flax-seed)
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ cup full-fat coconut milk or heavy cream (I used heavy cream)
  • ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons raw honey  (I used 2 tablespoons of the Trim Healthy Mama Sweet Blend)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • cinnamon and nutmeg, for topping (I used cinnamon and a little apple pie spice)
  • full-fat coconut milk, heavy cream or ice cream for topping

I followed the instructions exactly as she did, except I cooked mine in an 11x14 dish for 45 minutes.  

 Before going into the oven. 

When it came out of the oven, the "crust" was still a little soft but I tried it with a little bit of low carb vanilla ice cream (I eat this vary rarely since I don't like to eat Splenda) and it tastes so delicious!  I'm thinking that the "crust" will harden up while it sits in the frig tonight, but even if it doesn't, it's very good as it is.  I'm so happy to have found a peach cobbler recipe that I can eat and give to my kids to eat, totally guilt free! 

*Update:  We had this for breakfast this morning (6-24-15) after it had sat in the frig all night.  The "crust" did harden up more like I thought it would and all three of my kids loved it!  Liam especially loved it and has literally asked me to make it again  We ate the whole pan for breakfast but since it actually wasn't very expensive to make, I'm sure this will be a common breakfast/dessert in our family during the Summer when peaches are on sale :) 

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