10 Days In East Asia... {Days 3,4,5}

{Days 3,4,&5}

10-10-14 Friday

Today was pretty relaxing.  We got up at 7.  I had plans of making apple pancakes for the kids but re-heating frozen pancakes was just so much easier.  I made my THM pancakes though and they were delicious.  

Ruy had the hardest time finding your letters in the log pile this morning.  He was glad that you were able to Skype with us this morning and help him find them.  We opened them after we got done talking to you.  He loves that you put a Bible verse on each letter.  He rushed and grabbed his Bible this morning and read the verses to me.  Liam has figured out what is going on with these letters.  He handed me his and said "Read it Mommy!" Liam thought it was so funny that you said "Hey Stinky" on his.  He loves it when you call him that.  Some time after we had read the letters, Liam came up to me and said "Where's my Stinky?"  He wanted to hold the letter from you. 

We had a really good day in school.  We played outside on the swings and I read a book to the kids.  Then we took a long walk. 

Baby Girl looked so pretty in this hat.  I somehow managed to get her to keep it on long enough to take this picture of her.  

 Ruy left at 2 and Alanna went down for a nap.  Liam sat at the table and played with the chalkboard, clay, and magnets while I did some things on the computer.  Then we read books and listened to the rain.  

After Alanna got up we got ready to go get dinner and go to Wal-mart to pick up a few groceries.  I grabbed the kids and all my stuff, locked the door and then realized I had locked the keys in the house!  I have never done that before.  Thankfully my Mom was home and came and unlocked the door for me.  I treated her to dinner for coming and rescuing me.  I am SO glad we had her keep a spare key.  Tonight would have been a really really really bad night if she hadn't had a key.  

We got home from our errands and I gave the kids a bath and tucked them in bed.  And that was about it for our Friday.  

{Day 4}

10-11-14 Saturday

It rained again today.  We were inside all day other than for the hour we were out running a few errands.  It kind of made for a long day.  I really wanted to go on our daily afternoon walk.  I had Liam play with beads, paint, color, build with blocks, listen to Patch the Pirate, read books, play with cars, play with trains, etc.  

He helped me clean the hall bathroom.  He thought scrubbing the toilet was the greatest thing ever.  I'm glad someone does :)  

I had a huge list of things I wanted to get done today.  Here is what I had on my list...
  1. Print my favorite pictures from the apple orchard.
  2. Clean hall bathroom
  3. Sweep under the beds
  4. Sweep the rest of the house
  5. Mop
  6. Fold towels
  7. Start a load of laundry
  8. Hang up boys clean clothes
  9. Make menu plan 
  10. Go to Kroger 
  11. Paint 1 picture frame (I have a bunch of frames that I want to redo since I can't afford to go out and buy a bunch of new ones)
  12. Organize Tupperware
  13. Balance check book
  14. Email a friend
  15. Wash outside of frig
  16. Return library books
  17. Wash chalkboard
  18. Make pizza
  19. Make MIM packets
  20. Blog
  21. Write up Ruy's lesson plans for next week
  22. Read 
  23. Clean desk
All the things I crossed off, I got done.  I felt like I got a lot accomplished.  I was pretty busy all day.  

Here is a picture of the frame I painted.  

Liam wanted to wrestle a lot today.  I'm not very good at wrestling.  You are much better at that.  He is pretty rough.  He tried to jump over me like he does with you and he was sad that I couldn't do it.  I tried my best though.  I threw him on the couch, play punched him, tickled him, and then had to kiss him a bunch.  Duke wanted me to play with him all day.  I finally got one of his rings out and played tug-of-war with him.  It's pretty exhausting wrestling with a 3 year old and a dog...I must be getting old.

I swept under the bed...there was so much dog hair under there it looked like an animal had died!  Yes, I'm being pretty honest to everyone here... I struggle with remembering to sweep under the beds.  But after today I'm determined to keep up with it.  It was disgusting.  

We had homemade pizza for dinner and Liam watched Milo and Otis again tonight.  He loves that movie.  He said "I want to watch Cat and Dog."  When Milo got lost on the river he said "Him needs his Mama!"  I love it when he says that. 

Alanna took 1-2 steps towards me several times the past two days.  She gets this big smile and likes it when I clap for her.  She is growing up so fast.  

Mike and Andrea got here around 8 tonight.  We had such a good time telling stories and laughing.  Seeing your brother made me miss you a lot.  

As I am heading off to bed, your day is getting started.  One week from today and you will be home. 

{Day 5}

10-12-14 Sunday  

I had nursery this morning so we got to church around 8:20AM.  After the first service I took Liam to the bathroom and let him play with me for a few minutes and then took him back to his class.  He did not want to go back to his class.  He grabbed onto my leg and said he wanted to just be with me.  He has had somewhat of a hard time making the switch from the 2 year old class to the 3-4 year old class.  Every Sunday since he moved up he has whined about it, but today it was really bad.  He started crying pretty hard and after how emotional he has been the past few days, I just couldn't leave him crying like that.  So I took him with me into the service.  Alanna was super tired because she had missed her morning nap so I had a feeling that we wouldn't make it through the whole service.  I took the kids into the foyer after the music was done but Alanna wouldn't stop crying.  So we just left about 10 minutes into the service and went home.  I'll get caught up on the service tomorrow hopefully.  

We went on a walk after the rain stopped.  It was nice to get out in the fresh air for a bit.  Mike and Andrea stayed till 5PM and then they left.  

Liam was SO emotional today.  He cried so much.  It was pretty exhausting.  I felt bad for him.  I know he is dealing with the change of not napping and then he hasn't seen you since Tuesday night.  He doesn't understand where you are.  He found your letter today out on the playground.  He was excited to go look for it at first...

And then he got really upset and said he didn't want to find it.

And then he was excited to open it once he found it. 

His emotions are all over the place right now.

He liked the Humpty Dumpty you drew on the letter.  I said the poem to him but he said "I don't like that." But then later in the car he started saying the poem and said he liked the drawing you did again...Like I said "His emotions are all over the place." 

We played on the playground for a little bit. He said there were monsters in the yard and started pointing at them saying "see the monsters Mommy?"

Then he played drums on the playground.  I hummed a little beat while he played.  He thought that was awesome.  It seemed to put him in a better mood for a little while. 

We made Apple Muffins for dinner.  Liam helped me out. I used this recipe here.  Oh my goodness!  They tasted SO good.  I ate four of them!  The only problem was that mine seemed to break apart really easy when I took them out of the muffin tins and I don't think they should have done that.  I cooked them for the amount of time I was supposed to but not sure what happened.  Even so, they tasted so good.  I can't wait for you to try them.  

After dinner we picked up Ruy and headed home to get Liam in bed ASAP.  He cried a bunch on the way home.  He asked for a bath and then as soon as I went to put him in the tub, he climbed up onto my lap and clung onto me saying he didn't want and bath and screamed when I put him back in the tub.  He cried the whole time I washed him and then when I said it was time to get out...he cried he didn't want to get out!  Yes...I have a headache tonight :)  Poor little guy.  I got him into his 'jammies' and went to read him a few books.  He closed the book and said "I don't want to read that.  I want to go to bed.  I'm sleepy."  So I prayed with him, kissed him, and put him to bed.  I'm hoping he has a better day tomorrow.  

It hit me tonight how much I miss you and how ready I am for you to be home.  You will be home in 6 days but your plane isn't landing until late at night and I will be in bed before you even get home, so it's a whole 7 days until I get to see you!  So this 10 day trip is really an 11 day trip.  I'm glad that we don't have to go this long without seeing each other all the time.  My heart goes out to military wives.  They are strong women.  

I miss you.  I love you.  I'm so thankful that you are my husband. 

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