It's the first day of September and I'm pretty excited about it because I know that means cooler weather is quickly approaching.  Don't get me wrong.  I love Summer, but with being so big pregnant I'm ready for cooler weather.  Plus, I love all the pumpkin things that come with Fall and all the fun family activities that we do in the Fall.  

So to welcome Fall and all it's beauty & say good-bye to hot lazy Summer days...
I took some pictures of the kids tonight. 

Let me just say a few things about this little photo session I did with the kids. 
1. Kids do not like having their mom drag them to the park for pictures.
2.  It is really hard to be 33 weeks pregnant and drag said kids to the park...along with a wagon, a blanket, a diaper bag, 3 water bottles, a cooler bag of watermelon & the kitchen sink.  Just kidding about the kitchen sink but you moms know what I'm talking about :) 
3.  I should probably have chosen a cooler night to take these pictures on.  We were all dripping in sweat within a few minutes of being outside. 
4.  It is really hard to take pictures of three kids when you have a specific vision in mind for your session.  Snapping pictures of your kids playing is so much easier. 
5.  Watermelon is a great way to get your kids to hold still for about 1.5 minutes. 
and 6.  I think I will not ever try to take posed pictures of my kids without assistance from my husband or a friend ever again LOL.  It's so hard...at least not when I'm huge pregnant that is. 

Anyways...I left thinking that I got nothing out of the 86 pictures that I took in the 5 minutes I was shooting, but once I got to editing them I was pleasantly surprised that I got a few really sweet shots.  

....And this pretty much sums up what it's really like trying to take pictures of kiddos :)  Never.A.Dull.Moment!!!
Ruy's Jeans-H&M sold out //Similar Here //  Alanna's dress- Target sold out//  Alanna's Bow  // Liam's Jeans - H&M sold out//  Boys' Rain Boots- Goodwill

I love my little munchkins so much.  They are all growing up way.way.way too fast & sometimes it's actually painful to think about.  I want to wrap them up and keep them little forever.  

Ok...I'll stop my emotional "Mommyness"! 

This was a great Summer.  We did so many fun things and are leaving Summer with a lot of really great memories! We are all so excited about Fall though and all the changes it will bring to our family.  Jude will be here in just a few short weeks and all of us can't wait to kiss and snuggle with him.  

So I'll end this wishing you all a Happy September First & hoping you are all as excited about pumpkin candles, muffins, lattes, & pies as I am :) 


  1. These pictures are so cute! My favorite is the last one :) hehe

  2. Yes, this is reality...Liam bothering Alanna :)
