Yesterday I went grocery shopping.  I had planned on going Saturday, but because Ruy was supposed to have his first soccer game of the season this morning, I decided to go last night.  The game ended up getting rained out but I was glad I went last night because it was pouring so hard and I would not have wanted to drag the kids out in that.  

Anyways...we went out last night and it was just me and the two "littles" since Ruy is gone for the weekend at his Dad's.  Grocery shopping is more fun when he's with me.  He's my big helper.  He likes to hold my list for me and cross of the items we've added to the cart and I think his favorite thing to do is to help me get all the fruits and veggies while we're at Kroger.  Liam & Alanna like to ride in the little car carts and even though these are a pain to push, I endure it because it's so much easier having them both buckled in.  This trip resulted in Alanna up in the front near me though because Liam would not stop bothering her! I keep laughing thinking about how crazy grocery shopping is going to be in a few weeks when I have Ruy walking next to me, these two strapped in one of these, and Jude in the Ergo.  I will really get the "you're crazy" looks then :) 

It was about 6:45PM when we got home.   I got the kids inside and then started my least favorite part of grocery shopping...bringing the groceries in!  Please tell me I'm not the only one who doesn't like bringing the groceries in.  Our driveway is on a hill and being so big pregnant I get so sore & out of breathe by the time I've made one trip to the van.  I was on my third trip from the house to the van when I just saw the kids wagon and had the brilliant idea of loading up all the groceries in the wagon and then just pulling that down the hill, putting it at the bottom of the porch stairs, and carrying them in from there!  It worked and it was SO much easier.  I wish I had thought of that months ago.  

And here's my menu plan for the week:

Saturday: *Ruy's 1st soccer game, Grocery Shopping & Meal Prep
*Update: Ruy's soccer game got canceled & I went grocery shopping last night.
B- Me:  Muffin In A Mug with Cream Cheese Frosting (S) Kids:  Whole Wheat Banana Muffins 
*I used the recipe from the book, but used all ground golden flaxseed.  Then added some chocolate chips.  I used 4 truvia.  I used a few tablespoons of cream cheese and a few tablespoons of greek yogurt with 2 truvia and a splash of vanilla for my cream cheese frosting.  Turned out really delicious and was very filling! 

L- Cici's for our Home-School Group Start Of The Year Party (Cheat)
*I did not like either of these recipes.  The pretzel dog dough is a little time-consuming and I didn't like the flavor at all.  With 3 kids I need quick meals.  The tator tots were easy to make but I didn't like the taste of them either.  I've tried SO many different cauliflower recipes and other than the "Loaded Fotato Soup" in the THM book, I just haven't liked any of the recipes I've tried.  Neither Alanna or Liam liked either of these recipes either so they ended up eating Cheerios for dinner.  I normally never ever let them not eat what was given to them for dinner but I disliked it so much that I didn't eat it either (which I never do so I must have really not liked it)  I'm eating blue corn chips and sour cream with salsa right now as I type this. 

Sunday: *Church
B- Peanut Butter Overnight Oatmeal (Crossover from the peanut butter)
L- Mac & Cheese, Green Beans (S)
*My own mac&cheese recipe.  I'll try to post this later this week.
D- Turkey Pepperoni, String Cheese, Smoothies, Carrots & Ranch
*We always eat a big meal for lunch on Sundays so I'm going to start serving a "snack-style" lunch on Sunday nights to keep things simple.

Monday:  *Practice
B- Me: Pumpkin Muffins (I can't find the recipe that I have printed out.  I'll keep looking for it though so I can post a link) Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Muffins
L- Me:Chef Salad (ham, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, tomato, lettuce, ranch dressing) Smoothie  (S) Kids: PB & Jelly, Smoothies
D- Black Bean Soup & Blue Corn Chips (E)

B- Scrambled Eggs with cheddar cheese, Shake (S)
L- Grilled Cheese & tomato Soup (Crossover...from the bread)

Wednesday: *1st Night of Awanas
B- Me: Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes Kids: Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes
L- Chicken Nuggets & homemade cinnamon apples (S)

Thursday *Soccer Practice
B- Overnight Oatmeal (E)
L- Leftover Broccoli Soup (S)
D- Crock Pot Lemon Chicken, Green Beans 
*I have to make a few changes to this recipe to make it on-plan with THM. 

Friday: *1st Night of Small Group
B- Ham & Cheese Omelets, cinnamon apples (S)
L- Turkey, Turkey Bacon, Tomato, Laughing Cow Cheese Paninis & yogurt with fruit (E)
D- Pizza & Salad (E)

Snacks: Air-popped Popcorn, Smoothies, Fruit, Nuts, String Cheese, Carrots & Ranch,  Protein Shakes, Yogurt & granola

Saturday Meal Prep*
*A few weeks ago, I started preparing some foods that we would need throughout the week to try to make things easier on me, especially with our breakfasts.  It makes a big mess in the kitchen when I make muffins or pancakes and then the kids are waiting (acting like they are starving to death while they cook) and are cranky and clingy.  Then I have a huge mess to clean up and school gets pushed back too late.  So I started doing Saturday Meal Prep and it's helped a lot.  I don't always get everything on my list done, but whatever I do get done makes a big difference.  Here's what was on my list for today and what I crossed off is what I actually gone done.  The rest I will try to finish up tomorrow.  
Pancakes for the Kids
THM Pancakes
Muffins (Double batch for the week)
Wash fruit, cut & package
Wash veggies, cut & package
Prepare pizza dough
Make overnight oats for Sunday

And here is what I bought at the grocery stores yesterday:

Sam's Club:

I spent $5 on the Ajax with is part of my $100 household budget (which started over yesterday) and then I spent $85 on food from my $125 weekly grocery budget.  


I spent $53 at Kroger.  

*So I spent the $85 from Sam's at $53 at Kroger which took me over my weekly budget by  $13 so I'm going to plan on spending $13 under my budget next weekend when I go shopping.  

 *$100 - $5 = $95 left for household items for the next 3 weeks.

Well that's it for this week's menu & shopping trip.
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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