We went grocery shopping yesterday morning for several reasons.  1.  My baby shower was this morning & 2. Ruy's first soccer game was right about the same time my shower ended & 3. We were completely out of milk and eggs.  I don't know about you but it's hard to function in our house without milk and eggs.  Anyways...so yesterday we headed to the grocery store first thing after we got breakfast cleaned up.  

I decided to give Aldi another try because I wanted to look again at what products they have and also because I only wanted to go to one grocery store instead of two or three and was hoping I could find everything I needed there.  I had a pretty good amount of things on my list but was only not able to find a few of the things I needed.  So I worked with what they had and even though the items may not have been perfect for Trim Healthy Mama, I got what I could to avoid heading out to Wal-Mart.  I couldn't find low-carb wraps (but I've been told some Aldis do carry them), Natural Peanut Butter that only had peanuts in it, All-Natural Jelly, Dreamfields Pasta, Whole Wheat Taco Shells (for my kids).  I also picked up a few things that weren't on my list like...Apple Cider.  I'm almost 36 weeks pregnant so I gave into the craving!

Here is what I got from Aldi:

I spent $117.41 on everything. 

I was pretty happy with the amount of things I was able to find.  And even though a lot of things are cheaper to buy in bulk at Sam's Club, it was really nice to only go to one small store for one hour and then be done.  I wasn't overwhelmed and exhausted by the time I got done grocery shopping and that is worth spending a little extra money for me right now in the point of life I'm in.  I will probably have to go to Wal-Mart once a month and stock up on things like low-carb wraps, natural peanut butter & jelly, Dreamfields Pasta, and a few other things.  And then go to Aldi for my weekly items.  Well that's what I'm going to do for the next few months and see if it works out better for our family than going to Sam's Club, Kroger, and Wal-Mart on a weekly basis.  

After we got done grocery shopping I took the kids to the Children's Museum to play for an hour.  They had been in the car for a while driving out to the store, then all the time shopping so I figured they would enjoy the play time.  

After we got done playing we sat outside and ate the lunch I packed.  

 *Never a dull moment with these three!

Then we headed home, put Alanna down for a nap, brought in the groceries, did school, chilled for a bit, and then headed out to Small Group.  It was a busy day but not stressful. :) 

And here is our Menu Plan

Friday *Small Group 6:30pm
B- Banana Muffins
L- String Cheese, Pepperoni, fruit, pretzels
D- Homemade Pizza, Salad

Saturday: *Ruy's Soccer Game & Baby Shower
B- Fried eggs, yogurt with fruit (S)  & a second breakfast at my shower {full of lots of cheat foods but it was all very yummy}   
L- Leftover pizza from last night, apple slices (E)
D- I had planned on making black bean soup but in the hurry to get to my shower, I totally forgot.   So we had egg tacos instead.   

Sunday:  *Church 10AM, Meet & Greet 6PM  
B- Peanut Butter Overnight Oatmeal (Crossover from PB)
L- Spaghetti (meatless) with Salad (E)
D-  Smoothies, muffins (S)

Monday:  *Practice 6:30PM
B- Oatmeal Pumpkin Muffins (E)
L- Me: Apple Pecan Salad  (E)  Kids:  PB & Jelly Sandwiches, fruit
D- Cheeseburger Pie, green beans (S)  

Tuesday:  Appointment with Melanie
B- Scrambled Eggs with cheddar cheese, Shake (S)
L- Me: Apple Pecan Salad (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, fruit
D- Crock Pot Fajitas (E or S, depending on toppings)

Wednesday: *Awanas
B- Me: Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes  (S) Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes
L-  Pizza Wraps (S)
D- Parmesan Soup, salad, (S)

Thursday *Soccer Game 5PM
*I'm leaving out the dates.  
L- Me: Salad  Kids:  Cheese & Bean Quesadillas
D- Crock Pot Lemon Chicken, Green Beans (E)
*I had planned on making this dinner last week, but since my sister was in town we ate with her and I didn't end up making this. Also, I have to change a few things about this recipe to make it THM.

Friday: Small Group
B- Ham & Cheese Omelets (S)
L- Turkey, Turkey Bacon, Tomato, Laughing Cow Cheese Paninis & yogurt with fruit (E)
D- Pizza & Salad (E)

*Our week was busy last week and I didn't get a chance to make any of these desserts so I'm going to try to make them this week.

Snacks: Air-popped Popcorn, Smoothies, Fruit, Nuts, String Cheese, Carrots & Ranch, Granola Bars, Protein Shakes, Yogurt & granola

Sunday Meal Prep*
Muffins (Double batch for the week)
Wash veggies, cut & package
Cook chicken
Prepare pizza dough

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