September 23, 2015
Weeks pregnant: 36
Weight gained: 34 pounds.  I weigh 146. 
Gender:  Boy.
Maternity clothes:  Yes & No.  I just ordered some leggings from Gap Maternity and they are very soft and comfortable.  I also just bought the shirt I'm wearing in my 36 week picture from Target.  It's not maternity but I thought it would be great for a nursing shirt after I have Jude and it can be worn so many ways!  It's extremely soft and oh so comfy too! 
Sleep: Sleep is somewhat difficult.  My back hurts pretty bad right now at night time and it is unbelievably hard to move myself from one side to the other without putting a cramp in my stomach.  I've been sleeping with a pillow between my legs to keep my legs from pulling down on my back and that has seemed to help some. 
Best moment in the past two weeks: Feeling Jude with the hiccups for the first time!  And going to visit my in-laws on a spur the moment over-night trip the other day.  We had a really great time!
Worst moment in the past month:  On our drive down to visit my in-laws the other day, an 18-wheeler that was driving beside me, blew a tire and pieces of it hit under my van.  I couldn't avoid it and it ended up puncturing my gas tank and caused a leak.  My van smelled so bad but I didn't know what was wrong.  I had my father-in-law look at the van after I got there and he found the leak.  He was able to plug it but I was so frustrated about it.  We just put in a large amount of money into the van a few weeks ago and I really hope the plug works for a long time because I have a feeling it will cost a lot to get it fixed. 
Miss anything: I'm just super ready to have him so that I can do all the normal things I would do.  Run around with the kids, chase them, hold them on my lap....walk 5 steps without feeling like I need to take a nap because I'm so exhausted!  haha :)  I know it's not too far away though so I'm just taking it one day at a time and trying to prepare myself for the birth.
Movement: Yes.  He's been head down for a few weeks now so hoping he doesn't move out of that position. 
Cravings:  No cravings really but I have been wanting to drink a Pumpkin Latte every day.  Too bad they aren't free :)
Queasy or sick: Not queasy just dizzy, sore, tired...ready to have this baby :) Oh and I've had heartburn the past few days.  Normally I have heartburn throughout much of the pregnancy and all three of my babies so far have had a ton of hair.  Since the heartburn is just starting with Jude, I wonder if he will be bald???
Looking forward to:  Apple Picking.  I'm hoping to be able to go within the next two weeks.  It's one of my favorite days of the year.  Hopefully I can handle the hills.    

*If you missed Jude's Maternity Pictures post, you can read it here.   

1 comment

  1. Happy 37 weeks. :) Do you normally go over or early?
    If you like PSLs you might like this recipe, it's definitely cheaper and if you don't like the bulletproof part you can just leave the coconut oil out. http://survivingtoddlerhood.com/2014/10/17/dairy-free-bulletproof-pumpkin-spice-latte/
