Summer's End

I don't know about you but I'm extremely exicted about Fall.  It's hard for me to decide which season is my favorite, Summer or Fall.  I love the cool crisp air, the changing of the leaves, the smells, sweater dresses, leggings, apple picking, pumpkin patches, baking, pumpkin frappes and lattes, roasting s'mores...  

So as we await Fall's arrival, we have been having lots of fun soaking in the last few weeks of Summer.  

Liam is still wearing his hat as usual.

 Baby girl loves being outdoors and she loves watching her brothers play.

 The boys ride their bikes daily.  Ever since Liam figured out how to pedal back in April, it's hard to keep him off his bike.  Ruy is due for a bigger bike.  I can't believe how fast he is growing up!

 Liam has found a few new ways to wear his hat...and no I didn't pose him like that.  He's just that cute :)

 Alanna can typically be found crawling around the house, getting into anything and everything that she isn't supposed to. 

Alanna stood for the first time a few weeks ago but it was only for a second or two second.  But two days ago, she stood on her own for 30 seconds at a time.  She is so close to walking.  I love her chubby little legs!

 Liam found a locust yesterday.  He named it Lucus the Locust.  He carried it around the whole day, talking to him, playing with him.  He was so sad when Ruy accidentaly stepped on him and crushed him.  

 Ruy's soccer season started this week so the boys have spent a lot of time outside kicking the soccer ball around together.  We're looking forward to his first game tomorrow.

 This is what I get from Ruy when I asked for a picture of him.  He is so silly.  

 *Sigh*  That Smile.. 

 Liam found Nathan's clothes and thought it would be fun to "Look like Daddy"

 Ruy came up with the idea to color on the tree stumps with chalk.  It kept the boys busy for some time.  Our yard looks pretty beautiful right now :) 

Well that's how we've spent the last few weeks of Summer.  
I hope you have enjoyed your Summer as well! 

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