Happiness comes in the simplest of ways to children.  A rock, a stick, a flower.  Rolling in the grass, playing with mud, digging in dirt, sand, chalk, bubbles.  They really don't need a lot to make them happy.  They are so sweet and innocent.  Life is just so simple and beautiful for them.  I think sometimes us adults over-complicate things and try to give kids so much "stuff" that it drowns out the simple.  It drowns out what really matters

My kids are so good at reminding me that I need to just sit back and relax a little bit and enjoy the beauty of life...the beauty of simple

This sweet moment didn't last long.  Liam tried to hug & kiss Alanna and she wasn't having it so she slapped him in the face! :)

My 1st time getting all of Alanna's hair into 2 pigtails!  I.Love.It.

Her favorite spot to play at out in our front yard. 

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