September 9, 2015
Weeks pregnant: 34
Weight gained: 33 pounds.  I still weigh 145 pounds.  And still feeling like a whale. 
Gender:  Boy.
Maternity clothes: I've pretty much been looking at Gaps maternity leggings every day trying to convince myself just to buy them because they look so darn comfortable and I know I'll wear them even after I have the baby because it takes me several months to lose all the baby weight and it's so nice to have the extra support in the belly.
Sleep: Braxton Hicks contractions wake me up in the middle of the night along with them causing me having to pee instantly as soon as the contraction hits.  The other night I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to the bathroom in time!
Best moment in the past two weeks:  I'd have to say that our field trip day with my best friend and her girls was pretty great.  We didn't do anything crazy exciting, just the Children's Museum, a little shopping, & Starbucks but it was just so nice seeing all our kids having so much fun together and getting in some much needed adult conversation at the same time!
Worst moment in the past month:  I accidentally tripped Alanna the other day and she fell and hit the bed rail on my bed.  It put a cut on her gums and a little bruise on her lip up to her nose.  Oh she cried and cried.  And I felt like the worst mother ever.  It was terrible.  I do not handle my kids being in pain at all.  I'm praying none of them every break any bones or anything.  I do not think I could handle it. 
Miss anything: Being able to chase the kids around.  They are aching for me to play tag, hide & seek, etc. but it's just too hard on me to run around after them. I get dizzy so fast and my stomach cramps.  I can't wait to get back into working out and being able to run and play with the kids like I normally do when I'm not pregnant.
 Movement:  Yes, lots and lots of movement. 
 Cravings:  No cravings.  Just not able to eat as much as I normally do because I am seriously running out of room in there!
 Queasy or sick: Still super dizzy all the time.
 Looking forward to:  Ruy's first soccer game of the season on Saturday & my baby shower.  Both on the same day...yep, I have to figure out how to work that all out since the times overlap!  

*If you want to see previous updates just click under the "baby bump" tab under topics on the sidebar.  

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