The First Day of Fall

Yesterday was the first day of Fall.  It felt like Fall.  When I woke up, my house was only 71 degrees.  We keep our AC set at 74 degrees so I knew it was cool outside.  I opened up all the windows in the house.  The smell of fresh air and the slight breeze throughout the house is so relaxing.  

We were busy this past Saturday, Sunday, and Monday so I knew that I didn't want to take the kids out anywhere yesterday.  We all needed a relaxing day at home.  Ruy is gone all this week on vacation at the beach.  I'm missing him terribly but I know he is having fun.

We spent the morning playing playdoh, building with blocks, and coloring.  Liam did an apple craft and then used the markers to make triangles.  He made the triangles all on his own.  He said "Mommy!  Look at that...Triangles!"  And when I looked over he was making triangle shapes!  My smart little boy :) 

 Duke always has to be wherever we are so I always end up catching part of him in the background.  Silly dog.  He drives me crazy sometimes but he really is a super sweet dog and the kids love him. 

After lunch we headed out for a walk.  The weather was perfect. I carried Baby Girl in the Ergo and Liam rode his little bike.  We found acorns, rocks, and dead worms.  Liam really wanted to take the dead worm home and was not happy when I wouldn't let him pick it up.  

After our walk I snapped a few quick pictures of Liam and Alanna.  It's a lot of work trying to get both of them to look at me at the same time.  

Liam picked a Dandelion on our walk, so he wanted it in the picture.  Alanna thought it looked good enough to eat!  I love this picture. 
After I took the dandelion out of Alanna's mouth, we went out in the back yard to swing.  I'm so thankful that this swing set was left here when we bought our house.  The kids spend so much time playing on it.

 She absolutely loves to swing!

Liam sits on the swing like this and says that it's his horsey! 

After naps, Nathan played baseball with Liam while Alanna sat in her bouncey seat and watched.  Then he spent some time swinging with Alanna.  They love their Daddy. 

Liam has started using Ruy's bat.  He thinks it is pretty awesome.  

Alanna is very much a Daddy's girl.  She loves it when he plays with her.  She gets so happy to see him when he gets home from work in the mornings! 

Here she is showing off her clapping skills! :) 

Later that evening after I put Alanna to bed, my Mom came over and stayed with the kids so that Nathan and I could go out on a date.  We hadn't been out alone since before Alanna was born so we really needed to spend some time together.  
We didn't want to be out late so we headed to our favorite place...Cheesecake Factory and indulged on some amazing cheesecakes!  We got a Caramel Apple Cheesecake and a Carrot Cheesecake.  They were both amazing.   

So other than missing my little man SO much...the First Day of Fall was pretty fantastic!

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