Our Last Day of September

Today was the last day in September.  I feel like I blinked and it was gone!  Seriously once you have kids time goes by ridiculously fast.  We spent the last day of September continuing to learn about apples.  I've been working with Liam a little on learning his letters and their sounds.  I always do an apple study with the kids each year around this time so it worked out well with Liam learning about the letter A.  

Today I read Johnny Appleseed to the boys while they painted pictures of apple trees.  We read this book for the first time last year and Ruy just loved it, so he asked for me to read it again this year. We also read a book about how apples grow, all the different kinds of apples there are, and what the different parts of an apple are.  I had planned on making homemade play-doh with the boys tonight and doing another apple craft but we ended up going to my Dad's for dinner.  The boys had a blast riding bikes and scooters at his house so we'll work on the play-doh and other apple craft tomorrow.  I loved how their apple tree paintings turned out!  

  I drew Liam's tree outline with markers and then Liam used his Do-A-Dot Paint for his apple tree.  I like that the Do-A-Dot Paint is easy for him to use and he loves them.  But I don't like how hard they are to wash off his hands.  They say they are "washable" but the paint doesn't come off when you wash their hands.  It usually takes a good soaking and scrubbing in the tub for me to get it off of him.

Ruy likes to use Acrylic paint when he paints.  I usually get mine at Michael's when it goes on sale.  

I love their pictures so much!  

Ruy is officially getting way too big!  And Liam's new "bug eyes, serious face" smile is killing me! He is so silly.  And his boots are on the wrong feet.  He has started to ask me "Mommy is this the right feet?"  Meaning: "Are my shoes on the right feet?"
Well that's all for tonight! Happy October Eve! 

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