Friday we took a field trip day and headed to the Children's Museum with my best friend and her group of girls.  She has four girls ages 12, 5, 3, and 5 months.  And then I have an 8, 4, and 1 year old.  We are quite the crew when we go out anywhere together.  Our kids all play together so well and we just always have such a good time when we are together.  

We spent two hours at the museum and then since the museum is inside of our outdoor mall, we headed to H&M afterward to look for some much needed fall clothes for the kids.  I was able to find several things that I've been wanting so I was really happy & excited about that.  After 40 minutes in the store though all our kids were ready to get going.  They begged us to let them go into Build-a-Bear so we agreed and then took them to Starbucks to get a smoothie as a treat and then let them run around outside on the little play area the mall has.  My kids were all really excited about their drinks and Ruy especially thought he was getting very spoiled.  I had a gift card...I don't normally spend that kind of money on treats for the kids.  Usually they get $.89 cones from Chick-fil-a.  They had blast running around and were SO worn out by the time we headed home around 3.  

Liam was not too excited about this picture.

Saturday was grocery shopping day.  I grabbed a small bag of chocolate covered raisins while we were there to help keep the kids happy.  Ok...maybe I bought them for me too!  We went to Kroger & Sam's Club and made it out of both stores with minimal crying, whining, fighting, or begging to get out of the cart.  I didn't need a ton of things so were weren't in either store for too long.  But regardless we were still worn out by the end.

Here's what I bought:

*The french dressing is for my husband.  He likes to dip his pizza in it.  It's not on plan with Trim Healthy Mama so if you follow THM and know of a French dressing that is on plan...Please!  Let me know!

*I was bad and bought sugar free creamer.  I know it's not very good for you but sometimes I just need it.

*And the Cheerios were a total "splurge" for the kids.  We haven't had cereal in over 6 months and Liam was begging me for it, so I gave in.


Saturday ended with baths & snuggles & books.  I had to get a picture of these two in their matching "Very Hungry Caterpillar" pajamas.  Ruy is over the whole tight fitting pjs thing so no cute matching pjs for him :)

Sunday was church.  I went outside right before we left for church to take a picture of Alanna and both the boys got jealous and had to jump in with her.  When your kids beg to be in a picture, you don't think about it... you just gladly take them :)

 She is so in love with her blankie or as she calls it "badie" (Not sure how you would spell that but she says it with a long a...feel free to tell me how you would spell it lol) .  And I'm pretty in love with her little pigtails. 

And this was Liam's drawing of me.  I think it's a pretty close resemblance.  What do you think??? :)

And that's about how our weekend went.  I hope everyone else had a fantastic weekend.

Here is our menu plan for the week.  I am already not doing so well with the "cheat" meals the past few days.  I need to get back on track quickly!

B- Scrambled eggs with cheese & yogurt with truvia, peanut butter & chocolate chips (S)
L- Spaghetti (meatless), salad with blue cheese (S - From the blue cheese dressing)
D- Ham & Cheese Quesadillas with sour cream & salsa (S)

Monday-  *Make homemade bread
B- Me: Chocolate Zucchini Muffins (Cheat) Kids: Cheerios with honey
L- Eat Out (Cheat)
D- Bean & ChickenBurritos (E, S, or Crossover...depending on how many beans you use and toppings)
*These were really good.  Alanna especially loved them.  Use mozzarella cheese and Greek yogurt to keep them an E.  I used cheddar cheese and sour cream for a Crossover. 

Tuesday- Doctor's Appointment
B- Scrambled eggs with cheese, fruit (S)
L- Me: Turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato sandwich, fruit (E). Kids: PB & Jelly Sandwich, fruit
*I'm using ground turkey in this and Dreamfields noodles.  

Wednesday- Watching a friend's kids & First night of Awanas
B- Me: THM Pancakes with yogurt & berries (E)  Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes
L- Me: Chef Salad, yogurt with fruit (S) Kids: Mac & cheese, fruit
*Switching the noodles out for brown rice. 

Thursday- Maternity Pictures
L- Snack-y-lunch (String cheese, turkey pepperoni, Pretzels (for the kids) I'll probably have toast with jelly) (E)
D- Chili (E)

B- Ham & cheese omelets
L- Homemade chicken nuggets, apples & peanut butter (S)
D- Homemade pizza, salad (E) 

Our snacks will be fruit, yogurt, nuts, cheese, smoothies/shakes, muffins.  

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