The 23rd was the first day of fall.  While I love summer, I was not sad to see it go.  We had so much fun this summer but I have been so ready for cooler weather.  I've been able to function so much better the past week or so since the weather started cooling off.  Fall also means that little Jude will be here in about four weeks so that is another super exciting reason to be happy that fall is here!

We kicked off our fall this year with a surprise visit to see my in-laws.  I woke up this past Tuesday morning and just randomly decided that we needed to go see them.  It's been some time since we were all able to get together and I knew they were really missing the kids.  So after we did school, went to my 36 weeks check-up, and ate a packed lunch in the van...we headed down to see them.  They live about 1.5 hours away so it's a pretty easy trip.  On the way down an 18 wheeler lost part of his tire and it went under my van and hit my gas tank and caused a small leak.  I had no idea it had caused any damage until I parked at the school where my mother-in-law (Kelly) teaches.  I kept smelling the gas so strongly but couldn't figure out why.  I thought maybe I had got it on my shoes or something.  Later on that day, when I got back to my in-laws house, my father-in-law (Ray) looked under the van and found the leak.  He was able to plug it and I really hope the plug solves the problem for a long time.  

Anyways...enough about crazy vehicle problems.  Kelly was so surprised to see us and so happy.  She had an hour of school left so we left the school and went back to house and we played outside while we waited for her to get home.

 ...Oh the crazy faces this boy can make!

We went and got pizza for dinner later that evening and then while I went back home and put the "littles" to bed, Ray & Kelly took Ruy to Bass Pro Shop.  He loved it and told them he wants a gift card with $1000 on it for Christmas.  Good luck with that my love! :)  

The next morning (The First Day Of Fall)  after playing outside on the driveway for a bit,

we went to a little petting zoo that is right by their house for a field trip.  I grew up in the same area that Nathan grew up in so I used to go to this petting zoo when I was little.  It's so cute and so much fun.

 Liam was protecting Alanna from the "mean" turkey.  :) He always thinks it's his personal job to keep her from getting hurt (which usually causes her to get more hurt than she probably would have) and to tell her what to do even if he is disobeying.  I'm hoping this "protecting" thing will turn into a very good thing when they become teenagers!

 & these goodness!  Alanna loves Ruy so much.  She wants to be with him all the time.  He's so good with her!

The kids had so much fun.  Their favorite part was the little learning stand they had set up.  They were teaching kids about animal tracks and had some fun activities for the kids to do.

After the petting zoo, we met up with Kelly at the school for her lunch break and ate Chick-fil-a with her.  Then the kids played outside with her class for a little bit during recess and then we headed home.  

It was a fun little surprise visit and a great way to start the fall season. 


  1. Love your sweater!

    1. Thank you! My sweater is from Target about 3 or 4 weeks ago. They probably still have some. :)
