
17 pounds, 14.4 ounces, 28.5 inches long

This month has been such a big month for you.  You hit so many milestones.  You think you are a big girl...but you really are still so little.  Stop trying to act like a toddler already!!!

You started waving this month.  I love seeing your little hand wave "hello" and "bye-bye" to people.  You haven't figured it out completely yet but seeing you start to communicate with people is so neat.  

You took your first step last week on September 6.  Daddy was there to see it too!  I was worried Daddy would be at work when you took your first step but he wasn't!  We both clapped and cheered for you.  Since then, you have taken one and two steps but no more than that.  You are still unsure about this whole "walking" thing but I know you will be walking around with no problem very soon.  

You learned how to walk with your push toy.  You seem so little to be walking around the room with it though.  It's so cute. 

Ruy taught you how to clap.  Now when we say "yay" you start clapping.  You get really excited and smile and laugh when you clap.  

You are eating more and more.  You LOVE homemade pizza, sweet potatoes, chocolate chip muffins, cinnamon apples, mac & cheese, string cheese, yogurt with fruit, grapes, cheerios, and of course ice cream (as an occasional treat).  

You still take two naps a day.  You go to bed at 7:30PM and usually wake up to nurse at 1AM and 4AM.  Several nights a week though, you sleep all the way until either 4 or 5AM and then go back to sleep until 7:30-8AM. 

  You crawl around the house and then when you see start laughing and wrinkle up your nose, you crawl as fast as you can until you reach me, then crawl up onto my lap and try to kiss me.  It makes me so happy. 

You are so beautiful, so sweet, so smart.  Your laugh, your giggles, your smiles...they melt my heart.  I love you so much baby girl.  

Happy Ten Months!!!

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