Menu {September 8-14}


Breakfast- Banana Muffins & Peanut Butter-Banana-Chocolate Smoothies (Kids)
Pumpkin Muffin In A Mug ( Me)

Snack -  Homemade trail mix (kids)
Peanuts, string cheese (me)

Lunch -  PB & Jelly, pretzels, fruit (kids)
Tuna Wrap, pickles, yogurt with fruit (me)

Snack - Apples with yogurt peanut butter dip (everyone)

Dinner - Slow Cooker Chicken Chili (everyone)


Breakfast- Eggs & toast (kids)
Eggs, fruit (me)

Snack -  Smoothie (kids)
Shake (me)

Lunch - Grilled cheese sandwich, fruit
Grilled cheese on a Joseph's wrap,  fruit

Snack - Soft pretzels with honey mustard (kids
Sweet Potato with cinnamon, Truvia, & butter (me)

Dinner - Turkey tacos (everyone)


Breakfast - Pancakes 
THM Pancakes (me)

Snack - Homemade trail mix (kids)
Pumpkin Latte & skinny chocolate (me)

Lunch - Pigs In A Blanket, fruit (everyone)

Snack - yogurt with fruit and chocolate chips (everyone)

Dinner - Grilled chicken, broccoli, mac & cheese (everyone)


Breakfast- Overnight Pumpkin Oatmeal (everyone)

Snack - Bananas with honey (kids)
Sweet Potato (me)

Lunch - Turkey Sandwiches, veggies & ranch (kids)
Turkey Wrap & Salad (me)

Snack - Graham crackers with nutella (kids)
Shake (me)

Dinner- Leftovers or oatmeal (everyone)
*Nathan is at the fire station...keeping dinner simple.


Breakfast- Omelets (kids)
Muffin In a Mug (me)

Snack- homemade trail mix (kids)
Shake (me)
Lunch - Bean and cheese Quesadillas (kids)
Bean and cheese wrap (me)

Snack - Baked Apple (everyone)

Dinner - Homemade Pizza (everyone)


I don't typically plan Breakfasts and Snacks out for Saturdays.

Dinner:  leftovers or oatmeal
*Nathan is at the station...keeping it simple


Breakfast- Overnight oatmeal
*I have to be at church by 8:20AM for nursery, so I need a quick and easy breakfast.

Snack- Kids get snack in their class at church.
I'll pack something for myself in the diaper bag.

Lunch - Slower cooker Chicken Parmesan & Salad (everyone)

Dinner - We usually eat leftovers, make another homemade pizza, or have wraps on Sunday evenings.  It's just simple since we have a big lunch.  

** I try to stick with the menu but of course things come up during the week that I can't predict when making my menu.  So I may stray from it a little bit, but it really does help my week run smoother when I have a menu planned out.  
I'm also planning on making some pumpkin cookies for the kids, and a THM (Trim Healthy Mama) version of a Pumpkin Roll for myself and my hubby!

And just because I like to always post a picture...

Baby girl enjoying some yummy Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins.

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