Last Saturday a very close friend of mine hosted a baby shower for me.  Katie is so sweet and has such a beautiful home.  She is a wonderful host and an amazing friend.  I am so thankful to have her in my life.

I am also so thankful for all the ladies who came to celebrate little Jude with me.  I go to a church with some pretty awesome women and appreciate each and every one of them so much.  

All the food was delicious (especially the banana pudding) and Katie had it decorated so pretty. 

I had such a great time at the shower.  Thank you Katie for making the shower so beautiful for me and little Jude.

Ruy's first soccer game of the season was last Saturday morning as well.  I had to leave my shower a little early to make it to the game and I was only able to see the last 20 minutes of the game, but I was thankful I made it there for that.  Ruy really wanted me there and I really didn't want to miss it either.  He went in as goalie soon after I got to the field and was able to stop a goal!  I was so proud of him and he was so excited.  This is his fourth year playing soccer and it's so fun to see him get better every year.  He really enjoys it and has a lot of fun out there.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and stays dry.  It's raining all weekend here! 


  1. Love your dress! Where did you get it?


  2. Thank you! It's from Target. It's not available in most stores near me because I bought it in April, but you can still get it online. Here is the link

  3. Well, I correct that. It says it's not available online. Maybe you can find it in your clearance section at your Target.

  4. Such a feminine looking pretty dress. Thank you for responding.

