10 Days In East Asia...{Day 2}

{Day 2}


Ruy and I opened your "clue letter" for today this morning.  Ruy was so excited to go find the next letter.  He found it on the porch.  Him and Liam fought over who was going to open it.  I let them each open half.  Neither of them liked that idea.  Alanna wanted to fold up and chew on her letter from you.  Ruy loved the drawing on his letter.  He looked up the Bible references you put on his letter and read them to me.  I liked the verse you put on mine today.  I also read the verse after it and really liked that one a lot.  It was very encouraging.

{Isaiah 26:3-4}
Vs. 3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Vs. 4 Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

Here is Ruy searching for your next letter.

And here is Liam saying that he wants to be the one opening the letter.
...ignore all the mess in the living room. 

Today we went to the Zoo with Kim and the girls.  I was really excited to see Kim since it has been so long since we hung out.  The kids had SO much fun today.  It was the first time we have been to the zoo and it was not roasting outside.  I think it only got up to 75 today.  The monkeys were making all sorts of funny noises and the kids just loved it.  They laughed and laughed and imitated it over and over.  

Liam was super afraid of the giraffes today.  Ruy tried helping him feed one but he jumped back away from it.  I can't really blame him though.  The giraffes must seem so incredibly enormous next to a little three year old.  Ruy was really sweet though trying to help him.  He was really sweet to Ruby today too.  I have noticed how much Ruy loves little kids.  He is such a good big brother.  Even though sometimes him and Liam fight or call each other annoying names, he really is a wonderful brother.  I'm so proud of him.

I bought the kids a stick with the bird seed on it so they could feed the birds.  They swarmed the kids.  Liam kept panicking when one would land on his stick and he would fling his stick around to make the bird fly away.  He usually loves the birds but he was acting afraid of them today. 

There were baby goats at the zoo today.  I loved them!  They were adorable.  It made me want to go out and get some baby goats today.  Now Ruy and I really want to get some goats.  We're totally on board with your wanting to buy goats. 

While we were eating lunch at the zoo, the yellow jackets came out of no where and were all over our food.  About five landed on Alanna at one time and then they were in my apples and my wrap.  I completely panicked and packed up all the food as fast as I could and got out of there.  I don't know why they swarmed us so bad but it was kind of scarey. 

 All the girls thought these type of deer were so pretty.  Ruy thought it would be fun to pretend he was shooting them.  The difference between boys and girls :)  Girls see pretty...boys see hunting.

Here Ruy is pretending to shoot the deer. 

After the zoo we went home and finished up school and then the boys played outside while I cleaned the bathroom.  I made slower cooker cream cheese chicken for dinner and I already had cooked rice in the freezer, so dinner was super easy to make tonight.  We had green beans with it and Alanna ate a bunch of them.  She actually loved the whole meal.  This is one of Ruy's new favorite meals...minus the green beans.  Liam struggled with eating dinner but I think it's because he was so tired.  He is still adjusting to not napping.  He gets really cranky around 3 or 4PM and just is whining most of the evening.  

Ruy had a good time at soccer practice.  I didn't get to watch most of it because I was keeping up with Liam and Baby Girl.  My Dad came to his practice though so it was nice to see him.  Liam saw a plane and said "Look it's Daddy!" 

It's been a busy two days.  I am pretty worn out.  We're not going anywhere tomorrow...just staying home and having a normal school day and hopefully doing some baking.  I need to use up the 34 pounds of apples we picked on Sunday.  Liam asked for apple pancakes for breakfast so that is probably what I'll do.  

I was happy to get to Skype with you tonight.  I was sad that we didn't get to talk but for a few minutes.  There was so much I wanted to say and so much I wanted to ask you about China but there just wasn't time.  I'm thankful for the few minutes we had though.  

Well I am off to bed.  It's 10PM here.  There is a sink full of dishes calling my name to wash them but I just don't have the energy to wash one more dish today.  You are probably done with breakfast by now and are off starting your day.  This 12 hour time change is so crazy!  It's weird to think it's already Friday where you are.  

I love you...I miss you. 

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