Seven Things About Me


{ONE}  I was a Missionary kid for about eight years of my life.

{TWO}  I have lived in two countries, three states, and 13 different homes.  

{THREE}  I am still terrified of the dark.  I keep my cell phone light on after I turn off my bedroom light, and then get into my bed and under my covers as fast as possible.  You never know what is hiding under the bed! 

{FOUR}  I am a neat freak.  My house may not always show that, but inside I am.  I have had to learn to control my OCD like behavior and chill a bit though since having kids.  My husband reminds me that we don't live in a magazine and that it's ok if everything is not where it should be. I have realized that sometimes I put "having a clean house" too high on my list of priorities and by doing that, miss out on opportunities to be spending precious time with my family.  While having a clean and organized home is very important, it should never come before family.   

{FIVE}  I swore I would never drive a mini van again after getting rid of my first mini van when Ruy was a baby.  Fast forward 6 years later and I'm back to driving a mini van...only this time I LOVE it.  Vans are so spacious and comfortable to drive.  I do not miss my little car at all.  Besides... I was maxed out of seats in my little I have three empty seats just waiting to be filled :) 

{SIX}  One of my all time favorite movies is The Count of Monte Cristo.  

{SEVEN}  I am a recovering bread and butter addict! haha... no seriously though, I started a diet called Trim Healthy Mama back in May and it has changed my life.  I can not tell you how much better I have felt these past few months.  I still "cheat" every once in a while and have a Chick-fil-a sandwich and waffle fries but the way I feel after doing so makes me quickly remember why I have given that way of eating up as a whole.  I have made a life style change in my approach to eating and I love it.  If you want to know more about Trim Healthy Mama you can check out their website here.

Well those are just a few things about me that you may or may not have known.  I'd love to hear a little bit about you, so feel free to leave a comment below!

Photo Credit:  Kim Norman Photography

1 comment

  1. I love this list! I love that even though you prefer a neat home, you welcome me and my crew of little ones every chance we get---and you never complain about the mess. :) I can't wait to see your empty seats filled with more treasures!
