Our Story {Part 4}

If you missed Parts 1-3, you can find them here

Nathan and I only saw each other a couple of times over the Summer after 7th grade.  I went to his church with a friend of mine once, saw him at the base pool once, and I went to his 13th birthday party.  I was really excited that I had been invited. Here we are at his party looking extremely nervous again about having our picture taken together!

As far as I can remember, those were the only  times we saw each other.  I wasn't allowed to talk to boys on the phone, so we really didn't have any way to communicate.  School started back up in August but my parents had decided not to put us back in Christian school for the time being.  I was really disappointed.   But then my parents decided to put my brother Matt and I into school FULL time!  I was nervous and happy about that.  Going from home schooling to Christian school was different, and while I was looking forward to it, it was an adjustment at first.  Having to get up really early, being away from home so late, and having a lot of homework wasn't very enjoyable to me, but I liked being at school with Nathan so it made it worth it.

My brother was on the Varsity basketball team and Nathan was on the Jr. Varsity basketball team.  Since Matt was my ride to and from school, I had to wait at school while he had basketball practice.  The Varsity basketball team practiced after the girls and after the Jr. Varsity team.  So, I had to be up at the school for a really.long.time.  I decided that since I was already there, I might as well join the girl's basketball team.  That way, I could ride on the bus to all the away games with Nathan.  My motives for joining the basketball team were all wrong...but it gave me something to do and kept me active.

The thought of me even playing basketball is pretty funny...actually watching me play basketball is hilarious.  I had NO clue what I was doing.  I am terribly uncoordinated, extremely girly, and not a fan of getting hot and sweaty.  Lets just say...I sat the bench most of the season, which was totally and 100% fine with me.  I actually wanted to cry every time my coach told me it was my turn to go in.  It was terrifying being out on the court with all those people watching me.  I did however, make one goal that season!  My Dad even caught it on video.  My Dad still talks about that goal to this day.    

Nathan and I sat together at every game whether it was home or away.  We had to sit on opposite sides of the bus when we went to away games, but we sat as close to each other as we were allowed.  We were always together at lunch, in the locker hall...pretty much just as much as possible.  Nathan continued to pass me notes, especially in computer class.  We were on the back row with only one person sitting in between us.  It was pretty hard to focus in that class but we had fun.  We were such good friends.  It was amazing.  

In December 2001, on a Sunday evening, my Dad allowed Nathan's parents and Nathan to come pick me up and take me to their church.  Their church was having a Christmas Cantata and Nathan wanted me to see it with him.  I was beyond surprised when my Dad said I could go.  My Dad had never liked any boy liking me, or me liking a boy, so I wasn't sure why he was ok with me going to church with Nathan.  However, I wasn't about to question him as to why he was saying yes.  I just very happily thanked him and gave him a big hug! 

I was really nervous the entire Sunday morning/afternoon of the Cantata.  I got ready to go way too early and was actually sitting on the steps inside the front door waiting for him to ring the doorbell.  I remember he held the door open for me and helped me get into his parents' van.  Nathan's Mom is very outgoing and energetic.  I loved her.  I thought she was so beautiful and I wanted to be fun like her when I became an adult.  She wore toe rings and anklets...I thought she was so cool.  She was really excited to see me when I got into the van.  She called me "Honey" or "Sweetie" the whole time.  She still calls me that now. :)  Nathan and I sat together on the back seat of the van. (with 6 inches between us)  Not necessarily because we wanted to be that far a part, but because Nathan's Mom kept looking at us through the rear view mirror.  

We all sat near the back of the church.  It was dark.  I felt Nathan reach over and grab my hand.  It was the first time we held hands.  I don't remember anything about that Cantata other than the fact that I held Nathan's hand through the whole thing.  

A few nights later on Christmas night, the phone rang.  I was sitting in our living room going through all my Christmas presents.  My Dad walked in and handed me the phone.  I asked him who it was.  He said "It's Nathan."  I looked at him in complete shock and asked him "Is it ok if I talk to him?"  He smiled and said it was.  My Dad walked out of the living room and back into the dining room.  I sat there in complete and utter shock for a moment before saying anything to Nathan.  My parents had a lot of rules.  One of those many rules was "No Phone Calls From Boys!"  So you can understand my reaction to my Dad when he handed me the phone and said it was Nathan.  I didn't dare leave the living room.  I sat right there and talked to him where my Dad could hear every word I said.  I didn't want to press my luck.  We talked for about 20 minutes.  While we were talking I heard Matt run into the dining room where my Dad was and say "Dad!  Did you know Lauren is talking to Nathan on the phone!!!"  My Dad reassured him that he most definitely did know and that he shouldn't worry about it.  Brothers!  When I got off the phone, I went and asked my Dad why he had allowed me to talk to Nathan.  He told me that Nathan had come to him and asked him if it would be ok for him to call me.  My Dad respected that and he liked Nathan a lot.  Nathan must have made an amazing impression on my Dad because he was the only boy my Dad ever let call me or take me anywhere.  After that evening, Nathan was allowed to call me once a week.  
I was happy.  I never wanted anything to change.  And then it happened...

The three words that no child ever wants to hear.  My parents came to us kids in January 2002 and told us that in six weeks, we would be moving. 

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