Monday Ramblings

Friday night Nathan was home all day.  It was fabulous.  We had a really good day.  But the highlight of my day was when Nathan played with the kids while I made dinner.  I was able to make dinner, set the table, and wash all the dishes before dinner without one.single.interruption from the kids!!!  Oh if that could only happen every night.  

Saturday morning as I was drying my hair, Liam came running into the bathroom with so much energy.  He said "Mommy!  I feel happy!"  I asked him why he felt happy?  He said "Daddy!  Daddy makes me happy!"  He had the biggest smile on his sweet little face.  He reached up to me and gave me a kiss and a big hug and then ran back outside.  Nathan was sitting outside reading his Bible while Liam rode his bike.  And to Liam, it just completely made his day!

It was such a simple thing...
Sometimes as adults, we can get so caught up in our routine, our schedule, our stresses,  that we forget to just enjoy the simple things in life that really make our lives happy!  I had to stop and think about how much I do that.  It's something I really need to work on.  Looking at life the way a child looks at life really changes your perspective on things.

Saturday night, Alanna used her toothbrush for the first time.  The drool that was running down her face told me that she loved it. 

Today was pretty uneventful.  It rained all day.  Ruy came home from his vacation last night and I was SO happy to have him back.  I missed him terribly.  He drew this adorable picture today.  It's him being a cowboy with a little goat.  We're thinking about getting some goats so he wanted to draw one.  I think he did an amazing job on this cowboy!

I ran out to the store for an hour this afternoon and was thankful to find some new rain boots for Liam.  His boots from last year got broken so he needed new ones.  He has missed his boots so bad.  He wore them pretty much every day last year so you can imagine his excitement when he pulled the new boots out of the bag!  He immediately put them on and didn't take them off the rest of the night.  They are sitting by his bed right now as he sleeps! Of course his hat is next to his bed as well.  Be prepared to see lots of pictures of Liam with his hat and rain boots on this fall.  It's been over a year and Liam is still wearing his hat pretty much every day. 

We have a pretty full week the rest of the week.  Wednesday is Awanas, Thursday is soccer practice, Friday we're going to the State Fair, Saturday is Ruy's soccer game, and Sunday is church and Apple Picking!!!  Whew!  I'm exhausted already.  Not really.  I'm pretty much overly excited about going to the fair and the apple orchard! 

Happy Monday everyone and I hope you all have a fabulous week!

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