Field Trip Day

Nathan has worked over 100 hours this past week.  The kids missed him terribly.  I missed him terribly.  Nathan needed a day off.  We needed a day together.  We decided to take a field trip/family day today.  The boys were so excited.  Liam was going around the house saying "yay it's field trip day!"  He has no idea what a field trip is but because I made a big deal about it, he knew whatever a field trip must be a good thing!  

Nathan got home from the fire station this morning and while he had breakfast and kept the boys busy, I cleaned up the house, (I hate coming home to a messy house) packed our lunch, packed up our swimming things, loaded up the van, and we headed out.  

It was such a beautiful day.  The weather was perfect.  We ate a picnic lunch, the boys climbed trees, Alanna sat in the grass and ate one too many leaves, we saw horses, and went swimming.

The boys had a blast..especially while we were swimming.  Liam came splashing up to me saying "This is SO much fun" and Ruy kept saying how he wants to come back all the time.  Baby girl loved the water.  She splashed and laughed and ate a bunch of sand.  

We went to a yummy Mexican restaurant for dinner.  I may or may not have eaten an entire basket of chips all by myself...shhh don't tell anyone. 

After we got home I gave all the kids a bath and turned on a Curious George while I put Alanna to bed.  After George, Nathan read books to the boys while we all snuggled together on the couch.  Liam was really excited when I told him it was time for bed.  He said he was really tired and wanted to go to bed.  I didn't hear a peep out of him after we tucked him in.  

Tomorrow I'm starting some new fun studies for both Ruy and Liam.  I'm pretty excited about it and I think the boys will be too!

Well that's all for tonight!  I hope everyone else had a wonderful day too!

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