Pizza Night

It's Saturday!  That means Pizza Night in our house!  Actually Friday or Saturday can be Pizza Night in our house depending on which day Nathan is off from the fire station.  This week he worked Friday so tonight is Pizza Night!!!

I love knowing that either Friday or Saturday we're having pizza for dinner because it makes menu planning that much easier on me.  My pizza making recipe has changed slightly over the past few months since starting the Trim Healthy Mama diet.  

I used to make my homemade dough with white flour and sugar in it.  Now, I use whole wheat flour and no sugar.  I also leave my dough in the refrigerator for several days to allow the carbs in the bread to decrease.   I found the recipe I use a few weeks back on Gwen's Nest.  This recipe has been life changing!  I am so happy I found it.  Making homemade pizza is SO easy and this dough is SO yummy.  Even if you don't follow THM you should try it...seriously go make it right now! :)

I followed Gwen's recipe exactly as she said to and it turned out amazing. Head over here to see the exact recipe I used.   I keep this dough in my frig at all times.  It can be used for more than just pizza dough as well!  I'm going to be making a Braided Apple Bread with it in the next few days.  

Well I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!  I'm off to go bake some pizza!!!

This is what my dough looked like after I first mixed it.

One hour after rising.

Two hours after rising and right before I put it in the frig.

My dough once it was on the pizza pan.

Ready to eat!  YUMMY!

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