Can I Just Eat Some Chick-Fil-A Please

Yesterday was a busy day for us and a little crazy :)  I decided that I was going to go to our outdoor mall to try to find our outfits for my upcoming maternity pictures.  So I loaded the kids up in the van and we headed out.  I decided not to pack snacks and just get an early lunch at the mall Chick-Fil-A.  We went to Gap, and then H&M.  I had to try on clothes on all three of the kids.  They didn't have the suspender jeans that I wanted for Liam but they had them in Ruy's size.  So I had Ruy try on the suspenders and had Liam try on a different kind of jeans.  Ruy hated the suspenders but loved the jeans I had picked out for Liam.  The jeans I got for Liam were either too big or too small.  The jeans I tried on for myself were so tight I could barely squeeze them on.  Apparently I am not a size 4 any more (or a 6 or a size 8)...even in maternity jeans.  It was kind of depressing.  Maybe it's because they were skinny jeans.  I had no desire to go get another style and drag the kids back into the dressing room so I will have to go back another day when we're not all so hungry.  By the time we finished trying on clothes, it was 11AM and we were all STARVING.  By the way we were acting, you would have thought none of us had had any food in days! I'm not sure what I was thinking when I decided to go out without snacks for anyone but never again will I do that.  Anyways... I bought a dress for Alanna and the pair of jeans that Liam tried on in Ruy's size for Ruy and then we headed up to the food court to get lunch.  Problem...the food court was closed for renovations.  They are replacing the food court with a Children's Museum.  There was a sign that said there was a Chick-fil-a express down by H&M...right where we had come from.  Really!  So we went back down the elevator to check out the CFA Express.  Of course we all had to go to the bathroom by that point so we stopped at the bathroom first.  When we got back to the CFA Express, I realized that this wasn't going to work.  They just had sandwiches and nuggets in a cooler bag.  So we went to one more store and then left the mall and went to the CFA across the street.  When we got there, Ruy asked if we could get the food to go and go eat and play at the Children's Museum.  I thought that sounded good, so we got the food to go and headed to the museum.  When we got to the museum was closed.  It was closed because they were moving over to the outdoor mall.  I totally should have thought of that since the food court at the mall was closed but nope I didn't.  So, we left and headed back to eat at CFA.  I wanted to be irritated but knew that wasn't right.  So I told Ruy "let's just laugh about this.  It's not the end of the world.  We have our food, we'll all safe and alive and things could be worse!  We'll just go back and eat at CFA".  Ruy and I both laughed.  We went back to CFA, carried in all our to-go-food, and ate it all up.  It was delicious and I was glad that I didn't freak out and panic about the whole thing. 

We got home a little after 1PM and I put Alanna straight down for a nap.  While she slept the boys watched a movie and then went outside to play in the water.  Alanna got up and joined them.  

 When it was time to get out, I helped Liam dry off.  He looked so sweet and snuggly, I had to give him a kiss.  When I kissed him, he let out a big "tooty".  Of course him and Ruy thought it was the funniest thing ever.  Here's the picture I took of Liam right after it happened....look at that face! 

Then we cleaned up and headed to dinner.  A friend from church invited us and some other moms and kids over for dinner to chat and play.  We had a really great time.  There were a bunch of kids there and they all had a blast playing together and us moms had a great time catching up and just talking.  It was a great end to a slightly long day. 

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