Pumpkin Painting, School & Apple Cinnamon GGMS Drink

Today was such a beautiful day.  It was a great day for painting pumpkins.  So I made up my Apple Cinnamon GGMS Drink (Good Girl Moon Shine Trim Healthy Mama Drink) and grabbed our History reading book. 

Then I got an old curtain out and set up some paints on paper plates out front.  The boys were so excited.

Liam said that he was painting his pumpkin for me.  He also said "My pumpkin is important!"  Yes Liam...Your "perfect" pumpkin with the big dent in it is very important!

Ruy was pretty serious about some pumpkin painting.  He was pretty focused :) 

We've been studying about Christopher Columbus in History this week so part of our History was reading a story about a family that traveled from Spain to Florida and how difficult the trip was.  Ruy really loved this story.  The little boy in the story was 10 years old, so Ruy liked hearing about a boy his age helping out on the ship.  And Liam...for only being three, he pays attention a lot even in these big stories. He kept asking me questions about the story and wanting to know more.  

This time with the boys was so fun and relaxing.  This is one of the things I love most about home-schooling.  I love sharing these moments of learning and seeing the excitement on their faces, and sharing in their eagerness to learn more.  All while having fun together! 

And here are the finished results...

If you're curious about the GGMS Drink...it's part of the Trim Healthy Mama diet that I follow.  I love love love this drink.  You can change it up in so many different ways and get so many different flavors.  This Apple Cinnamon flavor is one I made up and I'm obsessed with it right now. 

Here is the recipe:


1.5 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
2 packets Truvia
1/8 tsp Ginger
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Apple Pie Spice
28 oz water (1 quart mason jar)


Mix all ingredients & Enjoy!!!

What is it with Mondays?

There are some days where I just want to hit the rewind button and start all over.  It tends to happen on Mondays... I think it's that way with most people.

Ruy came home last night sick.  He had some sort of 24 hour bug.  I put him to bed at 8:15PM and he slept until 9:15AM!!!  I was happy he got the rest he needed because he was feeling MUCH better this morning, but it threw off our whole school routine.  Alanna also decided that 4:50 would be a good time to wake me up this morning and then she didn't go back to sleep until 6:30.  Nathan gets up at that time and the boys usually get out of bed shortly after, so I got in the shower at 6:30 after being up for 2 hours.  I knew it was going to be a long day at that point.  

We didn't get to start school until close to 11 this morning just because everything was so off.  We still weren't done with all our school by 3PM but it had been a long day so we headed off to check out a new park.  When I say "headed off" you have to remember all the things that go into "heading off" to the park.  I wish it were as simple as grab my keys and go but those days ended a long time ago.  In the middle of me trying to get ready to go, Alanna woke up from her nap which only was about 45 minutes.  She was most definitely not ready to be awake so she cried and cried the entire time I tried to get ready.  Packing up the diaper bag, snacks, cups, my purse, getting myself ready, taking Liam potty, and trying to convince Ruy that Duke had hid his rain boot somewhere in the back yard and that he must wear another pair of shoes, all while Alanna was screaming...well you get the picture.  I was a little stressed by the time we got into the van.  

But once we got to the park we all felt more relaxed.  The boys were excited to go "exploring" on the trails and Alanna loved watching them play while she snacked on some grapes.  We really liked it and now they want to go back tomorrow.  

We had to pick up a few things at Wal-Mart after the park, and then headed home to eat dinner.  Thankfully I had Black Bean Soup in the crockpot.  Dinner was ready to eat within 20 minutes of us getting home and all the kids loved it.  Alanna LOVES some black beans and sour cream so this was the perfect meal for her.  The boys liked dipping Blue Corn Chips in the soup.  It's always nice to find a new recipe that is cheap and easy that the kids love.  This will definitely be a recipe I make often from now on.  

I had to put Liam to bed at 7:15.  He was so emotional and tired and just couldn't stop crying.  Alanna went to bed right after him and by 8 Ruy was saying that he was tired.  I read a book to him and got him tucked in.  

The nights when Nathan is working at the fire station are hard.  The kids have missed him a lot this week.  Liam especially has had a hard time this week.  Nathan was gone for 11 days in China and then came home and went straight into his "hell week" at the station.  He got home early Sunday morning and then went to the station on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and today. 
 By the end of "hell week" I am always worn out.  I'm sure that's why today seemed so much longer than most days.
 But tomorrow is a new day...


Menu Plan October 25-November 1

It's hard to believe another week has come and gone.  I really can't believe that I'm already planning meals for November!  Time is flying by so fast.  But it's Saturday again and that means menu planning for the next week.  So here is our menu for this coming week.  I hope you find it helpful.  If you are interested in a recipe that I don't have listed, please let me know! 

Week of October 26-Nov 1
Sunday (Nursery & Serve Team Members Meeting @ Church)
Breakfast-  Overnight Pumpkin Oatmeal (E) Everyone 
Lunch- Chicken Alfredo over Dreamfields Pasta, Green beans (S) Everyone
Dinner- Sausage & Egg Tacos, fruit (S) Everyone  *(Pack leftover Pasta for Nathan's meal tomorrow)

Monday (*Nathan @ Station)
Breakfast- Me: Pumpkin Muffin In A Mug w/ Pumpkin Cream Cheese & Greek Yogurt Frosting (S) Kids: Banana Muffins with Peanut Butter
Lunch- Me: Salad & Fat Stripping Frappe (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, smoothie
Dinner- Black Bean Soup with blue corn chips (E) Everyone

Tuesday (Nathan @ Station)
Breakfast- Scrambled Eggs (Sides are either turkey bacon &/or Shake) (S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Grilled cheese on Bread In A Mug w/ tomato soup (S)  Kids: Grilled Cheese & Ham Sandwich, Carrots & Ranch
Dinner- Chicken Tacos (S or E) (Depends on what toppings we use that night) Everyone

Wednesday (Awanas)
Breakfast- Me: Trim Healthy Pancakes with either Sugar-free syrup or Greek Yogurt & berries (E)  Kids: Pancakes
Lunch- Me: Salad & yogurt with fruit (S or E) Kids: Mac & Cheese, fruit
Dinner-  Leftover Black Bean Soup with blue corn chips (E) Everyone

Thursday (Soccer Practice)
Breakfast- Overnight Oatmeal (E) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Tuna fish on a wrap with a FSP (E), Kids: Tuna fish sandwich with pretzels and fruit.
Dinner- Homemade Pizza and Salad (E) Everyone *(Pack leftovers for Nathan's dinner tomorrow)

Friday (Nathan @ Station & Fall Festival)
Breakfast- Omelets with Shake or yogurt with fruit (S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Turkey Wrap & apple cinnamon yogurt (E) Kids: Turkey Sandwich & apple cinnamon yogurt
Dinner- Crockpot Refried Beans & cheese quesadillas (E) Everyone

Saturday (Soccer game & Chili Cook Off & Trunk or Teat @ Church)
Breakfast-  Oatmeal Pumpkin Muffins (E) Everyone 
Lunch-  Me: Stuffed Sweet Potato (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, pretzels, fruit
Dinner-  Chili @ Church (Everyone)

Snacks Kids:
1.       Popcorn
2.       Smoothies
3.       Peanuts & String cheese
4.       Cinnamon Apples
5.       Fruit
6.       Raisons
7.       Muffins
8.       Goldfish

My snacks:
1.       Shake
2.       Yogurt with fruit
3.       yogurt with peanut butter
4.       Skinny chocolate & coffee
5.       Peanuts & string cheese
6.       Almonds
7.       Cottage Berry Whip
8.       Muffin In A Mug
9.       Sweet Potato fries
10.   Chick peas
11.   Popcorn
12.   Cinnamon apples with yogurt

*Desserts & Freezer Cooking this week:
1.       Pumpkin Cream Cake
2.       White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies (For the kids)
3.       Pumpkin Oatmeal Muffins
4.       Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes (+ Extras to freeze)
5.       Homemade Pancakes for the kids (+ Extras to freeze)
6.       Apple Muffins (Some THM muffins for me & some regular for the kids)

*These are things that I am hoping to make.  Some weeks things get crazy and I don't always get to all of it though. 



Eleven Months

19 Pounds, 3 Ounces, 29 Inches
(I measured her myself this time so this might be slightly off.)

Today you turned eleven months old.  Just one more month until your birthday!  I am so excited for your birthday and so not ready for it all at the same time.  I am just sort of in shock that in just a few short weeks it will already be a year since you were born.  

This past month you learned several new things.  You started playing "peek-a-boo." You put your blanket on your face while I was changing your diaper the other day, and then pulled it off your face and had a huge smile while you did it.  Then you did it again and I said "peek-a-boo" to you and you laughed and laughed.  You also started making a new sound.  It sounds like you are trying to hiss like a snake.  You says "ssss" and your cute little tongue sticks out a little bit when you say it.  It's the cutest.  You also say "mama" all the time.  I still don't think you know I am "mama" but you like to say it and that is fine with me. 

You started drinking from a sippy cup.  I got you two new cups from Target and you just love them.  They are so easy for you to hold and easy for you to drink from.  You are also eating more and more every week.  Pizza is probably your favorite food.  Like Mother...Like Daughter :)  You tried pineapple for the first time the other day and you really liked it.  

You are nursing only about 6 times in a 24-hour period now.  It's hard to get you to nurse after you wake up in the morning or from a nap because you just want to go.go.go all the time! You nurse usually only once a night but sometimes twice.  I actually sometimes like our night-time nursing time because you are so snuggly and warm and nurse for 15-30 minutes.  It is kind of a peaceful time.  You go right back to sleep in your crib even if I lay you down awake so your night-time nursing doesn't bother me. Only the nights once or twice a month when you decide to stay up for three straight hours bothers me. 

You are taking 1-2 steps when you try to walk.  You still prefer to crawl but you have tried to walk a few times this week.  You walked (took 2 steps) from the couch to me the other day.  I was so proud of you and by the smile on your face, I think you were proud of yourself as well.

I think your favorite thing is when we take a walk and you ride in the wagon.  You love our daily afternoon walks.  You get so excited when I open the front door.  You start shaking your body and laughing.  You prop your feet up on the sides of the wagon the whole time we walk.  

You always want to put your fingers in my mouth when I hold you.  You love to give high fives and clap your hands.

You love when Mommy and Daddy sit on the floor and play with you.  You love hearing Liam make "duck" sounds at you, and you love playing with Ruy.  You love when Liam gets down on the floor with you and crawls.  You crawl after him and chase him.  Liam and you laugh and laugh while you both crawl around.  You like to sit up on Daddy's shoulders and hit his head or play with his hat.

You are the sunshine of my life.  Your happiness warms my heart and makes every day brighter!

Happy Eleven Months Sweet Pea

I love you more than you will ever know.

My Laundry Schedule

Laundry...it's never ending. And a few months ago, I constantly felt overwhelmed by it.  I would always just go through the rooms and check to see if anything needed to be washed.  Some days I would completely forget to check.  Some times, days and days would go by without me doing laundry and then I would have multiple loads to do in one day, which caused loads and loads to be folded, which meant loads and loads were left piled in a laundry basket because I never had time to fold them.  It was stressful.  It was frustrating.  It had to change.

So I sat down one afternoon while the kids were napping, and I wrote up and simple Laundry Schedule.  Here it is...

Monday:  White Delicates & *Diapers

Tuesday:  Sheets & Jeans

Wednesday:  Dark Delicates & *Diapers 

Thursday:  Towels

Friday:  Nathan's clothes & *Diapers

Saturday:  Extra Laundry

Sunday:  *Diapers

Since writing up this schedule, I know exactly what load to do every day.  I start a load of laundry either before or right after breakfast (depending on how crazy my morning is, I may forget until after lunch!) and then fold that load of laundry sometime after lunch and before dinner.  Now the laundry doesn't pile up and loads and loads of clean laundry aren't sitting around waiting to be folded.  Yes, of course there are still days where something unexpected comes up and I forget to start the laundry that day.  If that happens I will just add it to the next day or wait until Saturday to get caught up. 

I have a laundry basket in my closet for my clothes, and  separate laundry baskets in my bathroom for Nathan's clothes and the towels.  Liam and Ruy have a basket in their room, and Alanna has a basket in her room.  I mix our clothes together when I wash them unless the boys have dirtied so many clothes in a weeks time, then I will do two separate dark delicate loads.  I always wash Nathan's clothes by themselves.  

I cloth diapered with Liam pretty exclusively except for bedtime and long trips until he was potty trained a few months ago.  When I had Alanna I had every intention of using cloth diapers with her after she was 3 months old but I just never could get into it.  I was going through a hard time at that point and cloth diapers were just adding a big extra stress for me.  After talking with Nathan about it, we decided it was best to just use disposable for her and stop trying to make cloth diapering work until I felt ready to dive back into it.  Honestly, I should have started using them again months ago but just haven't.  I am planning on starting again very soon.  I am switching her to the old fashioned style of cloth diapers and need to order some covers, which is why I haven't started.  I need to stop procrastinating on ordering the covers and just get started already.  

Cloth diapers are different than disposables, but don't have to be stressful.  I loved them with Liam, but was at a different point in my life when Alanna was born and it just wasn't right for me at that time.  I'm hoping this time around will go much better :)  

I hope this Laundry Schedule post was helpful to you.  If you do something different, I'd love to hear about how you keep your laundry organized. 

And because every post deserves a picture or two...

The Pumpkin Patch

Nathan returned from China this past Sunday just after 12AM.  I knew he was home because my dog started wagging his tail and pacing up and down the hallway.  He knows the sound of Nathan's truck and I think missed him as much as the kids and I did.  I got up as quickly as I could, raced into the kitchen and hugged him so tight.  He was home. He was safe.  Airplanes make me nervous.  The boys jumped in bed with us at 6:30AM.  They were so happy to have Nathan home.  Alanna got the sweetest smile on her face when she saw Nathan and said "Dada" for the first time since he had left.  Maybe she is figuring out our names after all?  After church we spent the day hanging out outside mainly and just enjoying being at home with each other. 

The boys have been aching to go to the Pumpkin Patch and we waiting to go until Nathan got home, so we decided Monday would be the day.  We got to the Pumpkin Patch around 4PM, and there was hardly anyone there.  We normally go on the weekend and it is always packed.  We were overly excited to see how few people were there.  The Pumpkin Patch that we go to is free, you just pay for the pumpkins you pick.  They have a playground, a hay maze, and a hay ride all for free.  We really enjoy it and have been going to this particular Pumpkin Patch for about three or four years now.  Somehow I managed to forget to bring our wagon and my Ergo so either Nathan or I had to hold Alanna the whole time.  She was dying to get down and crawl around but a field full of hay isn't really the most ideal place for that.  

 Alanna would not sit still for even a second.  I had such plans of the pictures I would get of her in her adorable pumpkin dress, surrounded by beautiful pumpkins...but no, it was hopeless.  I will have to take pictures of her with the pumpkins we bought another day. 

The boys had a blast running through the fields picking out the "perfect" pumpkin.  Liam's "perfect" pumpkin has a big dent on the one side.  Liam decided that rolling the pumpkins down the hill in the field would be a wonderful idea.  He didn't really understand why we didn't agree with him.  He found this pumpkin and took it straight to Ruy, telling him it was so heavy and asking for help to carry it.  Ruy is such a good helper and carried it to our pile for him.

My sweet Baby Girl looks so grown up in this picture. 

This picture cracks me up.  It's so "real."  None of the kids wanted to take any pictures while we were there.  They usually cooperate with me pretty well for "posed" pictures, but not so much that day.  They definitely prefer for me to just take natural lifestyle shots of them. They don't even really notice the camera anymore when I take pictures like that.


 The boys loved the tractors they had there and especially that the owners allow you to sit on them.  We bought two big pumpkins and three really little ones and three mums.  

After we finished up at the Pumpkin Patch we headed to Cook Out for dinner.  We ate there last year as well...I think it might end up being a new tradition.  I know...their food isn't healthy.  It's most definitely not THM but sometimes you just have to give in and get a Banana Pudding Milkshake!  

The ride home was filled with lots of noise as usual.  Liam and Ruy always seem to find something to either argue about, or laugh way too loudly about.  

Can you tell that Liam is about to call Ruy "Boogey Face" in this picture?

Name calling has become a huge issue between our boys, so it's something I have really been working on with them.  Some days I feel like I will never get through to them and then other days I see a small ray of hope.  

Liam was cold the other morning so I pulled out his bear hat from last winter.  You should have seen the expression on his face when he saw it.  It was like Christmas.  He was so excited.  I haven't hardly been able to get it off of him the past few days.  I think he might be as much in love with it as his favorite "hat."...you know the one.  

Oh and notice all the hand prints on Liam's window.  It's pretty hard to keep anything clean for longer than 1.5 seconds with kids around! 

And then of course I can always count on hearing Ruy making some sort of "battling" noises with whatever toys he has decided to bring along with him.  Yes, it never a dull moment when you have boys.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'd say our Pumpkin Patch trip was quite a success.  

Now the boys are looking forward to carving their pumpkins with Daddy and the Trunk or Treat at our church!

Menu Plan {October 19-25}

 It's been a few weeks but here I am with another weekly menu plan.  I'm going to try to post these every Saturday since I plan my menu from Sunday to Saturday.  I repeat a lot of the same meals every week.  No, we're not boring...it's just easier that way and we like these meals a lot so it works.  Dinners will change up from week to week some but breakfasts, lunches, and snacks are usually pretty much the same every week.  Nathan and I eat slightly different than the kids for breakfast and lunches since we follow THM, but our dinners are always the same.  Our dinners are always "on-plan" and it's easier to just make the same meal for everyone at dinner time.  If you see something that you would like the recipe for, feel free to ask and I will try to do a post with that recipe.

Week of October 19-25
Sunday (No Nursery)
Breakfast-  Apple Pie (I made something special to celebrate Nathan coming home)  Everyone
Lunch- Crock Pot Cream Cheese Chicken over brown rice & Broccoli (S)  Everyone
Dinner- Sausage & Egg Tacos, fruit (S) Everyone

Breakfast- Me: Muffin In A Mug w/ Cream Cheese & Greek Yogurt Frosting (S) Kids: Banana Muffins
Lunch- Me: Salad & FSP (E) Kids: PB & Jelly, smoothie
Dinner- Chili with ground turkey (E) Everyone  *Pack leftovers for Nathan's dinner on Tuesday.

Tuesday (Nathan @ Station)
Breakfast- Scrambled Eggs (Sides are either turkey bacon &/or Shake) (S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Turkey, lettuce, tomato wrap (E) Kids: Grilled Cheese & Ham Sandwich, Carrots & Ranch
Dinner- Chicken Tacos (S or E) (Depends on what toppings we use that night) Everyone

Wednesday (Awanas)
Breakfast- Me: Trim Healthy Pancakes with either Sugar-free syrup or Greek Yogurt & berries (E)  Kids: Pancakes
Lunch- Me: Turkey Bacon Salad with Ranch (S) Kids: Mac & Cheese, fruit
Dinner-  Cheeseburger Pie, Deviled Eggs, Pickles (S) Everyone *Pack leftovers for Nathan's dinner on Thursday.

Thursday (Nathan @ Station, & Soccer Practice)
Breakfast- Overnight Oatmeal (E) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Mozzarella & Tomato wrap w/ yogurt & fruit (E) Kids: Cheese & Bean Quesadillas w/ Sour cream, fruit
Dinner- Leftover Chili (E) Everyone *Nathan is working so I'll be keeping it simple.

Breakfast- Me: Omelets with Shake or yogurt with fruit (E or S) Everyone
Lunch- Me: Turkey Wrap (E) Kids: Turkey Sandwich, smoothies
Dinner- Homemade Pizza & Salad (E) Everyone *Pack leftovers for Nathan's dinner on Saturday.

Saturday (Nathan @ Station & Soccer Game)
Breakfast-  Whatever I feel like. 
Lunch- Pack lunch to eat at game.  Me: Wrap & yogurt (E or S) Kids: PB & Jelly, fruit, pretzels
Dinner-  Me: Trim Healthy Mama Pancakes (E) Kids: Pancakes *Nathan is working so I'll be keeping dinner simple.

*Kids Snacks:  (We eat snacks at 10AM and 3PM but I don't tend to ever stick with what I had planned so I just make a list of what snacks I have for the week and pick something off the list as needed. My snacks are a little different from the kids but I never know what I will be in the mood for so I don't preplan my snacks.)
-Homemade trail mix
-Graham Crackers

My Snacks:  This is a list of the snacks I usually eat.
- Greek yogurt with PB, truvia, and sugar free chocolate chips
- Cottage Berry Whip
-Shake (there are so many variations you can make with these)
-Apple with greek yogurt & PB
-Peanuts & String cheese
-Almonds & Fruit
-Yogurt with frozen berries (thawed)

*On the days Nathan is working at the station, he takes a shake with him to drink on his way to work.  I pack him 2 snacks, lunch, dinner, and usually a dessert.  Since Nathan joined me in the THM diet about two months ago, I have been packing his meals.