Ruy's Last Baseball Game & Team Party

Ruy had his last baseball game of the season last week.  They lost the game, but they played so hard and I was so proud of Ruy.  Besides all the rain we had, it was a really great season.  

Sunday we had church...

.... then went home for a short while for Alanna to get a nap before Ruy's team party.  And to eat a few popsicles. 

Then it was time for the team party!  Ruy's coach had the team party at his house.  Normally, we always go to Cici's but he wanted to have a cookout at his house.  It was the best team party we've ever had.  They had a big back yard with a play house, a trampoline, a huge sandbox, and two water-slides.  All three of my kids had so much fun.  I had planned on leaving around 4:30pm but ended up not leaving till after 5:30pm and was the last one to leave!  I really appreciated the coach and his wife having everyone over though because usually it's kind of stressful trying to keep my little ones occupied for that long of a time at Cici's but at the coach's house...they all three were almost in tears when it was time to go :) 

They were all worn out after such a fun day and all crashed pretty hard.  I was pretty exhausted myself, but in a good way.  It was a great way to end the weekend.  I hope everyone else had a great weekend as well! 

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