22 Weeks

June 17, 2015

Weeks pregnant: 22
Weight gained: 26 pounds
 Gender:  It's a BOY!!! We're so excited about adding another sweet snuggly little boy to our family.
Maternity clothes:  I've been finding lots of great dresses at Target this Summer.  They aren't maternity but they are fitting me great and are so comfortable. 
Sleep:  Sleeping pretty good right now.
Best moment in the past two weeks:  Finding out the gender of the baby and a surprise visit from my sister Selina!  I wasn't expecting to see her again until possibly April of next year so when she called to say she was in town for a few days, I was so happy.  We got to spend an entire day together with all our kids.  She has eight kids and our kids are all like best friends :)
Worst moment in the past two weeks:  Missing my husband pretty bad.  He's been in Mexico on a missions trip since last Friday.  And while I'm SO happy he got to go share Jesus with the Mexican people, I am really really missing him right now. 
Miss anything:  Being able to function in the Summer heat.  It's been close to 100 degrees almost every day the past week and I'm not going to lie.... I'm not handling it very well.  I get exhausted and dizzy within a few minutes of being outside.  So unless I'm near some water, I'd rather just be inside in the AC. 
Movement:  Yes, all the time now.  He especially likes to start moving around 10pm every night. 
Cravings:  No cravings right now. 
 Queasy or sick:  I've been getting very dizzy from the heat.  These almost 100 degree days are killing me, especially when I have to take all the kids grocery shopping with me.  I'm pretty much done for the rest of the day after a grocery shopping trip.
Looking forward to:  Nathan coming home on Sunday!!!

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