Soccer Season

After his 1st game of the 2014 season.
  Soccer season started a few weeks ago.  I really enjoy the soccer season.  It's usually just starting to cool off around that time so practice nights are pretty relaxing.  The fields that the kids practice and play on are really nice.  Liam and Alanna love playing in the grass and I love watching Ruy have such a good time.  This is Ruy's third year in soccer.  He has improved so much each year and is really giving it his all.  It's fun to watch him learn and grow. 

 Baby girl enjoyed Ruy's soccer practice this past Thursday evening.  It was in the 60's by the time we left and was pretty overcast, so I put her in her first pair of jeans.  It was quite different seeing her in jeans.  She usually only wears dresses but they looked pretty cute on her! 

She was watching Ruy practice.  It must have been pretty exciting to her.  And look at her standing all by herself.  My big girl! 

She wasn't interested in taking pictures any more by this point...can you tell?  And don't you love the grass all over my leggings?!  I'm usually sitting in the grass or kicking the ball with Liam during all the practices and games. 

Ruy had such a great game yesterday!  He played so hard.  He had so many great passes.

Nathan and Alanna were pretty into the game!  

Liam was more into kicking his ball than watching the game but when he did decide to watch the game, he found himself a comfy place.  Somehow he got the chair while Nathan and I sat on the grass.

 And the BEST part about the game... Ruy scored his first goal of the season!  He was more than just a little excited!  Can you tell?  I was SO happy I caught this picture.  I was just snapping some pictures of him playing and then he scored.  It was perfect!   


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